Any fellow argies planning to escape to Uruguay to flee the incoming armaggedon?
Pros: >free transit (for us) >no bolivians >the only blacks are afrouruguayans who are chill af >still can be saved and protected >no mass AFI internet surveillance >glorious rioplatense accent >can keep going to a*gentina and coming back in case you must go back for documentation, degree, anything >large interior to populate >basically the good twin of Bs As >coast, beaches, etc
Cons: >colombians >stuff is expensive (although our money is almost on pair by now) >need a wall or something before it's invaded by villeros or stuff >#niunamenos
Seriously considering it with gf. I don't want to go through another 2001. In just 1 year, I earn about 500 dollars less. The dream of the house just got postponed a couple of additional years.
Is Uruguay being invaded by Mestizos and indians like the United States? In California, the state is now 30% Mestizo. Are you experiencing the same thing? If not, i would move there.
Zachary Bennett
If I can't move to jewrope I'm going to Uruguay. Imo the only decent choice in L*tam
Plus all the bureaucratic paperwork of degrees, IDs, etc is basically unexistant for us
Brody Brown
Uruguay is great, don't fuck it up Argentines, though I empathize with your predicament. When are you going to hang Kirtchner's corpse from a famous landmark?
Charles Ramirez
If you have sisters they can come to live with me
Thomas Ramirez
>still can be saved and protected No The interior is shit. > basically the good twin of Bs As not really. >coast, beaches, etc Meh
We're already full...Of cubans, venezuelans and domenicans. But whatever dude, in my opinion there is no difference between us.
Robert Watson
Uruguay has the best asados.
Evan Allen
You don't have a literal 7 million of bolivians and paraguayans with 10+ kids each plus 400 venezuelans entering by day plus negros villeros with also 10 + kids
Believe me whatever you think it's bad there it's nowhere near as bad aa heee
Tyler Price
fk off jew
Ian James
What's going on with you guys?
Michael Fisher
*as bad as here
James Ward
economy is tanking again for the 6th time.
Angel Lee
For now... We're still paying Mujica's goverment party. Venezuelans are entering by the day here too. Cubans too. Villeros also have 10+ kids (do you think planchas here think "shit, I can pay for university, I think we'll only have two kids"?) We're a carbon copy of Argentina.
Noah Ross
So many things I don't even know where should I start
Economy is only one outta the thousand problems here rn. Just the most notorious, "important", etc
The entire shitshow of narco corridors and violence is to appease the large appetite of the glow in the dark agencies looking to fund their shenanigans. Without the CIA and the war on drugs the Americas would not be in the situation they are.
Under the guise of evil communism the jews took over the most prosperous and resource rich region of the Americas.
Jacob Wood
it's filled with venezuelans
Colton Long
Thinking there will be another 2001. Mental midget detected.
Grayson Cooper
No, no and no. We are unironically full (of Dominicans, Venezuelans, and Cubans) Montevideo is a glorified Mataderos neighborhood
Right now the problems are >overly exaggerated taxes, I'd guess than more than 55% of salary goes to taxes >salaries still stuck at 2016 values >mass insecurity, tons of brutal crime >kirchnerists trying to take down the government, putting blockades in the congress, attacking people, creating riots and shit > a LOT of this plainly and intentionally ignored by all media, who not only humanize criminals but also prefer to talk 24/7 about feminism and abortion >mass surveillance by state >you owe 50 cents to the government? Business closed, car inhabilited, etc >meanwhile shitskins can do whatever they want and get free from jail the same day >cristina never going to jail, in fact she's in the congress >her trialed friends already set free >lots of business closing, opening a new one is a nightmare >no jobs in the interior >police kills nigger who stabbed tourist; goes to jail >venezuelan/colombians hired to lower wages intentionally (the govt approved a law by which venezuelan degrees need no recognition, approval, nothing to work here, no matter what job) >retirement soon to be set at 70yo >retirees still fucked, receive less money than bolivians on gibs >and don't forget average argentines shitty behaviour And I can keep typing all day
Joshua Flores
Well thank you for sharing and I am sorry it is that bad at the moment.
time to roll out the guillotines
Henry Harris
Macri isn't doing anything?
Colton Cruz
you do realize all those things apply 100% to Uruguay right?
Isaac Myers
I also considered Brazil to move out but need to learn portuguese.
Brazil has a brighter future than us for sure
Gabriel Myers
Nope. In fact he's being hijacked by his own party people
Can you go out and take a walk without being paranoid of getting killed for your shoes or cellphone, or even for a bunch of cents?
