Should they expected to pay more when they get more? Absolutely. Just like how they should have to pay for two seats on buses. Fat shaming needs to come back in a big way.
Ethan Hernandez
more fabric, more labour, more price. simple.
Isaac Wright
>Why does my shirt cost more????? >thats like so unfair!!!!! maybe because its uses double the fabric so the materials cost is greater and takes longer to produce?
Dominic Taylor
Mcdonalds charges more for larger burgers, this is racist against fat people.
Jeremiah Thomas
No fat shaming is despicable. We shouאld eבmbrace of all shapes and sizes.
Eli Long
No fat shaming is despicable. We shouאld eבmbrace of all shapes and sizes.
Jordan Wilson
Should I subsidize fatties food bill too? Pay the same for smaller portions?
Disgusting. Lose weight you gluttonous pigs. Why does everyone else have to suffer for your bad choices?
Tyler Turner
Thomas Scott
Fat people should be fucking put in camps. Fucking disgusting people. I don't mind Jews, I don't really care about black people, but fat people really, genuinely sicken me. Probably the only group that I actively and unapologetically hate.
>it's just metaphorical TBQH there should be a real, goverment mandated fat tax. They DO cost more in terms of healthcare, public transportation and so on.
Benjamin Peterson
There is literally no reason for fat people to have to pay more for their food, clothing, seats, etc. None. Period.
The resources they're taking up are being saved by skinny people. It all evens out and nobody ends up poorer.
Connor Evans
>If they have good faces
how about you?
Matthew Morris
fat and lazy. fuck ur thicc meme
Leo Ortiz
>clothes in more rare sizes, which aren't in as high a demand more average sized are cost more Color me surprised
They should pay more, being a fat disgusting slob should be discouraged. We discourage people from smoking buy taxing them out the ass and obesity is larger problem facing us than smoking. Sorry fat ass, learn to eat right and exercise or pay more.
Blake Perry
You're making us look bad
Landon Reyes
Rather have a thicc real woman instead of a size 0 skeleton
But shes got rolls in her underwear
Jeremiah Robinson
you're literally retarded, bigly
Alexander Russell
There is a reason though: all of you fat fuckers are a literal weight on the rest of society and need to be genocided.
Once, clothes were taxed by the kind of material and the factory estimate of how much fabric was used to make the garment.
Then there were sweeping post war liberal reforms, excluding children's clothes and shoes from tax, then we had further exclusions on maternity wear etc.
So here we are, where a 40' waistline uses twice as much fabric as a 28' waistline but both garments are taxed at the same rate, in an attempt to eat the tax margin tailors should be able to up the price of larger garments but the roasties are sperging out like the entire western economic system hasn't spent the past century bending over backwards to please them.
Juan Rogers
Wrong socialist bro. Also Im fat and should have to pay more for food, clothing and healthcare
Asher Cox
How isn’t this a form of economic apartheid? It’s like making black people pay more tax just because they use health services more?
Tyler Walker
I know you're memeing but I'm genuinely disgusted by the amount of people in our country who are overweight or obese. It's by far the leading cause of preventable death in this country (followed by cigarettes) yet all the braindead shills who live here ever care about is the absolutely comparatively infinitesimal amount of people who die by gunfire every year because of how much more dramatic appeal a violent death has for a news broadcast.
Elijah Cruz
I work in the tshrit industry, if you will. At every turn, larger run sizes (XXL and up) cost more because the machines they use to loom the shirts need to be drastically adjusted to accommodate the larger size. Many loomers are old machines, and thus can only handle your "traditional" sizes (hell, even XL is pushing it sometimes). And this isn't even considering the increase in materials needed. At the end of the day, it comes down to what the company can get away with in pricing. Should they increase the price for fatties? Objectively, absofuckinglutely.
Jordan Bailey
t. fatty
Jaxon Johnson
My thoughts exactly
Brayden Peterson
Not only should they pay more for clothing, they should pay more for planeseats, movie seats, and get a bump on busfare tickets because they occupy much more volume, sweat more, and increase the mass of the bus the most, making fuel less efficient and the vehicle harder to drive
Parker Gomez
Wow those clothes are horrible. Do fashion designers even try nowadays? She looks like someone nicked a curtain from the early 90s.
