Can we talk about how Q tried to imply the nazis still control the world and how merkel is his daughter and how fucking retarded Q is for a moment?
>even his retarded fanbase caught on and he had to do his only "pullback"
Pic related 1/4
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's Q saying antifa is a nazi subgroup
>whats that, you won't believe anything i say?
>uhhh it's t-too deep for you!
Q predicted this
Why do you want to talk about Q, user?
because the boomers are back infesting this board again
I love it when boomer shabbos goy protestants and Jewish operatives use that image to try and paint the Catholic Church as being universally favorable to the nazis.
Completely ignore that Pius XII wrote against them and any priest who read it publicly was tossed in an internment camp.
Entire orders were sometimes thrown in prison. Crucifixes and crosses were removed from Catholic school classrooms and replaced with images of the Führer.
A tired WASP attempt to stoke animosity toward Catholicism.
If the NWO are nazis, I'm with them.
Why do you think (((Alex Jones))) always bashes the based Illuminati?
this is EXACTLY when i stopped believing in q
>Nazi world order
wtf, i love the NWO now
also nazis do have some controll, or at least hold some key positions but cant act unless the public zeitgeist switches away from mindlessly supporting leftist agenda. main force is either in antarctica or inside the hollow earth
or alternatively having more of a red string going through but otherwise mostly the same text and info
the addition of "le nazis are the REAL illuminati!" was the day i realized it really was entirely filled with boomers. they unironically believe nazis to be the scourge of humanity. that's what tom clancy told them you know.
Q is with the greatest ally, fellow pedes! Shadilay! We must take down the evil NAZIS! COINCIDENCE? FOLLOW THE BREADCRUMBS!
unironically i was half on board with Q until his week of muh ebil nazis happened and all of his supporters fell right in line and went full on based israel, based jews. knew it was a complete boomer psyop by then.
you mean you didn't already know the truth about operation paperclip? And you don't know why you live in a police state?
fucking normies
If a nazi world order exists, why are jews still alive and why does everyone shill for israel?
>it's the nazis not the jews goy
There is a "Nazi" deep state but they're fighting against the zionist deep state. So just like with EVERYTHING ELSE, jews project their own evil onto their enemies.
This is the most braindead collection of posts I've ever seen in my life lol. Worse than /b/
because the real nazi's are the jews
The Jews are dead, don't you see? The holocaust was real and the Jews we have now aren't actual Jews. They're a cover.
oh look, it's a nazi jew, perfect timing mutilated dick moron
Boomers love Q and being lied too, Boomers have been lied to their entire lives...
>vaccines are good boomer goy
>government is good boomer goy
>Israel is good Boomer goy
No wonder they believe NEWQ and the Psyopp...
Dumb Boomers when will you learnWe need to ask ourselves real questions like we used too!!!
>is Q a fraud?
>is Q disinfo?
>why wait so long?? So Podesta escapes or takes his death like Barbara Bush
We need to know what happened last week and WHY THE NEW TRIPCODE
VIDEO also discusses
>Vanguard Group
The Major owner and controller of Western financial power ... THEY OWN EVERYTHING AND ARE CONNECTED TO
the rabbit hole goes deep!!! Follow that white rabbit!
>why is DPRK folding
>what did Pompeo do/say
>why is pizzagate being hidden and slid!!!
It's both, because statist luciferians don't care what you call them.
This concept seems to be too complex for the average lardbrain, which is why most of you will be slaughtered when the time comes.
That's the reason why they insisted of calling that region "Israel"? All they do is pretend to be the real israelites but actually a false land, deceiving people into believing they are actually the chosen people but they are actually the parasites trying to destroy everyone else? Like a sugar coated killing machine.
what happened to this place that everyone falls for LARPers? we had anon5, he may pulled stuff out of his ass and never gave any sources to his claim even if there were fairly good ones and otherwise talked about stuff that was rumored for some time, but at least his knowledgebomb threads were selfcontaint aside from him posting his archive in another thread from time to time. pretty chill. then there was victory of the LARP the guy claiming to work with aliens that couldnt even get his story straight having in one tweet trump as an ally, in the next one an enemy. his followers shitted up the board for months. then there is bodhi and his black sun wizards. small following i would say he has, but really autistic. then q who shitted up the whole board with his LARP and the boomers for weeks on no end and still feels like its shitting this board up right now. what happened to being user? where your post is worth for whats written in it, and not based on what or who you claim you are. we need these times back
tbf, israel was planned by the nazis, but probably as a huge selfsustaining concentration camp to put in every jew so they cant jew other countries, and not with the other jews still around. look up the Haavara agreement.
