Men hear the word "Laurel" while Women hear the word "Yanny". What do you hear?
This conclusively proves that women should not be admitted to the armed forces of a country as women do not understand what her male officers tell them.
Men hear the word "Laurel" while Women hear the word "Yanny". What do you hear?
This conclusively proves that women should not be admitted to the armed forces of a country as women do not understand what her male officers tell them.
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women don't belong in military, leadership or anything that would destroy societies from within
Um how about no? Just make the officers women. Time and time again throughout history women get shafted. So, nice try mr. man, but not this time, this time you get shown the door.
What the hell is a yanny?
>Headphones on hear Laurel
>Headphones off hear Yanny
It has to do with what you're using to listen to the soundclip retard.
>Just make the officers women.
the problem is that men hear different things too. So a woman says "advance" and the man hears "breakfast". It is impossible to have a functional military this way.
So you are a woman
You are bisexual
I hear them both
I can see why this is. American women have high pitched, buzzy bee voices, so they hear a high pitched voice saying 'yanny'.
American men have low-pitched buzzy bee voices, so they hear a low pitched voice saying 'laurel'.
You can go between them if you try.
That's because women get shit done and men only think with their stomachs. Just remove men from the military. It would end war too.
>Just make the officers women
shut the fuck up, you shit eating beta
>Roastie who thinks she is hardcore
Actually just a retarded bitch
you're too stupid to post here
Women are the laziest sacks of shit in every environment they are exposed to. Nice try dummy.
> men and women have different hearing
no they dont
High pitched voice says Yanny, low voice says Laurel.
Why is this a thing
>Taking the bait
So I’m a woman now?
If you have shitty speakers you'll hear Yanny. That's all there is to it.
I'm a man and i hear the word "Yanny"
I hear both, yanny is nasally and gay. Laurel is deeper and gay
>It was headphones on Yanni, headphones off Laurel
Post tits
And you're the most bigotted, hateful, privileged white male I've ever laid my eyes on. GROW UP.
Just another myth made up by the global patriarchy to hinder women in their efforts to reform this rotten world.
>women get shafted
The point of their existence.
No it wouldn't. Women are more violent-minded than men are by far. They even commit more acts of violence against their significant others than men do, and attempt violence against themselves much more frequently than men do. For example, you are much more likely to have tried to off yourself than I have, and my existence is basically statistically decent evidence that I haven't tried at all, while your existence is not, because women suck at killing themselves. They have to try often. So get on with it, this is you're fourth attempt, I'm sure.
Probably this, the EQ curve is different by speaker
Oh wait, I forgot. Rules. Tits, roastie.
an old Yiddish name I belive, but I only know it from the rugrats cartoon
I hear yanny and I'm male. Sounds like bullshit, why would we evolve being unable to communicate cross-sex?
>Just make the officers women
What could go wrong?
With the ear buddy or open speakers in hear Laurel
If you hear "yanny", you're a faggot
So you're saying a woman is much harder to kill? Hency why she can't succeed on her first or even fourth attempt, and a man succeeds at killing himself right away because he's s fragile, just like his precious ego? Right, got it sweetie :).
>click link, hear yanny
>what the fuck, how could anyone possibly hear laurel?
>scroll down to read comments
>yanny slowly turns into laurel as it keeps repeating
>oh it's changing over time, what a lame trick
>scroll up, the video is just the one word on repeat
>now can't hear yanny anymore
Wait, how does this work?
ok, this audio is making me angry for some reason,
only gays hear one or the other. I hear both when I choose because I'm the master race
>women get shit done
This is probably a huge psyop to program population to say "you see men and women hear things differently so the actions of women cannot be held against them for hearing something completely different!"
"Also hearing Yanny means your 'hearing is better' so what women hear is better"
The audio clip is overlayed with two sound clips. Those who only hear Laurel can hear Yanny once pitch is lowered and slowed down whereas those who hear Yanny cannot hear Laurel even if pitch was increased and sped up.
Mostly like used for programming subliminal messages.
>a leaf
I'm deaf in one ear and lost the high tone sin the other I cant hear a lot of women when dammit i only like to date tiny women
>Use speakers
Yanny is a voice that dosn't sound human
>Use headphones
Laurel said by a man
>Remove headphones
Laurel stays
Has my homosexuality been cured?
It's pitch. Low and high pitch.
> women get shit done
They did this on my local radio station this morning and I clearly heard 'Laurel', then they slowed it way down and I heard 'Yanni', same as all the DJs and callers on the show. Just now in my headphones I heard 'Yanni'.
This is the same shit with the blue/gold dress it's some MK Ultra tier psyop to distract us with useless bullshit to keep us used to arguing on two separate sides.
