What is white?
Only non whites and mutts obsess over purity
So you didn’t read any of it?
I did. And I understand where you’re coming from but like I said only mutts and non whites obsess over purity. Only they are compelled to do DNA tests. Us normal ones just look at our parents then look at ourselves then come to the obvious conclusion that we’re wgute
It doesn’t change the fact that some nordics side with Italians over 95% nordics in America because they are 2% Native American. But I guess that’s what a “mutt” is right? So some Americans should just move to Latin America and give up their overwhelmingly white genes?
I am into history. This is all duh to me. Aware of these lines and the mixtures they produced. I dont class whiteness by skin color. Whitest mfer I ever ran into by color was a straight up degenerate pale nigger. Ive met varying shades of people that embody what whiteness is to me. Its a good Christian mindset. And dont lump them with the hypocrites that have caused the hate for religion in general. Christlike, is white. No matter the color.
Again, I’m saying real whites don’t care. They don’t take dna tests because they already know their ancestry. They know they are clearly white. You’re just drawing up what if’s. If anything this is something that will happen in a mutt community, a contest to see who’s “more white”. Us regular whites just see it as either your white or you aren’t.
Slide thread because the subject literally doesn't matter and exists to d&c as a result of discussion no matter how well thought out the OP is.
How does it not matter?
If there is a happening or a meaningful thread or 2 that are being “slid” please post them.
In America (and soon to be Britain) it does matter.
Should Prince George be kicked out of England if he is in fact part Jewish?
So you don’t think there is a real purity thing outside of like stormfront?
Among whites? No. Among mutts? Yes.
Maybe you’re right
Dude whites just see “being white” as binary. Either you are yes or no. 1 or 0. There is no middle ground there’s only closer to 1 or closer to 0. That’s how we see “being white”
We're all mutts you sperg. I was white my whole life. I say was because over the years researching my family, as well as history, led me to native ancestors, african ancestors, and finally in england, what i thought would just be more white people. England, 1700s right? Nope, jewish. Wich led me to the question, are jews white? Their skin is white, mostly. They have dark genetics in their past too. So purity, is a lie. I havent done a dna yet. I want to finish historical records before I test to confirm.
Alike or other. But what about blondie with the tan, Shit Stacey looks white to me. Where the melanin come from?
Blonde people tan more than red heads
Thoughts on some bullshit an idiot posted?
>are Jews white
No they aren’t.
>purity is a lie
I think you’re just having an existential crisis because you are a mutt. You hate “purity” even though that’s how you see everything, when we literally don’t even see it that way. I know you’re type, There was an anti authoritarian thread that turned out to be just a happa who was mad that everyone is adopting nationalistic race centered politics, that everyone had a tribe to go back to. Man I’m clearly white, I don’t care about the specifics. All I can do is find someone else who looks white and have white children
So once Jewish blood enters your bloodline you can’t be white?
This is the retarded purity I am talking about.
I guess Prince George might not be white.
If it was bullshit you would have an argument
I never said he was a mutt because of that. He’s just talking like one.
>we’re all mutts you sperg
If so, who cares? I look white. My parent look white. My siblings look white. I’m not panicking
>I suspect
Who cares about the guess work of some rando when the text is dripping with "Im gonna prove ur a mutt so you cant deny open borders"?
Your writefaggotry can be fixed by a Jow Forums classic :
>white people
next time -> LURK MOAR faggot
It’s an obvious black pill thread
I don’t care. And anyone who’s actually white won’t care either
I don’t want open borders, I want a broader expansion of people who are considered “white”. Really I just want Europeans to quit shitting on Americans for having indian ancestors if they look just as white as Europeans. A dna test doesn’t tell us everything about race.
You called somebody not white for admitting they have a kike ancestor so you are the one dividing people. You can’t even be consistent on what you consider to be white or not white. It is this reason that I had to create a thread about this.
>A dna test doesn’t tell us everything about race
A DNA test tells us everything that is real about race. A person will not look white unless they have some arbitrary amount of european genes. I don't know what the cutoff should be, but there is one.
>Again, I’m saying real whites don’t care. They don’t take dna tests because they already know their ancestry.
This is bullshit, plenty of people take DNA tests just because they are interested. For example if you want to see what your haplogroups are. I wanted to see if my Grandpa was Polish, turns out he was mostly German.
But people argue about Italians being white because of their looks. Meanwhile you can be like 85% white (nordic) and be one of the whitest people in Italy. So it doesn’t tell us everything
And I’m not trying to argue that Italians are not white, because that is retarded
Im not paniced. The whole world still sees me as white. Hated with you. Im just a researching nerd.
Me too
>you can’t even be consistent on what’s considered white
If you where truly white you would understand my binary reference.
