Glad that a few Americans will see this, perhaps if SHTF they won't be so cucked on our "position/standing". And perhaps we will see some uitlanders to help us. Die kak gaan spat, boys!
Ever since I came to know what is going on in SA, I have told myself that if a civil war, a liberation happen in South Africa, I will take the first plane over to help my white brothers.
Als jullie iets fatsoenlijker Nederlands gaan spreken kom ik direct om te helpen
Jordan Harris
We simply do not believe you.
Asher Sanders
You do not have to believe me, it does not change the fact that I will be there taking lives for you and your family, your nation, for a white hearth in Africa.
Matters little, I am well aware my government is retarded but believe it or not this is not what they promised when people voted for them, Politicans lie, the government is trash. I hope you're aware that this is the situation in oh so many countries.
Juan Williams
Excuses, Pierré.
Als jullie iets fatsoenlijker Nederlands gaan spreken, zal ik direct mijn best doen om een juiste bijdrage te leveren aan jullie prachtige land.
In afwachting van uw antwoord.
Joseph Perry
You going alone? i'd join a relatively organised group.
Don't be bothered by this shilling divide and conquer tactics . Most of us would gladly fight side by side with you.
Wyatt Jackson
>boars >white Have you seen those mongrels?
Jose Cox
I am just breaking your balls my friend :^)
It is a shame what is happening in the Nordic countries, the pure race is being destroyed.
Luke Phillips
You know we'll always love you Sweden.
Colton Russell
South African farmers seem to have such a dire situation. They even settled in Georgia resently.
Liam Wilson
Oh don't worry. The memes are amusing, because they are either really disinformed or trying their best to piss me off, so eh.
Couldn't have been boers you've been looking at then.
It is truly disgusting what is happening, that people of power bend over just to get a pat on the shoulder. It's sickening and little is there to be done about it. I still have hope in this next election, it can't get worse so it can only get better.
Right back at you America, a fan of your gun laws if anything.
Cooper Ramirez
Some time ago one blogger in North Ossetia, Caucasus, proposed that we should import South African farmers and give them land to make our economy better. If South Africa is such a fucked up place that they are even going to Georgia to survive, will they accept such an offer if given?
Very likely, if they can have at least a middle class life, safety and independence.
Eli Hill
I am certain victory will be ours this time around.
Jason Torres
See this guys. The great awakening starts in the heart of the beast.
Also can someone translate that memorial?
Leo Richardson
That will condemn the rest of us to starvation and civil war, but it's really their choice.
David Sanders
There is a place here Skandinawië drif where nordic people settled before
Jose Watson
Aye? I wasn't aware. Is it still up and running today or is it more like a landmark by now?
Justin Gray
>That will condemn the rest of us to starvation and civil war, That is a bit dramatic, the economy will take a hit, but we'll carry on. Those farmers aren't being given a choice anyway. It's exactly the same shit Zuma did and even he realised it was a mistake.
If there's enough pressure on them they'll leave, when the agricultural industry collapses or takes enough of a hit, then what happens? Our ability to provide food is pretty much the only bargaining chip we have. At the very least it'll escalate things, how much we can't possibly know.
Hunter Morales
Its a a small town in the freestate. Near the vaal River. Like most places it is just a shadow of its former glory.
Joshua Ross
It's pretty fancy Swedish but it says "They couldn't surrender, but but they could fall. To memory of those Scandinavians that fell here" pretty much, it is as said the finer Swedish grammar.
Nathaniel Foster
Oh, makes much more sense with Mugabe, couldn't figure out what you were talking about with Zuma. Well, the Rhodesians are gone and forgotten. They're for all intents and purposes, extinct, whoever realises it was a mistake it isn't going to bring them back. There are people here and abroad that still praise Mugabe and want to see the same thing happen, the EFF wanted him to come here during and after the coup.
Evan Nguyen
When I come to SA to fight or if I come to SA for vacation I'll be sure to try and check it out.
Tyler Phillips
Aiden Kelly
Hy het baie goeie video's op YouTube. Hy bewys sy stellings met statistiek
We should really get behind Ernst. Support Afriforum
Carter Rodriguez
Yeah a lot of Afrikaners have Scandinavian ancestry.
Brandon Roberts
kind of hard to feel sorry for them, when they were the ones that let all the niggers in..
