Jow Forums on the bottom

>Besides, we're not Trump supporters, we're anti-Liberal supporters.
this. i just want to watch my enemies burn. and trump is bringing some decent satisfaction

Attached: nigger cannibals.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

The entire leftist ideology is a lie. They make 'muh oppressed minorities' promises they know they can never honour.


Meanwhile, back in the real world...

Attached: sks7kas.png (652x640, 460K)

checked and saved

>occupy democrats

Umm, it's not 2011 anymore. Get with the CURRENT YEAR sweetie.

Too bad you couldn't keep your psychiatrist OP, you really need them right now.

Attached: obamanotdonelying.jpg (300x214, 13K)

Attached: 67458.jpg (900x770, 219K)