Like most race realists, whoever wrote this has grouped ethnicities into quasi-scientific groups in terms not shared by anyone who does not already agree with them. Saying a term like "red nordic" is non-standard would be rather kind to the author.
White is an identity group primarily based around ethnicity and self-selection of people who identify as such. There is considerable disagreement as to which ethnicities are included and which are excluded. Typically, the only universally included ethnicities are the French, all British Celtic groups, and all Germanic groups. Typically, other Indo-European ethnicities are included. The widest groupings often include Berbers, Semitic groups, Caucausian groups (Georgians, Armenians, et al), and the Turks (but not other Turkic groups). Racial categorization does not typically reflect genetic relation except in the narrowest groupings, but the long history of ethnic intermarriage tends to diminish even these schemata.
>I’m just a researching nerd
Sure bud.
Wtf does a mutt even mean? If it just means somebody who is obviously mixed of two races, then no, we are not all mutts
Not an argument
Not my claim. It’s his.
OP asked for thoughts, not arguments, dweeb. Did you really expect anyone to argue whether or not the kikes really did erase white history? Come on, man. Ancient genealogies are not extant, except for a handful of royalty and other notables like Jesus. Those genealogies are generally more fiction than fact. Genealogical records for ancient normies were probably never made. The time frame for the supposed Armenid and Red/Blonde Nordic interbreeding is literally prehistoric anyway.
Im not following geneologies. Im following the craft.
Which is fine. It's just race realists who irk me. Humanity is too inbred and horny for race to make sense. There was an argument for Bantus, aborigines, and isolated islanders having been isolated enough to develop into sub-species, but it turns out they simply didn't develop any non-superficial traits that don't constitute just inbred abomination stuff, which only takes a few generations anyway. The Baldwin Effect explains the lack of human speciation nicely.
>yes hah just fuck whatever race you want since we’re not 100% pure
What would a pure ethnicity look like? With people only banging their distant cousins again and again? And their descendants banging their now not quite so distant cousins again and again?
This isn't a hypothetical or rhetorical question. We already know the answer: Aborigines. They. Are. Hideous. Half-Aborigine half-anything else looks normal, though.
>haha wait your 98% Bavarian? Lol why even try to get a white Woman you’re not ethnically pure
>guys were not all ethnically pure so we should stop fucking people who look like us ok?
>what is white thread #6853464
Kill yourself OP. Everyone knows what white is and you're just another Divide and Conquer shill trying to make a slide thread about FUCKING NOTHING.
Just out of curiosity, have you ever reached a conclusion that did not immediately seem obvious to you? Cause that's what race realism invariably comes down to and that's why race realists can never agree with each other beyond that, totes obvs, there are races. A lot of this world is counterintuitive to the goop we think with.
I don’t think you even know what race realism is
See? What's white is obvious, everyone knows. That's why race realists spending so much time arguing about who is not white. Sorry, I mean they argue because of kikes or whatever trying to sow division. I know the latter is true, because Hitler didn't think Slavs were white and he was the most obvious ZOG puppet of them all.
>I don't think
You don't really listen, either.
What’s race realism then?
op here, just let it die, it's been established that the baseline for being white is looking European, I will try to remember this next time a divide and conquer nigger comes along
I like how you demand I prove I'm not a retard with your trivia question, while completely ignoring detailed questions you can't even begin to think about knowing how to answer, kid.
Race realism is the idea that race is not fictive (read: some kind of social construct), but a biological fact. Race realists generally try to prove the existence of race scientifically or logically.
You’re somewhat right.
It is a biological fact but race realism is about the difference of race, not just it being a biological thing. I don’t know what you’re going on about race realists disagreeing with each other
That's because your little paper is fucking stupid.
Italians, the darker ones, are darker because they are the product of being raped for generations by disgusting Arabs and Moors. Dagos are niggers.
Greeks are hardly white these days, and anatolia which was at one point white and the true cradle of western civilization is a complete roach motel.
If your skin isn't light and your facial structure isn't european you get the gas.
Only shitskins and mutts obsess over this shit but at the end of the day I'll never look at you or whores like Brittany Venti as "white".
I look like an Anglo-Alpine. Meds are white you retard. Why else would they come up as 100% European?
Dagos don't.
The US government official considers Arabs to be white. Hitler thought Slavs weren't white, for examples. That was actually a fairly popular idea at the time. The whole point of OP was trying to reconcile disagreements about who is and who is not white. There are little hundreds of different racial schemes that organize different ethnicities into different racial groups.
You're such a strong race realist that you don't seem to realize some people don't believe in race at all. That's actually the majority opinion of geneticists and anthropologists. The precursor of race realism was scientific racism, the idea that race and the differences between races could be proven scientifically, but that idea was discredited in the 1950's. Scientific racism has become synonymous with pseudosciences like homeopathy and the five humors.
Who cares, just keep niggers out.