Jeremiah Adams
only in the neighborhoods near the beaches/ramblas or the Downtown
good luck everywhere else
Robert Wilson
I think that as long you avoid Rio de Janeiro...
Logan Clark
when argie fails, uruguay goes down along with it
t. argiebro
Jonathan Ramirez
>tfw you're forced to leave the continent whether you like it or not Or maybe just shut in in my home and never leave, what's the point
Whelp, you can extract the argentinian from argentina, but not otherwise... Im planning to go somewhere, but uruguay seems not an option... There are more reasons to consider
Jacob Cook
What about Chile?
Adrian Bell
I hope you win the world cup though Argentina.
Brandon Reed
even tho Uruguay is not a better option, damn, you really are going down the drain holy shit what happened
I think I'll cheer to Argentina when Brazil is eliminated. Usually I would cheer to Italy, but they didn't make it.
Adam Myers
Thats self reported. If you do an DNA test, that shit would crumble hardly There is no escape from this hell, HUEnon.
Colton Ward
>1 million haitians >colombians everywhere >peruvians >commies tryin to hijack Doing better than us right now but only the future can tell
Thanks. Sadly the world cup will be used as a mass media distraction to pass laws, fuck up things, etc. It's always like this
Brayden Roberts
Nope, future is not looking bright, the new government stopped a huge portion of illegal haitians but the country is doomed anyway. The communist party is trying to pass a law that if you are accused of rape you are guilty until proven innocent, no need of proofs or anything, just a girl saying "he raped me" and you are automatically guilty.
Noah Peterson
>If you do an DNA test, that shit would crumble hardly Same here.
Dylan Morris
It doesn't matter. Everyone is equal here in the sense that both white and shitskins suck and are generally untrustworthy people. Backstabbing and trickery are national sports here that everyone practices, no matter the skin color.
Camden Jackson
You could move to the Falklands.... Oh wait Diego, you tried that once and got your arses kicked
Grayson Gomez
I admit that we have a lot of culture imported from yurop, but we cant deny the local and african influences as well, And WE know better than anyone the effects of miscegenation, colonization and its consequences ( since 1500...)
Joseph Anderson
That's fucked up.
Mason Lewis
>both white and shitskins suck and are generally untrustworthy people. >Backstabbing and trickery are national sports here that everyone practices, no matter the skin color. This
Argentine passports need no visa to enter the falklands nor any UK territory except the isle of Manx and St Jersey
Plus, italian passport. Zero interest going there anyways so don't worry
Logan Fisher
>be venezuelan >come to Argentina >be a degenerate because law allows and supports it
In 82 the military wasn't even trying kiddo. We kicked harder before. >1806 and 1807 best years evah
Jackson Murphy
>full of memezuelans, cubans and dominicans This so much, fuck this people specially dominicanos they are a plague
Caleb Butler
That feeling is the worst. We are a demoralized and psychotic people. All these decades of ups and downs have left us broken and confused. Argentina is the very model of what Yuri warned about demoralization and leftism.
Matthew Turner
dominicans are the worst indeed they also take any job for 200 USD a month, all wages go down because of them
dominicans have 0% unemployment here
Justin Anderson
>we can save you! No thanks, i will remain here untill the end. They will burry me into this dirt.
A far right man will not flee, he will fight to the very end, untill his body is broken.
Aaron Bailey
Modern coliseum. It's not like they even need it anymore though, people here will never revolt.
Kayden Adams
>thinking argentina wont crash within a year
kek, argies never learn i'm unironically saving up so i can buy out as much in buenos aires as i can right after you crash, to sell it in within 15 years, before you crash again
John Green
They also don't seem to be integrating, they literally painted a gaint dominican flag in a store near my house
Austin Mitchell
That is quiet bad. You have most of what it takes to succeed though.
Zachary James
the only ones "integrating" are the venezuelans, because most of them fleeing their country have high levels of education
the Dominicans are just peons that will form a ghetto as soon as they can
Oliver Russell
fuck forgot to take off my meme flag too much shitposting i guess
Elijah Watson
Go to sleep, rebel province. And sweet dreams.
Leo White
If I'm going anywhere is to New Zealand. But I'm not, because I'm a lazy worthless neet that can't get motivated even to go out of my house.
Ayden Roberts
Evo is another commie dictator and your country will go into a civil war soon.