Why do most weightlifters/powerlifters tend to be republicans?

Why do most weightlifters/powerlifters tend to be republicans?

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as a whole they're not very smart.

> s o y b o y confirmed

People who work hard and honor their commitments are often conservative. The inverse is also pretty reliably indicated by political positons.

They are? There are tons of leftist lifters.

Because socialism doesn't apply to biology

Because they aren't worthless piles of shit that waste their life crying on reddit all day while chugging on onions and wondering why they cant have free college

because generally speaking people that lift usually get into it after becoming redpilled

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When I'm in city gyms, the fast majority are leftist. When I'm in the country or suburbs, they're mixed and slightly conservative.

Your experience is anecdotal.

Men who are physically fit overwhelmingly lean right, that’s a well documented fact. My personal theory is that physically weaker men naturally have leftist views, due to the inherent left-wing necessity of a powerful state that “takes care” of the population. Physically strong men are more likely to recognize the value of personal responsibility, autonomy over their lives. They see no need for a overly large and powerful government to provide for them.
tl;dr weak men naturally gravitate towards an ideology where they don’t have to be responsible for their own lives or safety
pic related

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>roiding for this

>old ass shitposts from Jow Forums
>well documented

Because they are dumb as bricks.

Roids shrink your dick.
Shrink dicked men are insecure.
Insecure men tend to buy big cars and vote right wing.

> he big than me, he must be cheat
> me no need big car, me be leftist, me above others
> me secure, he not, me say he no biggy dick

They aren't. You've just built this narrative because you've picked out low hanging fruit by more prominent individuals who have expressed leftist views that often tend to be very overweight. Most bodybuilders don't bother with politics. At my gym, for every single republican there's like fifty mexicans working out.

This is generally something really lazy sacks of shit tell themselves to feel better.
They think they're real smart and educated because they know extremely basic shit that you could teach a child. "I hate math but love science!" they cry, as if those mathematicians literally just exist for playing number games that have no bearing on anything in this tangible plane of being. They judge people who might not have had the same opportunities in life while they also squander the abundant opportunities they have been given.

I respect sociable meatheads more than your average undergrad.

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Everyone should listen to the podcast that came from. I'm amazed they aired it. It's extremely red-pilling. Here's the transcript.


The two best parts are (1) they're interviewing a man whose body suddenly stopped producing testosterone, and he's saying what it was like, and (2) they interview a trans man (FtM person) who described what it was like once he started putting testosterone into his body.

The lost-test guy says:

>People who are deprived of testosterone don't become Spock-like and incredibly rational. They become nonsensical because they're unable to distinguish between what is and isn't interesting, and what is worth noting and what isn't.

>I would see a brick in a wall and I would think, a brick in a wall. I would see a pigeon and think, a pigeon. It's the most literal possible understanding of the world.

>Everything is beautiful, from the bugs, to the cracks in the sidewalk, to the faces of other people. And it was automatic. Perhaps to see things objectively is to see them, all of them, as beautiful. But you have to understand that the thought was expressed in the most flatline, boring way possible. Oh, yeah, that's beautiful. It's beautiful.

> You would think that this would be a terrible thing, a terrible state to be in. And for most people, it is. But it was weirdly pleasant. And there is a certain appeal, an impossible appeal, to that Rip van Winkle existence of being without testosterone. You just have to remember that it doesn't matter if you have nothing if you want nothing. Very tricky to get inside that mindset. In some ways, it's difficult for me to even remember it now. But it had its allure.

Now read that and realize that is the experience that every woman has every day, that is how she views the world and that is how she makes decisions and forms opinions.


I am not saying that right winger are limp dicked Jean Charles al-Steroidien.
I am saying roided up men compensate.

Individual achievers who believe they control their own destiny.

Once you realize that gains are the result only of personal effort you cannot be a libtard.

...picking up, the trans guy is less interesting for me b/c I already know what it's like. But some comparisons he makes are good:

Trans guy
>Something that happened after I started taking testosterone, I became interested in science. I was never interested in science before.

>No way. Come on. Are you serious?

Trans guy
>I'm serious. I'm serious.

>You're just setting us back a hundred years, sir.

Trans guy
>I know I am. I know. Again-- and I have to have this caveat in here-- I cannot say it was the testosterone. All I can say is that this interest happened after T. There's BT and AT, and this was definitely after T. And I became interested in science. I found myself understanding physics in a way I never had before.

And this is very funny to hear an ex-woman say this, like they honestly don't understand what day-to-day life is like for a man:
>I'm still very much learning how to be a man in the world. There's a lot to learn. Men-- walking down the street is a constant battle. It's a constant contest. I began to notice, once I started to pass as a man, that single men, walking alone down the street, will veer away from their path to walk towards me, get in my space, and then veer back. And it's very much like a little aggressive move. I've had men, just angry guys walking down the street, just body check me. So I really feel like I have to puff myself up so that people will keep their distance a little bit. But if I'm off guard, and I'm walking around and I'm enjoying the scenery, it's pretty much guaranteed that somebody will shove me.

Because they know they can't be beaten up for saying stupid shit

Maybe in planet fitness. Real gyms contain mostly Trump supporters.

> me no understand he want be best
> me no want to be best
You have low T

Women have no clue what it is to be a man.

I don't think anyone's scared of fucking liberals beating them up.

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I dunno, why do most OP’s tend to be faggots?

they're brainlets so they compensate by trying to look like schwarzenegger

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true true
unless you're in the UK where it's the cops

Or college, where it's a professor with a bike lock.

