This is what we earlier called France, Green countryside of Paris suburbs.
Arabs fighting each others at the eave of their shitRamadan.
When do we summon CharlesMartel ?
France - Invaders shouthing at eachothers
Other urls found in this thread:
go after the US kikes. This results in less wars. Meaning less excuses for emmigration from the middle east.
I will personally fly over to join your second revolution
>your nation deserves better than this
No, they don’t. Not after WW2.
Yes they do.
>they were right
Says the cucked Canadian who’s leader would let all of Canada be glassed and still not fire any nukes because “killing your enemies means they win.”
Wave the white flag once again you pathetic excuses for white Europeans
France is fucked my friends .
Soit tu restes et tu te prépares à l'avenir "multiculturelle"
Soit tu pars dans des pays blancs sécurisés comme en Europe de l'Est .
Right about what?
a bloo blo bloo. How's pablo treating the wife jesse?
That's Gaza user.
You meant that one who saved your ass just at time ?
>1914 germany declare wars
> murimutt declare neutrality
>1939 wars is declared by france and uk while germany invade poland
> murimutt declare neutrality
> keep selling weapons
>keep selling debt
>((( amerimutt )))
You voted for it faggots, now suffer in silence.
>51% white
je me suis fait traité de sale roumain gitan toutes mes années en France et j'ai hâte de pouvoir faire pareil dans le futur
>Soit tu pars dans des pays blancs sécurisés comme en Europe de l'Est .
Go and actually visit one of those countries someday, the wake up call is going to hit you real hard.
>Canada be glassed and still not fire any nukes because “killing your enemies means they win.”
They don't have nuke except yours if you posted them here.
> gonnesse
close enough , full filled of them just like jerusalem.
Find joan of arc grave , or where goes her fucking sword , the legend said it was charle one. but it's probably a myth.
>TFW the basilic of saint denis was squated by illegal nigger.
>They might have stole his holy sword from his grave.
How fucked are we ?
They don't have niggers and sandniggers in their capital cities and this is richest thing you will ever dream of considering current state of major cities in western europe.
Try living in paris suburb and commute every day and then tell me how you're so rich. The digital digits in your bank account won't mean shit when chaos breaks
you have your own to save
Thanks ameribro.
I can't wait to fill the dead nigger storage up with you.
ta gueule sale roumain
>Be french
>Basically fuck up the place so bad the terrorist fear you
>Be current day France
>Get so fucked up by brown people that the french fear them
What happened?
50 years of leftism and murimutt propaganda.
Anyone know what historic battle they're reenacting?
we don't really fear them.
it's the same as in the US and everywhere else.
Special snowflakes, not their fault but society's, etc. Bollocks day in day out.
elle est belle la france, non?
>blaming us for the same jews that got you into this
Je ne pense pa
>The digital digits in your bank account won't mean shit when chaos breaks
Your bank account can't protect your daughter and wife from being split in two by african gang rapes, neither your children from mixing with inbred macaques.
Only "sale blanc" french cucks will allow themselves to become Frafricans.
>we don't really fear them.
t. algerian
What is stopping you from forming a gang and kicking the shit out of at least a couple of these shitheads?