>this is how a 13yo dresses
What the fuck is wrong with western society?
>thousand cock stare
>leather jacket
>whore makeup
>this is how a 13yo dresses
What the fuck is wrong with western society?
>thousand cock stare
>leather jacket
>whore makeup
Who dis ?
Madame Tussauds is going downhill.
the stranger things girl
>thousand cock stare
nice one dutch boy
what are they doing to her. She looks dead inside, this makes me rage
Numerous Jewish producer cocks
>>thousand cock stare
Theres some almost nudes of that kike slut too
That mouth ain't 13 though.
She has been raised to believe she is the owner of the Universe’s most precious commodity. She may be right.
Why does it seem that only women put such a high value on pussy but men don't put that on their cocks? Never got that. I've never heard a man say "yeah I've got penis power, man"
everyone gets cakeup'd on TV, even men get powdered or you look shit on camera under intense light
shes in pedowood so you can figure the rest
Do you really not understand?
I understand that pussy value > dick power in America. If that weren't the case, Kim Kardashian wouldn't have 150 million fucking followers on Instagram, dumbass
Theres an old joke kinda goes like this.
Little boy and little girl are playing show n tell comparing body part, eyes ,ears,nose,mouth etc.. They get to below the waiste and little boy pulls down pants and shows his benis" i got one of THESE"
Little girl drops pants very upset she aint got one, little boy laughs brags haha "you dont have a benis" , little girl runs home crying.
Next day little girl all happy smiling dancing around, little boy hmmm. "Why so happy ? you aint got a benis " but benis shaming doesnt work, little boy confused.
Little girl turns smiles and points to her BAGINA ,"MY MOMMY SAID , SO LONG AS I HAVE ONE OF "THESE" I CAN GET AS MANY OF THOSE THAT I WANT !!!
Phone fag sorry green text would be better.
>Little girl turns smiles and points to her BAGINA ,"MY MOMMY SAID , SO LONG AS I HAVE ONE OF "THESE" I CAN GET AS MANY OF THOSE THAT I WANT !!!
She's right. Name any industry or line of work and I can tell who you who's dominating it.
>watching american show at the moment
>9yo girl asks a 30yo man to kiss her
>thousand cock stare
Like i said. She may be right.
Spot on. And made me smile... with both amusement and a kind of bitter acceptance that this is reality.
It's "thousand yard stare"
>covered up to her neck
What's the problem Habib?
>what are they doing to her
As the Talmud says, any shiksa is as young as three years old is fair game for the Jewish man, and the Jews in Hollywood have made this abundantly clear through their actions.
Franken likely played with her tits; Schneider almost certainly rubbed his sweaty cock all over her feet; Weinstein no doubt had her pose naked while he jerked off in the tub; Maher definitely fucked her raw... list goes on.
>She looks dead inside
That's what happens when you get molested and raped by the thousands of Jews in Hollywood.
>this makes me rage
It'll only continue to happen until Hollywood ceases to exist. Then, if the JQ isn't addressed then and there, the yids will simply scatter like roaches and establish a new "Hollywood".
Nope fagot, she never fought or even held a gun. On the other hand she had more cocks that you had pasta.
dad joke
>>leather jacket
I get the rest, but what is your beef with leatherjackets?
When I was growing up, 13 year old girls had braces on their teeth and watching the Disney Channel. now they all LARP as 25-year roasties.
Wow, bunch of brave men here ridiculing a 13 year old child. I hope you feel proud of yourselves. Maybe one day someone will put you under a microscope.
Wow a leaf being a thot white knight again! What a surprise!
if you want to lose your shit, go look up the kids of any famous musician or actor on instagram.
pic related is Travis Barker (from Blink-182) daughter. She's 13 years old
Seek help
Ugly dumb ho
I never expected to see the word 'Dreamy' attached in the same sentence as Jimmy Fallon.
>I can't think of anything for five seconds or I have eaten thousands of penises.
Fuck off. You guys were creaming yourself over Ariel Winters who was 14/15 and made excuse after excuse why it's natural to be attracted to her and encourage her whore behavior.