>Those mathematicians literally just exist for playing number games that have no bearing on anything in this tangible plane of being.


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>anyone that's bigger than me is on steroids
You're fucking pathetic.

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Nigger wut
Look for yourself, there are several studies out there from countries all over the world

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And they are s o y deficient.

>compensating faggotry

wow, so I guess the same people who are anti-weightlifters are also anti-pitbull. I'm starting to see a pattern. when did Jow Forums turn into a bunch of weak faggots? I guess the whole reddit invasion was not a meme.


OP is just a paid shill, stirring up shit. It’s even sadder if OP is not getting paid...

>saying someone has a small dick
>being french

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being stronger naturally leads to a greater sense of security and worth
liberals are almost be definition insecure and worthless, even by their own admission.

Its not a meme that lifting weights makes people into right wing assholes.
The iron pill is always a primer for a red pill.

Do you have a source for that claim? I'm a conservative powerlifter but I assume most of the guys at my gym are lefties because most of them are black. I've never heard politics being discussed at the gym....I like that.

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How does lifting weights make you less smart, you queer?

Nailed it.

>People who work hard and honor their commitments are often conservative
literally just this
people will tell you about their ideological witch to the right, but what we often fail to mention, is the commitment which was the prologue to our switch
People often turn Conservative after:
>getting a career/getting taxed
>having a baby
>getting married
>finding God
>getting sober
There's always a commitment in their which causes one to realize they can't really count on any one to make it for them but themselves

>people who work hard to achieve goals fall on the side of the political spectrum that supports rewarding hard work and achievement


Roid rage is a thing

It's also the side that's seen as more "pro military."
Which is odd, because the Democrats spend just as much on defense. I think it's a case where Republican politicians demand more spending and Democrats go "yeah, why not?" though.

hard work
> Liberals are trapped in a self-reinforcing cycle. When they use their positions in American culture to lecture, judge and disdain, they push more people into an opposing coalition that liberals are increasingly prone to think of as deplorable. That only validates their own worst prejudices about the other America.
and this, kids, is how we get Trump reelected

Stupid stereotype that people who take care of their bodies and don't look like skinny faggots are unintelligent

People that are more robustly built are usually not interested in being tolerant of progressive.

You're also looking at this from an american prespective.
Republican party is the male and white centric party in the USA, even if it's shit.

You think the chaddest of chads back in the soviet union were republicans? No, they were pro tradition and decency too, it's just that modern day libertarianism and liberalism are spineless.

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I see rK selection as whites/blacks.

lel meant whites are K selection. Fucking cucked myself

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Roids don't shrink your dick, retard. Your testicles shrink when you're on roids because they no longer need to produce testosterone but come back to normal size once you're off for some time or complete a post-cycle therapy. Your dick doesn't shrink. Shows how much you know.

Why would you want smaller balls, fag?

Thats stalinism.
Stalin purged basically the whole degeneracy out of the soviet system.
Back to old family system.
No open marriage allowed.
Divorce was made difficult.
no out of marriage children acknowledged
women were told to have as many children as possible.
Unmarried got special taxes levied on them.
Gays were put into camps.
Promiscuity was also banned as antisocial behavior and petite bourgois.

I think causality mostly goes the other way. That is, people who are conservative also lift at a higher rate than the general population.

Modern conservatism is largely based on the idea of fending and protecting oneself while liberalism is based on a system of reliance and dependency. Testosterone fuels the male competitive instinct and lifting increases testosterone. It makes sense that people more prone to competition and self reliance would lean towards the party that best embodies those ideals through their policy.

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Weightlifting and getting big is an excercise of almost exclusive personal dedication and merit. There might be some peer pressure depending on what sort of people you hang out with and maybe you live in an area or deal with people where it's rather advantageous to have a physique which says you could smush someone's skull, but otherwise it's entirely you having a vision of what you want to look like and be able to lift and deciding to go out and do what needs to be done to achieve it.
This is a very right-wing mentality and what your decision to do it and maintain the discipline on your body probably translates into a general attitude about life.

The left-wing mentality goes more along the line that it is unfair that some people have the genetics and health to get that big and the way they monopolise the fitness-studio intimidates and marginalises everyone else, so they'd say the way things ought to be is that someone invent a way people who grow muscle easier have to donate muscle-tissue to people who have a more difficult time and the bigger the circumference of your bicep gets and more you can dead-lift, the less time you are allowed to spend working out so everyone else has more space and more equipment to use and get big as well.

Ball size doesn't matter if you got a big dick. If you're not packing, than you should be insecure.


I used to think this. When I started to work out I came to realise that there's a lot that goes in to micromanaging diet and optimising the training/recover cycle. Most average people don't have what it takes.

small penis and low IQ

Less Estrogen

All statists are weak men who want daddy government to protect them. Only anarchists are real men.


>high t means you're good at science
lol pls m8. most STEM fags are dyel skinnyfat nerds with bitch tits and most high t black niggers are in prison. it's hard to take this seriously

THIS is a meme

Actually real Chads tend to push towards degeneracy. The more degenerate women are the more they get to fuck. It works out in their favor. Only beta males who struggle to land one woman push for conservativeism so they don't get a (too) used up roastie to marry.

Wrong , your experience is also anecdotal.
Both you and OP are wrong until you provide proofs

You're thinking of dude bros with high social status, not high test males.