Leo Ramirez
Justin Hughes
>when they were the ones that let all the niggers in..
You mean the British
Joseph Reyes
It is on the vaal River. Small town with game reserves
Dylan Jackson
That's a funny way of saying Anglo-Jew mine owners.
Ayden Wood
I got family in SA and Zambia, old Rhodies. And I would gladly volunteer if a war broke out for real. Sadly I don't have much to offer in terms of skills and experience.
"You have seen the escalating situation in South Africa and feel the call to help. You have military training, or maybe you don't. Though regardless you may want to go. The first thing to stress is that all the measures you plan are above board; legal and can be declared openly. There is nothing to hide in feeling motivated to protect civilians from being killed and tortured within reason. At the core, you would simply need stamina, conviction, armament and a ticket, but for it to be a successful endeavour a working knowledge of up-to-date military tactics and thinking is vital. Thinking and operating outside the box is imperative.
There is a civil war coming, which will present a whole new variety of challenges, but it isn't here yet. The UN will not step in reliably. Only reason there are still Tutsis in Rwanda is because a Tutsi army from Uganda ended the genocide. What people in SA need is humanitarian protection and evacuation. What people in South Africa need is protection against the likely genocide that is coming after August 30th. This is a legal and honourable pursuit."
It is a glorious feeling to walk the grounds ones ancestors fought on.
Isaac White
There will never again be another Rhodesian born, they're a dying people of a dead country. They are living fossils, the remnants of an extinct ethnicity.
Aaron Sanchez
evacuation? Where are we going to evacuate to?
Adrian Ortiz
There's a lot who say they will. Let's see if they do
Jaxon Ramirez
Are you sure? His shorts seems a bit to long.
Liam Cook
I doubt evac means go to a different place, just outside of immediate danger zones (ei you live a few blocks from a township). There will be a lot of internal displacement.
Jackson Myers
Thanks for the link
William Perez
Whites will be forced to consolidate in every scenario least we be picked off. We're 4.5 million but spread thinly.
Levi Campbell
there will be no war. if there was any chance for a rebellion, Eugène Terre'Blanche would have been in front.
we will just continue to either deal with the reverse racism or emigrate.
Oliver Cruz
You are right and it is a hard pill to swallow. Along with Transvaal and the freestate.
Thomas Smith
Yeah, I take no pleasure in pointing it out, if we don't do something it's our fate too.
>Ever since I came to know what is going on in the 2016 election, I have told myself that if a Trump wins, I will take the first plane over to Canada. t. Every celeb every
Charles Lewis
>there will be no war. if there was any chance for a rebellion, Eugène Terre'Blanche would have been in front.
AWB was always a meme with shitty leadership and way out of bounds optics, wouldn't be surprised if it was controlled opposition set up by the old National Party to keep tabs on possible coup attempts and discredit the cause of independence by muddying it up with nazi larping.
>we will just continue to either deal with the reverse racism or emigrate.
Unless EFF, or even more likely BLF tries to pressure the ANC in August from cucking out of passing the bill with planned mass land occupations. Just takes a handful of oomies with shotguns causing some type of incident before shit snowballs from there, watch the confidence in the economy go down the drain aswell and black poor get harder to control without populist appeasement.
We won't follow the Rhodie model cus we're not only a few hundred thousand, we have a very solid national identity hundreds of years old and we number in the millions. We won't be going quietly because not everyone here can afford a plane emmigration or will get refugee status, we don't have dual passports and most will outright refuse to leave.
Andrew King
It truly is, I walk on it every other day.
There is indeed, and I hope atleast more than half keep their promise. When the time comes we will see. Look for Björnsson when you get there.
Yes, but I am not a celeb nor is it about an election. They cried "going to Canada" in a childish protest and to flee, not to fight no war.
Jackson Stewart
The Kentonese, perhaps?
William Myers
What is a good way to learn the language? Are there any good programs online? I didn't find any on my own. If someone actually were to come out there they would need to know it to be useful right?
Xavier Perry
I suspect AWB was infiltrated by National Intelligence very early on. With their numbers they could have created a viable independence movement, instead they've done nothing but be a honeytrap for white men that care about our future.
