>7.6% of all black people in the US have been arrested for a violent crime
Why does Jow Forums hate blacks 'cuz they're violent' if only 7.6% of them are actually violent? Why ignore the 92.4%?
>7.6% of all black people in the US have been arrested for a violent crime
Why does Jow Forums hate blacks 'cuz they're violent' if only 7.6% of them are actually violent? Why ignore the 92.4%?
>7.6% of all black people in the US have been arrested for a violent crime
Also, blacks are around 6 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted. So take that into account.
the 92.4% aren't caught.
Yeah, do you have any idea how hard it is to catch and convict negroes?
Try identifying them from CCTV footage sometime.
That's true. I'm just giving a rough estimation assuming that all these arrests were just. Also, these are arrests, not convictions
> Also, these are arrests, not convictions
I actually meant to write wrofully arrested. Its from a study a read a while back. Around 6 times more likely to be wrongfully arrested for violent crime and rape. Interesting when according to your source the violent crime rate also appears to be around 6 times more.
>assuming that all these arrests were just
You can't assume that
7.6 weren't fast enough to outrun.
I'm assuming it for the sake of argument (and simplicity). We're on the same side here dude
My source is the bureau of justice by the way: bjs.gov
>7.6% of all black people in the US have been arrested for a violent crime
less than 3% of Nazis were wanted for war crimes, why ignore the 97% of good ones?
Nazis were people who believed in a certain ideology which advocated genocide and racism. You can't compare an ethnic group, which is a group of people with different values, different beliefs, different personalities, etc. to an ideological group who all believe the same immoral ideology.
in almost every niggerfuxated city in Murica the police departments have less than a 50% rate of solving violent crimes.
>race is separate from ideology
loving this meme
>Nazis were people who believed in a certain ideology which advocated genocide and racism.
So do niggers! Faggot!
>less than 3% of Nazis were wanted for war crimes, why ignore the 97% of good ones?
I think that most people are capable of understanding that a lot of soldiers under the nazi regime were just young men sent to war. They didn't necessarily believe in the same things as the leaders. In anycase, even if they did they weren't the ones making the decisions. Hence not being wanted for war crimes.
black people never talk to poelice unless its against white people. its safer to say 7.6% of blacks were caught on camera committing violent crime
Yes it is. Just look at us two: I'm a white person, you're (probably) a white person, yet I'm not a racist and you (probably) are.
It’s true. And even if he showed you, you’d deny it carry on with your nigger dicksucking ways.
Because 13% of the population does half the crime. And this is coming from the males which is 7.5%, and young males at that so even lower.
expecting Americans to be anything other than Myopic is not like asking for the salt at the dinner table
You’re a cuckold race traitor. And I hope you are raped and shot by the very animal niggers you love so much. Walk through the hood and scream out loud how much you love blacks and aren’t racist. You’ll be beaten to death inside 5 minutes. You’re a fucking disgrace.
that's an oldie.
anyway, OP, i don't hate them. i hate how completely unaware they are and how whites are blamed for their lack of success. i hate how we're talking about them right now. i hate what they've done to america.
Interesting also that it is on a downward trend. Why then has race become such an issue again in America in the last view years?
exactly, thanks for the percentage breakdown. Anyone know the % of violent crimes comitted by 18-29 or 18-40 year old niggers? might have to look myself
young males between 13 - 30.
So like 3%.
most of all, i hate how all media, here, tv, hollywood, movies, etc. is all about them. i hate how the worst parts of their culture are held up as examples of acceptable behavior.
and i'm trying my best not to hate blacks themselves, but they make it very hard.
You seem serious.
Barly 20% of /pol is really bigot.
40% hate few things about nigger, not niggers entirely.
Remaining are just here for troll, memes etc.
At a certain point the 'only being ironic' 'only trolling' excuse doesn't hold up. When fake racism is indistinguishable from genuine racism then they both have to be treated the same.
>13% of the population does half of the crimes
Does that make it fair to hate that 13%? Or should you rather hate the 7.6% of the black community that commits those crimes?
>Race and ideology aren't separate if I kill those within my race that have a separate ideology from what I perceive to be the ideology belonging to my race
This is like saying my left arm doesn't exist if I chop it off. This is why all collectivist ideologies will deteriorate into violence
I can't really blame them too much because a lot of them are born in a shitty cycle of violence. If that problem can somehow be fixed then the black community would get a whole lot better.
why the fuck are u sjw faggots on pol
If you don't hate black people you've probably never been around them
How do burgermutts cope with them being 14% of their population?
When did I say I hated niggers? I only hate the ones that do the crime, not the whole group. Same with white people and every other race. But it just so happens that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime compared to other races.