So, is 13 the new 30? They seem to hit the wall earlier and earlier.
They're grooming a 12yo for a rich fuck live on tv
I found her account by accident because I looked at Travis Barker's. the comments on it are pretty much 60% pedos, 40% other 13 year old jailbait trying to get her attention.
You can find worse pictures of her just by googling her name
>Ariel Winters
Literally who?
>creaming over
You seem to be the only one
Yeah, by 15 they've started to hit the wall and by 18 it's all over
>by accident
Who are you kidding?
Lemme spoodfeed you. Mostly /tv/ but whenever it popped on Jow Forums, people would defend being attracted to this girl because she had big jugs. Literally the same shit as OP. Now Ariel chopped her tits off and flaunts her ass around because she eternally craves attention.
I know we all joke about /tv/ being full of paedophiles, but really, can we actually blame them when it is so clearly being pushed by tv now?
So, has she been blacked yet?
God, I hope so
No need to tell me about you and your fellow pedo friends
Probably was told to dress up like that by her pedo producer. One time I was in a sexual relationship with a 13 year old girl, I asked her to wear her school uniform and go to a hotel with me and she wore a school uniform when it was way pass school hour. It was a nice gesture. I would've married her if it was legal and socially acceptable.
filter your water, don't drink from plastic bottles
She is not 13 yet. She will turn 13 on December 24 this year.
PBA plastic has been illegal (in anything that even comes close to food/drinks) in the EU since forever.
North Americucks
vapid idiot at 13 wonder what comes next
> fucking retard
data extrapolation taken to retarded levels.
In 2050 1 year olds would be bleeding.
Why do you give a fuck about what other people’s children are doing? Let them be little whores. And when you are walking down the street with your daughter, and you see one of those degenerate little fuckers walking around, point at her, make your daughter look at it, and explain to her the difference between her and the other girl.
That's a boy
You're a tard
totally self-obsessed teenager, nothing new
Except being dicked by adult Jews
No, that's the "I have a cock stare"
this behavior seems strange.
its strange right?
Used to be, but it's normal with under age girls these days
>thot collars already
its a strange thing
im not into obese chicks.
She's duckfacing in imitation of celebrities. Girls have always been like this, awkwardly trying to copy the style of older girls.
"Thousand cock stare" is just a figment of your own imagination. She's trying to imitate others because she thinks it makes her look more beautiful. It's what girls do. And that's not whore makeup.
>>thot collars
No, it's a black belt in dick sucking
OMG a leather jacket.
Once again conservaderps proving theyre secretly the same mentally as mudslimes.
Hey retard, go look her up or read thread before you spaz out
Her parents are using her, she's going to be the next superslut and her parents will bank off of it if she doesn't get away.
This is so cringeworthy
I’ve seen stranger things.
that's a man
her sister is her mother, her shits fucked brehs
I did but i guess i need an imam to make me enraged. Isnt it time for your prayers Muhammad?
i know we talk a lot of mad shit about pedos etc and maybe i'm getting old but this kinda shit really creeps me the fuck out. what happened to kids being kids? i was shitting in my pants not so long ago and now now these super young teens are seemingly demanding to be sexualised via how the dress/act and social media. the fuck is wrong with the world that 99% don't see this as a problem.
It's sick
Agreed, this shit is sickening.
Apparently she thinks it's OMG so cute when she sticks her tongue out.
>Travis Barker
Pic related is family. I was going to hate on him, but then I saw he has a Darlene shirt and I'll give him a pass today.
Jokes on you, she's 20. About the same age as the faggots that are on this board.
Poo on it.
What is this show called? The two Jewesses?
Sadly... You are likely correct.
TBF, it's both.
Nope. Turned off.
>no ass or tits
Shit, even Ariel Winter was stacked.
Ugly as sin
Amerimutts are so used to degeneracy that everything is normal to them
>grooming a 12yo for a grown up man
Im not surprised you think this way coming from little Saudi Arabia. Enjoy your euro wahabism. Ill stick to freedom and degeneracy.
>Saudi Arabia.
Your lovely allies and also lovers of cp like the people that run your country