Atheists don't breed so even if you stopped every single immigrant entering the west AND deported every single...

Atheists don't breed so even if you stopped every single immigrant entering the west AND deported every single immigrant back to their native countries as long as the west continues to get less religious it is doomed. This is the real red pill.

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>Atheist self exterminate.
>Christians replace at better than world average.
>Ergo, The West and Christianity is doomed!
Check your math, boi.

20% of the population meeting the replacement rate still means a steady decline in populatin

Every good salesman knows it’s easier to get repeat sales vs cold calling. It’s why most religions push lots of childbirth. More babies means more Catholics.

Why do they need to? Enough religious people become atheist during their lives to make up the difference. Very few go the other way (atheist->religious).

Nigger, did you just make the same thread the next fucking day? KYS. I get that you got a hard-on for atheists, but jeez. Calm your tiny balls, memeflag?

Atheism is circumstantial. Though. Most people are born into a religion, and become Atheists. What a retarded study and conclusion.

>Very few go the other way
You're wrong. Lots of people become religious when they near death. Churches will always be visited by seniors.

>Enough religious people become atheist during their lives to make up the difference. Very few go the other way (atheist->religious).
Notice how the Atheist is only able to recruit, much like how sodomites recruit and feminists and other Marxist types. It's also very similar to how many cancers spread, tricking normal cells to produce cancer cells like how single mothers create broken unfinished children.

Irreligion doesn't mean Atheism. In fact you will find out that the majority of people who have no religion still believe in 'a higher power' just not a specific God according to Pew Research and Ipsos Mori.

>Who needs children when you can brainwash other peoples?
Atheists truly are a disgusting people

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too late to reproduce though, checkmate!

fuck religion especially christian

They count on women being in the government run indoctrination centers until at least 18, being taught that motherhood is the worst fate imaginable - already prime years lost, but then most will continue on to university for the final wash through the Marxist cycle, never have children, never marry... Or at least wait until 35 after your career. Recall that 25 is considered late stage fertility.

at least atheists aren't mentally handicapped unlike most of the christians.

the more christians breads
then the more idiocy spreads

That's a nasty way of looking at it. But by that logic, you could use pretty much any form of belief or organization, such as Christianity or Islam with the same analogy.

These threads always make me disgusted, I feel like they're from the very same shills which keep posting those whites love that black crap.

what's wrong with "whites" loving "black" crap, whatever it is?


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more like free gift of stupidity


corporations can create and raise kids.
in exchange they pay no taxes and can pay their workers less (because workers won't have to support families).
whaddya say?

The atheists who needed religion to breed will die off but some atheists will breed anyway. It's called natural selection.

Maybe you could convince them to breed for the sake of keeping atheism alive, lol

Then explain China