they were racist as fuck
Why does pol hate the enlightenment?
Other urls found in this thread:
99% of all humans to have ever lived on this planet have been racist.
We have only ever been 'non-racist' since maybe the 60's. And it's only been white countries. And it isn't even all white countries.
The Enlightenment was a case of massively overreaching. The actual ability of humans to use their reason to understand the world and act accordingly is severely overstated.
The unthinking customs that develop over centuries, made robust by repeated exposure to calamity, have a logic to them that usually eludes anybody trying to work out why they exist. ie. Chesterton's fence.
The Enlightenment specifically as it was applied to the natural world, as in natural science, the empirical method, was a resounding success, and the probably the single greatest achievement of humans to date, but the application of it to every category of human existence has been an unmitigated disaster.
"niggas be trifflin'" - Immanuel Kant
Enlightement was the result of psychosis caused by writing too much bible fanfiction. It is responsible for the death of the west and in a sense it’s a self correcting mechanism. It is time to embrace the dark enlightement and embrace national bolshevism.
Most whites are subconcoisly racist.
>embrace national bolshevism.
Really deep shit nigger
It was just a ruse to hide the fact that they were killing any alternative beliefs all around the world.
Nazbol is the only form of reactionarism that actually works.
The vast majority here have never actually read the works of the enlightenment and believe the Jewish lies regarding what the thinkers of that time believed and wrote.
>Nazbol is the only form of reactionarism that actually works.
Wait, its been tried before? Isn't nazbol just a meme that came out a few years ago?
[citation needed]
nice try nigger
You really need a citation to know that throughout history people didn't think everyone was equal and the same kek?
memeflag checks out
Nazbol is more or less racially aware stalinism, and in a sense north korea could be regarded as a nazbol state. As to why nazbol would be more succesfull than juche the explanation would require too much writing.
>Not intentionally mispelling words
would the proper use of this language require "too much writing"? ()
fucking imbecile - fuck off and don't come back
You’re triggered and a faggot. How does cock feel in your ass?
>racially aware stalinism
so just Stalinism? Or are we forgetting about the Holodomor
He's not triggered, he's pointing out how stupid you look.
>le triggered meme
how does it feel like being 16?
Explicit vs implicit racial awareness.
I am not 16, but thanks I feel pretty good. Unlike you as you have aids from all that poz jizz inside your innards.
I see you have a proxy.
But the results would be the same, no?
Yeah, they are.
Although there would be small differences like for example nazbol is more lukewarm with eugenics.
I cant understand how anybody would praise Stalinism except out of sheer spite and anger towards the Right. Stalin was a deranged mass murderer.
Then again you're a commie, so you and I are fundamentally incapable of understanding each other.
Stalin was quite possibly the most succesfull politician of the 20th century and literally turned a feodal shithole into the dominant superpower of his time.
Is it really so hard to believe that more than one person would call you an idiot?
Well you know it’s hard to tell two faggots apart but I see you’re also a filthy furry. How did eating your moms asshole feel like?
>feodal shithole
How to identify somebody who knows nothing about Russian history. In the early 1800s Russia was just as capable of fending off the foremost European forces as it was in the mid1900s.
>claiming not to be 16
>trying uber-hard to find the edgiest banter
>hahahahahaha ur mom hahahahaha
this shit writes itself
>sees picture of dog
>assumes furry
>another non-sequitur (go look it up you retard)
This much projection....lmfao
>inb4 forced you to use a pokemon meme I win!
Russia’s gdp per capita in relation to western europe declined steadily from 1600 to 1900 until stalin pulled it back up. Russia was far behind the western powers in terms of developement which could for example be seen in their lack of a proper navy.
>Enlightement was the result of psychosis caused by writing too much bible fanfiction. It is responsible for the death of the west and in a sense it’s a self correcting mechanism.
Partially correct.
>It is time to embrace the dark enlightement and embrace national bolshevism.
Completely fucking retarded.
Clearly your mom’s asshole left you traumatized faggot.
Is that a picture of yourself you inbred cretin?
Please explain.
That picture is flat out wrong as in it uses completely incorrect data. The US is a net food exporter.