>If that problem can somehow be fixed then the black community
The only way out of a cycle of poverty/ violence is education. Even then it takes generations.
Racism is problem when it takes voilent face or discrimination.
Left screming racism is illgical and playing victim card.
How to fight discrimination. Just upgrade yourself to the level that your racist boss wont refuse you because of you skills.
Left screming racism is not doing anything and hoping marches will do thing. They want everything while living in safe zone. Its retarded.
I rather live in hell than living in safe zone.
Because it will make me hard enough to conquer greatness.
7.6% of the population commits over 70% of all violent crime?? Why aren't they jailed or deported? Life conditions would improve dramatically for the peaceful.
>low percentage meme
Yes but what is the percentage compared to other races, say whites, latinos, or asians? 7.4% is a shit ton of people.
>Why ignore the 92.4%?
They're not the problem, dumbass.
The criminals are what we're worried about.
Well then this thread isn't directed against you
Whites are inherently racist my dude. Just because you don't hate PoC doesn't mean that you're not racist.
What is the rate of murder cases in niggerville ending with either an arrest or conviction? On any given year 5% of the nigger population has committed a violent crime. This is all available in fbi statistics. Go spin on your dildo faggot
I've posted it beforebut don't take those stats at face value. Yes they commit more crime but are also around 6 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted. Who knows exactly what the true numbers are.
Niggers are highly racist. Should we hook up their testicles to car batteries as was done to the Nazis at Nuremberg?
>I rather live in hell than living in safe zone.
Because it will make me hard enough to conquer greatness.
So you're moving to Detroit?
Their crime percentage is disproportionally higher than their population
Completely destroyed.
It can be hard to tell the 7.6% from the 92.4% at times, so it's best to be safe and never relax around any of them.
but on a downward trend
92.4% of Black people are better at lying than the other 7.6%
>more than 50%
>you arent being fair
Tough shit?
You sound extremely racist.
I live in india ahmed.
Its not less.
You have to fight for everything because 1.3 b population.
Here’s a PD from Chicago
Source related:
You misspelled niggers
So it's impossible moving to Detroit?
That is not true by any measure, NONE. Show me any statistic that shows they’re 600% more likely to be wrongly convicted.
Plus, that’s kind of cherry picking the stats by choosing convictions and not total arrests. Do plea deals count as convictions?
Black unemployment is also like 6%. Which means 94% of blacks are employed. That's better than most "white" European countries.
Right, but if you took 100 black people and stood them all in line, 92 of those are going to be non-violent, and only 8 will be violent
So how does it follow then that 'niggers are violent', like a lot of people on Jow Forums claim?
Sure, all people are inherently tribalistic, but I'm not an ideological racist, meaning I might prefer white people to black people in my mind because of the evolutionary ticks in my brain that cause this, but when I think about it rationally I know that I shouldn't hate people because of their race
rationality > instincts
99,952 out of 100,000 black americans never killed anyone. But still Jow Forums sees every black as a threat.
gtfo civicuck
Ignoring all the other problems they bring, it's not worth dealing with the minority that commit crimes when you can minimize the chance with others. Is it fair to force me to interact with people who look like criminals? Life isn't about fairness.
>what is scaling
Percentages seem to fly over your head
You're right, you have better odds with blacks than with Russian roulette. What's not to love?
What about non-violent crime
Not the same document I remember reading the 6 times figure from but interesting still. 3 and a half times more likely to be wrongfully convicted for sexualt assault.
>didn’t get charged
>means it didn’t happen
Ever heard of government programs handing jobs to Blacks by incentivizing employers to hire Blacks?
My government does this for immigrants, paying companies to hire niggers and sandniggers, hurting the natives looking for work and setting labor competition askew.
You do have better luck with blacks than russians.
Why the fuck are you here
>Also, blacks are around 6 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted. So take that into account
Let me just pull stats out my ass while Tyrone has a 2nd round with my wife
No. Because Im not looking to join military or be drug dealer or gangsta or rapper.
Its tge intellectual greatness.
>what is per capita crimerates
black people don´t seem to understand this concept. Whites are many more overall than blacks. Blacks are much less.
You realize that´s almost 1 in 10. So nearly every 10th black person you see is potentially a violent criminal. So given that there´s far less blacks than white americans. That´s a staggeringly huge number for a population that is that few. Blacks are responsible for 50% of the total murders in the US, not even in per capita math. Just of all murders regardless of the respective difference in total size of those ethnic groups. There really is a huge fucking math problem in the US among blacks where they refuse to understand what these statistics mean. It means you are insanely likely to commit crimes! If whites had the same population size as blacks. You would in comparison struggle to find barely anyone because the ratio would be massive in comparison. Whereas with blacks it´s nearly every 10th black person you encounter.