Jews bending your mind to their liking.
Its MKUltra shit.
Grab you foil-hat, quickly!!!
This is a joke right?
No stupid. Women enjoy destroying other women. If you don't have men to guide and keep them in line it results in chaos.
yeah that was my thought as well, to test populations as to how they can hear subliminal stuff.
I'd have to agree. Who just decides makes audio like this out of thin air for no reason? And it goes viral?
Regardless, they may have fucked this psyop up a bit by reaffirming that there are only two genders.
Im listening on my shitty phone speakers and I always heard Laurel
is this lolcow or bait? can't tell
Too late. Weve all been Yanny-pilled.
Heard "laurel".
I heard Janny the first time and Laurel every other time after that
>women get shit done
In the kitchen maybe
Your expectation of what to hear changes which is the primary sound. You can hear Yanny, then Laurel, and then Yanny again, etc., just by focusing on one or the other.
Man here. Heard Laurel.
Women are just not as competent as men so they often fail to kill themselves. Or they fake it for attention. Pick which you prefer.
This is a total psyop.... yanny is a Muslim name... hey, let’s make a cutie game to normalize Muslim names...
Probably new form to see if they can make ambiguous sounding keywords. For example text says X but you swear you heard Y. Go back to check it and now you hear X since text says so but mind already program to associate product or message with Y as you heard the first time.
I cannot hear Yanny at all, even if I set my EQ to lower all low frequencies and bump up all high freqs.
Maybe if you have really tinny and cheap trash speakers I can see how they've possibly layered yanny into the audio file, and then you'd hear it, I don't see how it's possible otherwise.
This wtf. Started out with yearing a gay high-pitched ''Yanny'' and now I only hear a deep ''Laurel''. SPOOKY.
nice b8 faggot
lol checked
>Laurelist v.s. Yannite civil war confirmed
Lower pitch slow down playback. Its overlayed together.
I'm an aware lolcow, taking one for the team. At the same time I'm baiting. This is next level stuff.
I'm listening to it on a surface tablet. Shit says laurel
Wtf? At first I heard a high-pitched "Lalli" now I only hear a low-pitched "Laurel".
they're testing out the matrix
Use an equalizer, higher frequency = laurel, lower frequency = yanny
It changes if you have shitty hearing.
The first time I opened it I heard this weird sounding "yanny" and then it repeated and was clearly "lauren"
The "yanny" is this weird high pitch whiney sound that I think is really just static.
I heard Laurel from the start, maybe you're a fenno-swede
I;m really trying hard but I cant hear Laurel
only retarded high pitched Yanni voice
You're fucking 12 years old. Go away.. Jow Forums is for big strong boizzzz only
the laurel chad
>high t, ears tuned to lower frequencies, will hear the rumblings of an earthquake and manage to rescue his family in time
the virgem yanny
>consumer of soi, ears tuned to be perceptive of the nagging of women and gay sounds of bird screeches, constantly wolf whistled at and has a great emotional response to it
Also I am a transcriptionist so my job is actually to listen to audio files carefully and to understand spoken language with as much accuracy as possible.
Yeah I fiddled with my EQ and I can hear the yanny in a sort of whisper layered in. My headphones don't really allow me to hear it in isolation though.
I'm 44 actually, an oldfag forever alone supreme gentleman uber autist, but what the heck.
i hear nigger
i shouldn't come to this board anymore
Every time I'd heard it, it was "Laurel" but at 4:50 in this vid I could kinda hear the "yanny"
I do have a bad hearing, I hear stuff wrong like a schizophrenic especially if tired.
I'm 6'1 high test man, more manly than you fag. There's nothing wrong with being superior fennoswede.
lol 6'1 fucking manlet
I hear "yaoi".
I appreciate your honesty.. but keeping up the larp would have been more fun for everyone
All 63 genders hear different things
Heard both, but mainly laurel.
Just like that faggot dress, you can see both.
GG marketers
If women can't make decisions while shopping, how do you expect them to make decisions during war?
its a bad meme laurel ones are lying, dont fall for it
hahaha, underrated....
Same. Or Yaweh.
You're delusional if you can see both sets on the dress
The colours that make up the image are blueish and brownish
Unironically kill yourself.
Sorry, I can't hear either.
What I broken?
I'm a guy who hears something closer to "yeary"
>it clearly doesn't sound like yanny anymore
still says yanny though...
wtf If you hear Yanny you are seriously hearing imparied and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you
I hear yanny then laurel when I put my fingers in my ears.
This is some Jew psyop bullshit like that dress .
How often do you fantasise about getting raped?