Bombadon 2018

So Ramadan starts today, what are the casualty prediction for this year.

I say 100+ dead world wide.

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why such a low estimate, they hit the thousands last year. Check the ramadan bomb-a-athon at

The site is and pic related is the final score of the Bombadon 2017.
I predict 500+.

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Match me, faggots.

7.4 Billion

France is first

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I got a business idea

Place bets on how many get killed and/or raped during ramadan each year


After all the native Austrian cousin rapists from Styria are lightly handled by Kurz, LPD Steiermark and FPÖ, then put in Graz-Karlau?

Like 30 in/near your country or Bosnia. Don't let durkadurkas in Austria because you have enough White on White durkadurkery going on.

Well aren't you an optimist?!

If Israel gets nuked, does that count? Asking for a friend

He means in real countries.

Fuck off kike. Hope you get 72 virgin baby dicks to suck blood from in hell.


If Jews die
There will be none left that counts

I nominate Denmark.

They are un-cucking so fast islam's head will spin right off muhammad's shoulders.

Simple 'no' would suffice.

If kikes get shoah'd the way again, I will cum all over kleines jude mädchen faces in public, with cum landing all over the fucking Jude patch on the sleeve. Fucking kike. Die.

neat didn't knew they actually kept track.

so well yeah 2k seems feasible.

Nah, nothing will happen here. The muslims here don't care about immigration policies when they are already here.

A building already just blew up in LA

If your bathroom pipes burst, do you not first fix the pipe and then clean up the mess?


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What I am saying is that muslim in Denmark are not that angry about our immigration policies because most of them were born in Denmark and they are 100% safe. The policies will only affect muslims who are not in Denmark yet.

The only ones mad about our policies are the Jews, the EU and the Danish athiest left who want mass immigration.

my prediction is between 15 and 20 deaths that we hear about in the news, and they'll be "asians" with "unknown motives" or "mentally ill".


Attached: JesHamLer.jpg (243x250, 9K)

thats cool but nobody cares about sthiskins killing other shitskins in shitskin countries. only europe should count with the usual truckings bombings shootings and knifings.

wow, your flag looks like a low-res java logo. i had to do a double take.

It's not funny. I hope everyone turns on Kikes. It would be fair game then. Who will protect a Jew this time? Who? Not even niggers like Jews. Could just walk up to a Jew schlampe in the Shoah and rape them/creampie them/kill them on the sidewalk. Shoah 2.0 will be worse for the Kikes. I'm almost offended Hitler was so retarded to not let Afro-German niggers rape all those whores in the female camps.

I just realized i didnt see the guy you replied to and what he said
I though you said "Nothing will happen here" refering to the fact that nothing will change

För helvete

>it's not funny
>this was said on Jow Forums
>you expect people to take it as less funny and not even more
thats where you're wrong kiddo

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>100 dead
Faggot, are you retarded ? end times don't start with a handful of corpses.