Jace Scott
To my shame I still smoke (pertinent to the issue bare with me, yes I've quite in the meantime)
I was having a smoke outside an old train station, I noticed a work crew removing old tiles and pouring some sort of blue cement under the removed tile grout, one of the guys asked me for a light and I got to talking with him:
The tiles were cracking from the weight of people, not volume of people (far less people are using trains in 2018) but the average weight of people now exceeds the carrying capacity of the antique ceramic tiles.
Fatties have a million and one small cost on our society, even if they support themselves (heh) the overall cost of a landwhale will exceed the taxes they pay in their lifetime.
They should also pay more on sewer charges, given all the shit that they produce.
Hudson Foster
if fat is ok, then why is she purposefully striving to look thin with a classical "thinning up" modeling pose?
Dominic Price
but that already happens everywhere. The more appointments you go to, the more appointments you pay.
If you're ensured, then your ensurance premium goes up.
There is no validity to your claim.
Zachary Reed
why should skinny people have to pay more? other peoples' weight have nothing to do with them, and thus shouldn't be expected to pay more
Owen Wilson
Congrats, now to make prices the same, everyone will pay more. Of course they are more expensive if you need twice as much material for it.
Dylan Moore
Fuck off commie scum
Sebastian Brooks
>do you think fat people should pay more money for the same item of cloth (More material needed to make it)? Should skinny people pay less? no. What is supply What is demand
Easton Clark
There is literally no reason for rich people to pay more for their food, clothing, seats, etc. None. Period.
The resources they're taking up are being saved by poor people. It all evens out and nobody ends up poorer.
Jackson Cox
>No fat shaming is despicable. We shouאld eבmbrace of all shapes and sizes. screenshotting this for the next time someone says "there are no Israeli bots on Jow Forums fucking hell.
Nolan Perry
>Fat people shouldn't pay more money for food I agree, but probably not in the way you feel about it
Gavin Campbell
If i were them I'd just raise the price on "skinny people clothes" to the current fat-price, thus making the fat people look bad.
Collective punishment is pretty effective
Christopher Ortiz
it's fucking 2 pounds who gives a fuck. If it were up to me they'd be paying with their own lard and 10 quid extra for liberating them from their lard.
Hunter Sanchez
It's not just the fact they use more material, it's the fact that they make fewer garments in giant sizes, meaning you don't get the benefits from economies of scale to the extent that you'd get them when producing normal sizes.
Anyway, if you're a size 22 paying an extra £3 for an ugly pair of trousers should be the least of your worries
Michael Miller
>literally no reason Scarcity Which fat fucks have (((literally))) no concept of
Easton Phillips
what's the problem? why shouldn't fatties be taxed?
Jack Rivera
this is retarded
Robert Fisher
Same here. I dislike Jews and niggers, but fat people i fucking hate especially given the fact that if you are obese enough to not be able to work you get welfare for it.
>There is literally no reason for fat people to have to pay more for their food, clothing, seats, etc. >pay more for their food If they ate food like normal people and bike everytime they go to WalMart, then they wouldn't have such a problem
if I as a fat fuck need to eat 3 times more than a normal weight person why do I have to pay 3 times more for the same feeling of being full?
Aiden Fisher
>falling for obvious bait Mutts, everyone
David Peterson
>food 1 kg of food should cost the same as 4 kg >clothes 2mts of cloth should cost the same as 10 mts >tranportation 70 kg (average male healthy weight) should cost the same to transport as 150 kg (x2 the healthy weight)
I know it was bait.. you got me tho
Nathan Cruz
I bet she's had at least 100 nigger dicks inside her.
Jonathan Foster
>The tiles were cracking from the weight of people, not volume of people (far less people are using trains in 2018) but the average weight of people now exceeds the carrying capacity of the antique ceramic tiles.