You'd just need it to know the kak they're saying about you, nearly all Afrikaners speak english, i'm sure people would appreciate the effort keeping the language alive though.
David Garcia
Best way to learn Afrikaans is to learn Dutch. Same basic grammar, different vocabulary. And don't bother to learn ABN ("algemeen beschaafd Nederlands" aka strictly posh) like Greg Shapiro, nobody cares if you do.
Ethan Foster
Does this guy have any traction among your people? Between all the flexing he has some good advice
He does have good advice. Most e-celebs go like "stick to the conversation, use arguments, defeat the left with logic" but he goes "be the best version of yourself and laugh at lefties for not even trying" Such a different attitude, far more useful.
Hier, leuke mop Hoe gooit een Vlaamse soldaat een granaat? Hij trekt de bom en werpt de pin
Colton Taylor
Well that's my point, due to circumstance there isn't a chance not one of 4.5 million WON'T respond. Something is bound to start shit and then it will get out of control. Once you throw the constitution and thus the agreed laws of 1994 out the window it's essentially back to the 90s in terms of race relations; on the brink of civil war.
Jacob Fisher
I can't speak for the majority of us but to those I know personally take him somewhat seriously, other than of course the flexing and over the top jazz he has some good points that I can support. I like his idea of normalising nationalism.
Isaac Hughes
99.99% of Afrikaners speak English. Also 35% of white South Africans are actually first language anglos.
Julian Barnes
Came from the Green Party/Germans don't exist thread. How can I help? Heard Simon Roche talking about the situation on Political Cesspool last August. The horrors he detailed were outrageous. Also, if any anons are interested and have some neetbux lying around, visit SUIDLANDERS.ORG to aid the evacuation effort.
Nationalism is normal. This whole one race one language future is a fairy tale. Birds of a feather flock together
David Brown
Am I the only one creeped out by a guy that takes that many photos of himself? He behaves like an instagram thot.
Asher Russell
Afriforum is a more viable option to aid than Suid landers. In my opinion.
Juan Cruz
Not Canada, apparently. Justin Trudeau's government denied South Africans refugee status recently. They found what the SAs were telling them was happening to them was "racist." No joke. I'm honestly considering getting a house just to offer asylum to some of you guys.
Luke Russell
Go to every single bookstore in your area and ask if they have the book "Kill the Boer" by Ernst Roets. The book isn't out yet but making inquiries will make all the bookstores stock up on them so when it's published in June the book will be everywhere for normies to see.
Jace Myers
Yeah it is somewhat different to watch. However his message is good
Cooper Williams
This should be blatant for everyone that the jews who control the media will push a narrative of white supremacy until every single one of us is dead. /threadlyreminder
William Cruz
>Yes, but I am not a celeb nor is it about an election. They cried "going to Canada" in a childish protest and to flee, not to fight no war. Yes but like celebs you talk big online but won't put your words into action
Elijah Cox
Good idea
Cameron Allen
Aye, but the modern goof does not see it that way, atleast not many.
How could I? There is no war to go to in South Africa as we speak. You can't know until then. Don't let your own low view of yourself make undermine others, have some faith in people. I believe in you.
Levi Sullivan
Ha I actually really hate the feeling of knowing I'm being spoken about and it's worse I'd you can't understand what they're saying. Working with hispanics is really something. Besides, it is useful to know. I don't imagine many ghouls understand the language.
Checked for great advice. I will do this.
It seems a bit specialized, is it closer than regular Dutch?
I know, I just think it might be helpful tactically to know it. I'm pretty sure all the brownies know English and their tribal languages too.
Caleb Bell
No, they're better off just learning Afrikaans. English to Afrikaans is waaaaaaaayyyy easier than English > Dutch > Afrikaans. We've got retarded grammar rules and Afrikaans uses the same sentence structure as English and doesn't have any genders (like English and unlike Dutch).
Oliver Hughes
Being shot at isn't very scary compared to the realization you'd face if a civil war doesn't erupt in South Africa.
Julian Campbell
We should make threads about it on /lit/, maybe on /his/ too I know, that's why I was asking where they imagine us evacuating to, there's nowhere to go.
Caleb Thomas
Giving me some ideas. I don't know if it will fly on /his/ though, place is full of cucks constantly telling anyone that seems kind of right wing to go back to Jow Forums