>hahahahaha no u
alright - that's some plebbit-tier retardation right there
imagine being this much of a countrylet, that you have to post with memeflags.
to play your card: I hope your mother is proud of what you have become
>almost landlocked country whose entire military strategy is dependent on bleeding out invaders through immense stretches of land has poor navy
Russia could not compete with Western Europe during its period of ascendancy- no people on earth could, it was an unprecedented situation. I fail to see how Stalin killing millions of Slavs was the preferred outcome for Russia and its neighbors. The forceful reorganization of the Empire instead of allowing a natural development was a brutality visited upon a native people by a number of hostile alien ethnicities.
Are your mom comebacks the best you can do?
>claims not to be 16
>refuses to admit made spelling error and move on
>doubles down instead
>spouts oedipal-complex insults as a projection of own insecurity
It clearly hits you right home so why should I bother with anything else retard?
the only thing clear here is how clearly retarded you are
Had russia had to ”naturally develop” I find it unlikely that they would have ever managed to properly industrialize, since the gap between russia and the west kept widening during the 19th century. Consider how during the 18th century sweden could hold its own against russia, but after stalin the entire western europe had to form an alliance to have any chances against the soviet union.
t. Immanuel Cunt.
he doesn't even know the meaning of non-sequitur
clearly not even the mental age of 16
>so why should I bother with anything else retard?
why should you bother anyways? why do you even answer then?
And: what exactly went wrong with you? you can tell us, it's an anonymous board after all....
bullying? problems in school? still a handlet? divorced parents?
>T. Pathetic leddit incel
I rest my case.
Triggering pathetic subhumans like you is fun.
Nice argument.
>citation needed for simple logic
>t. Nigger
Reminder that you’ll never be accepted, and soon you’ll be dead
you are conveniently ignoring that the 'feodal shithole' Russia fought off Napoleon's army.
You're also implying that Russia could not have industrialized without the mass murder of Slavs, which strikes me as specious logic considering the absence of similiar atrocities in England or France(even the Revolution is nothing in comparison with what happened in the Soviet Union)
Hahahahaha this is an 18+ board little guy
>I can't come back with anything intelligent so I'll call you more names!! HAH
again le ebin driggerin meme
not even 14 probably
aaaaaand you just showed what a huge unintelligent hypocrite you are
Hating the enlightenment is a meme. There is no segment of conservative/reactionnary thought that wasn't greatly influenced by it. Hating Kant is also a meme, say what you want about his ethics, the critique of pure reason is still a big cornerstone in human thought
Literally the start of social tolerance as a western virtue. Also worked in favor of the Protestants wrecking Europe and motivated a lot of thought based on their lies of our history, deliberately trying to revolt against the intellectual and spiritual history of Europe and buying/peddling bullshit about our history beforehand.
Note western education now. You get the Greeks and then it jumps to the Renaissance, Reformation, and the "Enlightenment" with only a few light references of figures like Charlemagne in between. This glosses over the entire 1000 year history of the middle ages that built Europe and also the Carolingian renaissance.
The Enlightenment narrative is they are a finding a truth and reason in response to our dark and ignorant past. To them the past is oppressive and incomprehensible. It is no wonder that a group that cherishes our history would have a problem with such a narrative.
It's not an argument; I'm calling you stupid.
You are correct in saying that the Enlightenment is responsible for the death of the West. Although it is more accurate to say that it is one cause, while materialism and the fetishization of science comes in a close second and third. The Enlightenment perpetuated the egalitarian idea that we are all created equal even though on an individual case by case basis you can clearly see that not everyone is equal. On its face the enlightenment wasn't too bad. Sure, it was egalitarian but many of its thinkers still viewed hierarchy as a necessity. That all changed when the French Revolution happened, when more the more subversive (i.e. Rousseau, then Marx) got ahold of it it the system that made Europe sucessful. You are wrong in saying that it was the result of bible fan fiction because it rejected most of the teachings in it. You are incredibly wrong in saying it's a self correcting system. It similar to saying that a system is self correcting when it completely breaks down so an insane ammount of effort has to be put in place to fix it.
National Bolshevism is just an extension of enlightenment though that still revolves around the idea that we are all somehow equal. It is an attempt to take the best of National Socialism and combine it with the most subversive and worst of all of the gremlins Marxism produced, Bolshevism. Not matter how much you try to fix marxism to make it work you will always run into the same problem. It is inherently based upon a false premise. Oh, and much of Stalin's war effort was propped up by lend lease and after the revolution the Russians were getting a absolute fuck ton of foreign aid in order to keep it from collapsing well into the 20s and 30s. You can make the arguemetn that the Revolution was a get quick rich scheme with the intent of global subversion to egalitarian bullshit. You can read more about this here.
