>"I'm proud of my blackness - whitey just oppresses us"
"I'm proud of my blackness - whitey just oppresses us"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Can we still sell racsim to black people?
>LMAO it still works hahahhahaha
why is he wearing porno shorts? This aint the 70's anymore.
>be a dumb cry baby nigger
>blame whitey for everything
>shack up with a coal burner ASAP
why do you call them that?
>dressed like a white guy at a country club in the 80s
>knocked up a coalburner
>hes supposed to be the wokest nigga alive
They will break up. Screencap this.
>they fucking took lando in the culture war
>creates persona cashing in on blackness
>bangs white woman
>starts dressing like someone from Vampire Weekend
stop killing muslims
Fucking white complex blacks fuck em
because they're kid sized and they're cut like women's shorts.
Man Jow Forums really doesn't know shit about gambino, he has always been a black nerd who hates black people. That's why one of his main lyrics is "the only white rapper allowed to say the n word".
No he aint
I love dong lover
He was scrutinized for being "too white" (code word for civilized) early into his rap career.
Never understood their reasoning
>proceed to marry a white person and have mutt babies
>whitey just oppresses us
The Lesson of Haiti
he is tho ?
Exactly this. He plays the game when needs to, but the truth is he's redpilled. Always has been. It's so obvious
holy shit just fucking sterilize all niggers already, how much longer are these genetic mistakes gonna run around?
whoever designed aids had the right idea, but please do make it better next time
nobody designed aids
it's a monkey disease
now do the math and figure out how the fuck did the niggers start getting a monkey virus