If you ever took Q serious
You are either IQ below 90 or a shitskin
wrong, actual israelites are white people with the blue eyed likely being the tribe of judah aka jews and come from the inner earth
the kikes we have today are "those that say they are jews, but are liars instead. the synagogue of satan"
q predicted this
sure thing memeflag
What type of people are these people though? They say they have jewish DNA in their genes, but I know that it's not actual "jewish" it's something totally different.
Are they aliens or something? They have such parasitic tenancies and heritage that do anything they can to take over something and label it bad.
high level insider user was cool
even tho it was probably also a larp, it made fun to read.
they used some of the nazi leaders after the war as managers for some big car company's in Germany, also for some other industries, because they know how to lead people.
The Economy Wonder after the war was all a lie. america build up germanys economy after the war to fight against communism from the russians.
There is also some old blue blood monarchs running around. Know one knows really whats going on in their minds, but they still have some money left.
i believe its fallen angel DNA, which then LARPed as gods like the annunaki. likely satans too from when he mated with eve and produced cain. they try to uphold this corrupted lineage as high as possible because its "of the gods" which is the reason why jewish genes are so shitty.
That's a fake Q, you fucking cancer.
Maybe he was referring to Fascism?
>implying there is a real one
The only shit I see about Q is threads like this one pushing a concerted effort to convince people about the lack of legitimacy Q has. Are boomers making these threads? I sure do see a shitload of them. I havent seen any threads trying to push Q theories at all, but I am pretty sure this is the 10th anti-Q thread I have seen in the past hour
We’re not trash cans so you definitely won’t be able to do shit.
I lol'd
not really far fetched. operation paper clip.
that's literally not you fucking retard. check his many autistic websites that store his posts
NWO is not Nazism. Not even close to the tenets of National Socialism. NWO is the banker elite controlling the world. Q fucked up big time here, sadly.... this actually, whether or not Q is true, made me think both sides of this cultural war are flawed as fuck. Blackpilled.
good goy
You don't look hard enough
This. And if you think your "Ubermensch" was supposed to be a human man, you're sorely mistaken.
t. Disgruntled Paperclip descendant
Also, (quite literal, but also vernacular) "demonization" of power groups is sleight of hand. If you take your chosen labels off, and look at the deeds of evil people, you can see patterns indicating the influence of select spirits on those in power.
The only effective combat is the Way of Christ Jesus. On a personal level (literally fighting for control) and a social one (lessening the effect of aforementioned forces).
Jow Forums
the easiest board to troll on Jow Forums
here's q just now posting pro-war boomer porn with pro-israel, and their flag, all throughout it.
it's time Jow Forums, we have to do what is right, for israel!
Q is only here to speak in riddles and to distract the autism by making people try to decipher his nonsense instead of channeling the autism on real issues.
sure but more accurately he's a jewish psyop
Q is a fucking larp. Caring what the shitposers have to say or the braindead boomer followers is a mistake. Just stop caring or KYS.
t. boomer
The absolute state of Q
Awareness of the BQ is rising here. Your time has come
Dude I started as a literal glue and gas(butane) huffing skinhead. In the first 5 years i was already a millionaire. Bow after 20 years of being a nazi online and irl I have over 200 million euros worth of stocks, real estate and 20% liquidity.
There are very few career available for a goy like me (uni dropout) that are as lucrative as being an ardent neo-nazi!
I know right? I've been long on Boomer memes for years
How in the hell do they fit so many of you faggotts in such a small little rectangular shapes device?
Daily reminder that boomers must go
Don't let them die in their sleep.
Stop larp you fucking faggot, Q is nothing it doesn't exist, you wish it existed so your useless life would move a bit but it doesnt, it's just a legend made by retards like you who contribute nothing to this board nor this planet and should be shot on sight.
seems like you never understood what he stated here;
it is true, she is related and by extrapolation ... she is nazi related
she is kept into power by (them) though, to destroy Europe, to destroy his unfulfilled legacy again,
(they) are fucked up like that and it is time you understood
Q might be too smart for you, don't worry about it pol can help
Q is a Zionist psyop from Kushner and military intelligence.
