Why are countries like Sweden, Germany, Norway, and Denmark importing aliens?

Why are countries like Sweden, Germany, Norway, and Denmark importing aliens?


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imagine running away from your country to infest another country and then wave your pathetic flag in the country that took you in

shitskin mentality is quite fascinating

Their human population is completely insane.

>imagine running away from your country to infest another country and then wave your pathetic flag in the country that took you in
That's called colonization. You're being colonized.

Capitalism =Open borders Sweden has vast mineral wealth The rate of corporate tax has fallen continuously for the last 3 decades.Ask your miners ask Volvo ask your steel industry why.

decades of effortless, relative wealth emasculated them, which led women to shill for the import of high T seed and culture

The saddest thing is that this stain is permanent

Europeans are fucking disgusting for what they did and they deserve the worst that come from it

>post two videos from shitstan
talk for yourself Svensker
Denmark might not be based but compared to Sweden, Germany and even Norway we sure as hell are a lot better.

said no one ever

don't delude yourself, hansen

pls stop

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capitalism,companies lobby parties to import cheap low iq work force to maintain big profits and welfare state .

Han har inte fel.
Läs bara om den förslagna lagen att invandrare inte ska kunna ha medborgarskap om dom lever på bidrag.

We imported most shitskins per capita in all of Europe. Sweden's completely fucked. Vote SD before the ship sinks completely.

Why do you seek this shit up? Just buy a house in an expensive neighbourhood and the problem goes away.

I know right. Just look away and the problem is gone. Or just watch some porn or something lol.

I was just around 2 weeks in hospital. Legit 100% of the doctors were abduls/mohammeds/pajeets. Hardly ANY doctor/surgeon in denmark is actually danish. I think i talked to 2 iranians, 1 afghani, 1 lebanese and 1 indian doctor. Trusted them with my life, 30cm intestine later and im not in horrible pain anymore, atleast right now.
Im still fascinated by the dedication of these people, studying for like 20+++++ years to reach headsurgeon/anesthesiologist tier.

Where did Danish doctors go?

Why do you fucking think?
>Ethnic population says fuck off
>Elite politicians who's either jews or childless women trying to fill the void, open the borders

not enough to begin with or leave for a better paying job abroad, like america where you can charge 10000million dollars for 1 liter of saline drop.

because our ruling elite are corrupt traitors

>day of the rake when?

>just keep running away go
>eventually it will stop right?