GOP: Russians didn't help Trump. Also GOP: Yeah, they did.
So this is unified government?
GOP: Russians didn't help Trump. Also GOP: Yeah, they did.
So this is unified government?
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump was put in by Russia to destroy America
Links to the actual report
Russia had zero involvement in US politics in 2016
it'd be interesting to see Russia's involvement level compared to other countries like the UK, France, etc
>russians didnt want to have to deal with killary
Im not surprised. How is this news? I guess when you're trying to create evidence from nothing, this is all you can come up with.
The Russians loved dealing with Hillary. She fucking sold Putin 20% of US uranium mining rights FFS
So is this anything new beyond 'some ads on FB and trolls on twitter'? or just more political bs
Nope, actually all they did was release transcripts of old interviews done last year re: Trump Tower meeting set up to frame Trump Jr with Fusion GPS agent Natalia Veselnitskaya's nothing burger meeting
Meddled you asshole
They always do that
And, now you always do this
Gotta say I respect the GOP committee having the balls to stand up the establishment Zeitgeist.
That said.
They really didn't tell us anything we didn't already know.
Of course Russia is sponsoring the extreme right in America, they learned from the best: US.
Destabilize your opponents, make them fight among each other and use that to your gain.
We've been doing it for 70 years, about time someone caught on eh?
>the establishment Zeitgeist
That's exactly who sits on this committee. It's a report bought and paid for and approved of by the establishment uniparty, equal parts Dems and Never Trump Republicans. John McBraintumor is on this committee ffs
Wrong, if you had bothered to read the source, you would know that the GOP intel committee finally said that Russia did in fact favor Trump in the election.
>The Senate Intelligence Committee's leaders said Wednesday they believed that the intelligence community's 2017 assessment of election meddling was correct, breaking with Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee who questioned the conclusion that the Russians were trying to help President Donald Trump get elected.
>It's a conspiracy by the Democrats and the Deep State Republicans to subvert Trump, the true hero of the Republic!
Yeah ok buddy.
Youre going to have even less luck trying to advance your causes by stealing memes. That's a protip
>Stealing memes.
Not how that works newfag.
Memes are meant to be taken and adapted, its the entire mechanism by which they propagate and evolve.
Lurk more.
Please see Steele Dossier, FBI spying on Page and his role as an FBI informant, Fusion GPS and Trump Jr's meeting with the Russian Attorney.
Seen em.
For years now.
You would have to be blind to not be aware of all of those if you use this board.
Just backtraced this poster to Israel. Everyone be careful
Did they say why? Because from what has been leaked you couldn't make that conclusion. If it's based on Crowdstrike then their conclusions mean nothing.
It's based on the same joke intelligence report that was intially branded as having had input from "muh 17 agencies" that then came to be proven as having been written by James Clapper and John Brennan. Meaning it was the work product of 2 communists. So if you found the muh 17 intelligence agencies report to be a total joke, then this Senate finding 16 months later is equally as useless to you
People like you are real?
The posts that are just random commiepedia links found online are usually bots but we may actually found ourselves a real life retard itt
It hasn't been years but I'm glad you've seen them! You should be proactive in spreading around the information.
Putin is a CIA asset.
It's kinda amazing watching liberals deepthroat the deep state.
I guess an all powerful police state is okay as long as you get LGBT rights in the process