Don't forget Mr. Teeth! His larp was exceptional, and I was fucking pissed lel
Yep. Catholics were traitorous scum siding with Jews and communists over loyal Europeans. That's just one reason in a long list of why catholica deserve to be exterminated
yes yes, of course! antifa being a nazi subgroup makes perfect sense too! thank you for clearing that up
And why is Adolf Merkel destroying Germany?
>statist luciferians
>This concept seems to be too complex
The irony here
>tbf, israel was planned by the nazis, but probably as a huge selfsustaining concentration camp to put in every jew so they cant jew other countries, and not with the other jews still around. look up the Haavara agreement.
They didn't plan anything except to kick the Jews out to British controlled Palestine
The q larp has run amuck, there are huge numbers following it on a daily basis. The only silver lining is the fact that all those old people will kill themselves after nothing happens and q fades away.
You mean when American government stole the inventions of Germany and kidnapped their scientists under threat of death?
Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP. Stop posting MOSSAD PSYOP.
Old people just shift to new scams.
NASA was staffed by Nazis. Operation Paperclip.
same here user. i still somewhat believe the two original Q posts in oct to be legitimate. and everything after has been coopted. still, just look at how those boomer youtuber cucks react to any post on racetrack chan that points out jewish influence in society in a Q thread. i seriously saw some totally genuine, well thought out questions and posts about jews, and every single one would get flooded with like 10 boomers saying "shill!!!! just trying to make us look bad!!!".
the finally straw was when (((Q))) posted that there was a nazi flag that was identical to antifa's logo. another user replied to that Q post, correctly pointing out the antifa flag was a communist flag in germany, not a fascist one. Q then replied to that user with some image of a marked guy holding a flag somewhat resembling a nazi flag (it was not the antifa logo tho, what q had initially brought up). and even when the user went on to state that Q had in fact proven the user's point even further, people just saw it as confirmation q is holy. it was infuriating because the evidence was right there, but they can't give up 6 months of daily digging and participation, the cognitive dissonance must have been so loud. i'll try to find the posts i'm talking about in my folder
this is true. when q runs away from his LARP that grew too large there will be some serious money to make off the confused and lost boomers. get writing a book now about how Q was captured/killed, how the deep state was on the brink of losing but got to melania (or some shit idk fill in the blanks) and trump HAD to give in to some of their demands and let them walk. bestseller.
Nah, they'll all just go back to glp and continue talking about annunaki and gulping down tavistock psyops. Boomers are the dumbest and most easily psyoped group of people in history. Probably they all have lead poisoning from paint chips and old leaded gasoline.
If its all to sell a book, viral marketing has gone too far
Ment for
at this point its a joke to them. the jews are that nuts to go this far after a guy who opposed them. plus there is all that stuff about dualism so naturaly they would mock him and hes belifs by creating the exact opposite of their group and brand them in a positive way.
write one and sell it. i'm telling you when Q leaves these boomer (((patriots)))) high and dry they'll be looking to throw their money at anyone with an answer. leave it open ended so you can sell more after too, say he was captured and is being held. throw someone like kushner under the bus and say he was a mole on the inside who found Q
Proof will prove past. Many larpers. Someone is inside just not all of them
David Icke explains it perfectly in this video
this but unironically. also what tattoo do i get the eye of providence or the black sun? serious inquires only k' thx.
Got any source to back that up or are you just mindlessly speculating?
Threadly reminder that the Q disinfo larp started from the CBTS autism awareness threads, which itself spawned from a SINGLE innocuous tweet from Trump that failed to lead to anything.
Nazi = National Socialist German Workers' Party = Communists
Same players that are funding them back then are still at it.
if the NWO were nazis they would never advocate flooding white countries with third world single digit iq terrorist monkeys
Holy shit, when he talks about AI it makes sense. If you have any out of body experience, you will see there are creatures that do not work based on soul but want to just do harm. They are robotic and the way they work is that.
Fuck that's crazy.
Q is the worst larp ever
>10th anti-Q thread I have seen in the past hour
fuck off bullshitter.
I wish this is true and why dont they fucking help us already.
That's fake news. Hitler wasn't funde by banks.
listening now user, have done DMT so maybe i'll understand what this bowlcut niggers talking about
Every image has a different tripcode