>elevating ratio over intellectus
Those who live by the sword die by the sword. This is not a threat but a promise.
Fucking leaf
True reaction is the Spanish Inquisition, and the reason is nothing but deus vult. No explanation just authority vested in king and in religion.
The Enlightenment is anathema to hierarchical, traditional political forms. Justifying power through reason leads inevitably to Leftism.
Russia fought off napoleon’s army by retreating and abandoning even moscow, hardly a susteinable strategy. The genocidal tendencies of the soviet union were mostly caused by first the fact that the soviet union was such a large country, and second by the fact that stalin had to deal with so much internal struggle. It is also undeniable that the soviet industrialization was much faster than the western one.
Cause you have no argument imbecile.
Except when it doesn't.
Giving all the power to the engineers wasn't the solution and it never is, watch Adam Curtis Pandora's box.
Thx, I’ll have a read later on.
This is the correct answer.
state the exact proposition, he should have "argued" against
Kant was only going with his time.
Saying that a negro is human wasnt acceptable back then.
They were caused by hatred of Christian slavs among Jews, Georgians, and other minority groups. Japan industrialized very quickly as well without murdering its own population.
If you dont condemn Stalin you can't condemn HItler either, whose strategy was undoubtedly successful, just insufficient to measure up to the combined power of his enemies.
That you have aids, which I know is impossible to argue against.
Do you think that I comdemn hitler? My main critique for hitler is his emplyment of schacht.
>why does Jow Forums
>implying Jow Forums is one person or even one idea
Really tired of your lazy shit OP. Quit starting your threads on the basis of an assumption that you haven't even proved. Until you learn to do that, I am going to sage your threads and encourage others to do the same.
You're lucky that
is taking the time to explain all of this to you and be patient. Normally you'd just get roasted worse than what was already said.
You’re the only one here getting roasted between two dudes fag.
Kant was an incel? Life long virgin?
>Thx, I’ll have a read later on.
No, read it now so you can stop embarrassing yourself with this nazbol gang bullshit. Stalin sucked and got lucky on numerous occasions. If you're going to criticize the enlightenment, don't ascribe to the fruits of it. While you're at it go ahead and read Growth of the Soil, followed by the pic related guide to Evola if you really want to claim a reactionary title.
>I am not 16
Some of us noticed. Don't worry, junior, it won't be long until you are.
How can you like both Hitler and Stalin? The two strategies are not remotely reconcilable. Hitler hated above all exactly the Bolshevik class
I agree with you to some degree, there was a logic in the thousand years old societies we were living in. Be it the indian castes, the three estates, social norms, etc... It took a long time to develop and they were resistant enough to go untouched for centuries if not longer... But a lot of these degenerated through time and there had to be a kind of modernization if we were to survive. The Enlightenment was a necessary step but unfortunately it was followed by the hubris of a few men who thought that because they were smart enough to see behind the veil of tradition, they could rewrite a millenium of human societies in just a few days with the help of some simple principles. We couldn't have avoided the enlightenment unless we were to ban science and technological progress, the old models simply weren't up to date
I am utilitarian. I judge ideologies and people based on how effective were they at improving their nations. I don’t really give a fuck about ideology.
Kennedy, is that you?
Define improving a nation
Oh, and I do see the contradiction but I don’t want to write a five page essay on it.
Has to be defined on a case by case basis. As a question that’s equally banal with ”how do you define white”. For example reducing infant mortality is clear evidence of improving one’s nation.
I’m not your fuckbuddy.
>I am utilitarian
>I judge ideologies based on...
>I don’t really give a fuck about ideology
I couldn't imagine a person with a more fucked up case of mental inconsistency
Hurry up and follow this guy's advice so you can stop embarrassing yourself.
You make a good point. The old gods were kind of on the way out regardless.
I suppose the only thing that will wrest new traditions out of this mess is centuries of bloodshed and struggle, as it always is. Darwinian logic wins in the end.
Jared Diamond said of Hunter gatherers he met living in Papua New Guinea that different tribes often had similar names for one another; that the rough translation of the most common names was something along the lines of "those smelly subhumans in the next valley." That he heard similar jokes like "How do you say hi to stranger?" "With a rock!"
Tribalism is the default form of human thinking and racism is simply an extension of the idea of the tribe.