And to make matters worse for blacks. What it is 90% of blacks are murdered by another black person. Again do the same. In a black population that small, and in a country with so many white people, and many people of other ethnicities. It´s incredible that the number is so high. Because you would think that others would be statistically more likely to kill a black person given that there´s so many more than them than blacks, and that statistically a % of them would be violent criminals, but no.
There´s a HUGE problem with blacks not understanding crime rate statistical math. And therefore not understanding how insanely criminal and murderous they are compared to others.
White unemployment here is like 3% so no we don't have that problem.
Nevermind, here
>Half of all defendants exonerated for murder are African Americans (380/762), who make up only 13% of the population of the United States.
>For the population at large, that’s seven times the rate or whites
>Who knows exactly what the true numbers are.
The police who handled them. The numbers indicate the black population is even more violent than what is published. Your cops get called racist and get fired if they do their job, they're called pigs and get fired when they dont.
The problem isnt the police.
The problem isn't the peaceful law abiding citizens.
The problem is crime, especially violent crime, of which less than 8% is responsible for over 70% of. If you cant see how its racist to insist that races be forced to live together you're a fucking monster. It's like locking up cobras and mongooses in a cage and expecting no fatalities.
What problems?
Don't use anecdotal evidence
Because they are not like us. Race is about biological differences, not about qualities. Even if they were smart and civilized they still would be our biological competitors.
Thank you fucking idiot
This also destroys the argument that non blacks are walking around trying to kill black people. No 90% of blacks are killing other blacks. It´s like finding a unicorn in comparison of the few non blacks that kill another black. Especially given the population differential.
>76% of all black people in the US have been arrested for a crime
Corrected that for you
Likely they're unemployed who aren't considered anymore in labor statistics; they're disincentivized workers.
>If that problem can somehow be fixed then the black community would get a whole lot better.
this would require a critical analysis of their behavior and culture, impossible when everyone's a cultural relativist.
Wow crazy
should be ". . .there are. . ."
>Even then it takes generations.
for them, maybe.
That would probably be even higher for blacks.
OP, I'm going to point a revolver that can hold 10 bullets at you. Only 1 is loaded. Before doing so, I'll give you the chance to have a different gun pointed at you. This one can hold 100 bullets and only 1 cylinder is loaded. Would you say "Oh, give me the 1/10 gun. It's only a 1 in 10 chance, so only an idiot would be upset about that."?
if they're acting like dumb niggers, i should be able to say so.
vague allusions and references to the sad state of black culture aren't going to cut it. if someone's being a dumb nigger you should call them a dumb nigger and not beat around the bush. that's the only type of language these people understand.
Celebrate it and promote it?
You've completely misunderstood what I was trying to say. Yes, blacks do commit more crime than any other racial group in America, that's true. My point is not that there isn't a problem with black crime in America, because there obviously is.
My point was to say that you can't say 'niggers are violent' if it's only 7.6% of all black people who commit violent crime. It's not 'niggers', it's the 7.6% of street thugs who grew up in gang culture.
Now, why do blacks commit more crime? Is it because of their inherent nature? Obviously not, because if it was then it would be more than 7.6% committing violent crimes. So why is it then? Poverty, gang culture, rap music glorifying gangs, fatherless households, detachment from mainstream culture, etc.
>Right, but if you took 100 black people and stood them all in line, 92 of those are going to be non-violent, and only 8 will be violent
This is not remotely true. You can expect about 30 of them to chimp out against 40 others while the remaining ones make a circle around where they talk shit and rob whoever is passed out.
Have you ever met black people??
Yes, that's likely closer to the truth regarding disincentivized workers and race. Here in Swede, we have tens of thousands of sandniggers who have just disappeared from the job market. They are not counted in the statistics because they deviated from the asylum/immigration procedure.
>blacks are 7 times more likely to be exonerated
>Interesting when according to your source the violent crime rate also appears to be around 6 times more
The wrongful conviction rate would havw to be comparable to the rate of violent crime for that to matter. Not even close.
and if you had any faith that blacks could actually improve, you'd be doing just that.
Yes, thats what it says. For murder at least. Rape is 3 and a half times more likely
>but when I think about it rationally I know that I shouldn't hate people because of their race
Not hate, if you're rational you would be very cautious around more violent races. The fact you think black people dont hate your guts is both cute and terrifying.
Everybody is racist, you're just a liar on top of it. Racism is healthy for a society, liars are not.
Racist ass courts keeping innocent whites in prison for crimes they didn't commit baka