Why the left will win on youtube

I'm just gonna leave this here


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Other urls found in this thread:


Hbomberguy is the only channel that's growing and that's because he actually produces funny content. Even though I completely disagree with him politically I can't deny he's funny


>implying Jow Forums has the intelligence to understand dr Layman

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I understand what this guy is trying to say, but he equates people like Sargon and the skeptics as being right-wing. They're centrist that may lean right, but not far right. They are indeed not growing anymore because they bring nothing to the table other than "SJWS!!!" Meanwhile actually far-right channels are growing despite constant push against them. They're discussing taboo subjects that leftist won't even touch. It's hilarious seeing leftist in the comments section trying to say they are more vilified by the media than right-wingers.

He literally says it's part of a larger cycle where youtube shifts from left to right and back again.

Christians > Atheists > Feminist > Skeptics (tm) > New Left

who really cares when some atheist gamergate anti-sjw channels die out

why does the video narrator have a dick in his mouth?

Dr. Layman's positions are really not that impressive desu. I've been watching his videos for a while now, and yes, he is significantly smarter than than Armoured Skeptic^TM or Sargin, but I'd take Greg Conte or Don Camillo against him 100 times over in any kind of formal debate/argument. YouTube doesn't really allow people who are against the status quo from an intelligent perspective to exist for particularly long without getting shoah'd.

>meme flag

Most people in all of those groups are leftists.

ContraPoints is excellent

How can you draw a solid conclusion on a cycle of YouTube swinging left to right? The platform has only been around a little over 10 years. It didn't even have major political YouTubers on the platform until more recently. He's basing his video off very little. Now I do think he is right in some cases. The left will have to polish their arguments or they will continue to fail, but just because some skeptic channels are dying doesn't mean the right is dead for now. Skeptics are usually not even right-leaning they just bash SJW's.

After the "Day For Freedom" in the UK I lost what little respect I had for Sargon and most of the right-wing ecelebs who attended that event, most right wing channels have been completely stagnant since Trump and Brexit were both elected as they are now relatively aimless.

Everyone knows SJWs are cringey as fuck and Islam is atrocious but repeating it endlessly just makes stale viewing. The left will only "win" youtube as it's easier to make fresh content parodying people in charge rather than the large roster of right wing and skeptic e-celebs all jumping to make the same video about the same shitty SJW event of the week; such as that shitty Vice article about how you couldn't parody This is America and like clockwork a large amount of E-celebs make the same glaringly obvious point about how you could make memes about it. Youtube is a entertainment platform, if I want to be informed about events I can watch the news and form my own opinions, if I want to laugh at SJW's I watch the source material, the left wing e-celebs can add content via alternative policy ideas to those currently in power, the right can only mock the opposition or hold rallys to consolidate their bases.

Lol Sargon is left of center.

He is not wrong. Soon other youtubers will adapt shaun,hbombet,contra's lingu and just keep popping out thezsame thinl pieces like them, just like the skeptics used to do

exactly my point though. skeptics are not right-wing and this guy is right that the "alt-lite" has become a joke

Lol no

>demonetize anything that is right of center
>hurr durr the left is winning

>It's hilarious seeing leftist in the comments section trying to say they are more vilified by the media than right-wingers.
Jews will always play the victim, even while they attack you.

when were christians ever popular on youtube
in real life
>2007: People are moving towards atheism. Atheism content is created to bash on low hanging fruit for views.(no mudslime problem yet).
>2008/obama election: Feminism?SJW's is becoming more rabid, a bunch of preachy feminist find youtube to preach. Creating a ton of low hanging fruit
>2010 content creators start to take this low hanging fruit and create content out of it
>2011 fervent libertarian/ron paul support
>rabidity of progressive stack increases
>Anti-SJW/skeptic golden age ensues as low hanging fruit does
>muslim crisis in europe in 2015 and the lack of criticism by atheist/leftist who spent the last decade shitting on christians creates another explosion of skeptics and btfo of atheist
>libertarians disenchanted by racial voting demographic gifs and lolbertarian open border policy shatters libertarians
>Trump comes on seen, doesn't cuck out. Acts like leader. Brings skeptics, sad lolbertarians, some GOP regulars, and another group under one banner
>leftist have a similar thing with bernie
>election happens
>Trump's online Grand ole party tent breaks off into many smaller groups as the progressive stack has temporarily been halted.
>ex-bernie bros attempt to rebuild being btfo on so many levels. Videos of hope like Op vid.
And now here we are.

Decent recs coming through

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The point of the video is that they're winning NOW, but that their narrative is going to continue to fall apart as more and more countries and their people continue to turn right wing did you retards actually watch the video?

>right wingers in absolute damage control


Ryan Faulk (AKA Alt Hype) misleads his gullible viewers.

TLDR: Ryan is not just wrong about the lead theory. He is being intentionally misleading.

Ryan does not spend much time on the lead theory in the video itself, but he did make a lengthy post about it on his blog back in December of 2016.


Ryan’s argument is as follows:

1.) The (((CDC))) only released data on the percentage of children that have “elevated” BLL (greater than a cutoff amount). Taking this approach can cause small disparities in averages to look larger than they are.

2.) Black and white people have had roughly equivalent BLL since the 80s.

3.) BLL differences between black and white people diminish significantly in adulthood. This means that childhood lead exposure should not affect adults.
*Point 1: The (((CDC))) is publishing misleading data:*
Ryan cites two studies that look at actual BLL rather than just the percentage of people that cross some “elevated” threshold.

This is what the chart presented by the (((CDC))) looks like.


As you can see, this bar chart shows the proportion of children aged 1-5 with BLL greater than 5 ug/dL. It does not show the average BLL.

Ryan cites two studies that look at actual BLL averages rather than just the percentage of people that cross some “elevated” threshold.

Study 1: Pricket (1994)


This study is behind a paywall, so I can't draw much from it. It was published in 1994, and most of the data Ryan uses is from after that.

The tranny seems to have an awful lot of nazi fetish gear.

Study 2: Tsoi (2016)


The Tsoi study looks at data up to 2014. The article itself takes the same approach as the CDC does when it comes to data visualization … which is to say, it shows the percentage of people with elevated BLL. However, you can find the data Ryan cites in the supplementary material. Ryan cites data about the general population, NOT just children. When you look at the general population, Ryan is right … at least once you get past 1999. The BLL difference isn’t that big. However, he *conveniently* ignores the data about children DIRECTLY BELOW the data about the general population which does show that black children have significantly higher BLL than white children over the time range of the study.

Here's some screenshots:

Supplementary Table 2: i.imgur.com/LGNxuPL.png
Supplementary Table 3: i.imgur.com/C3AoFKR.png

Wew! Ryan is one disingenuous ass clown. Let's move on.
In addition to all this, the (((CDC))) actually did publish some data on actual average BLL levels in 1994 which showed that BLL among black children (4.3 ug/dL) was ~87% higher than white children (2.3 ug/dL). By 2002 the difference decreased to ~56%.



When you combine this with the cutoff based data, it starts to look a lot like the (((CDC))) isn't playing a trick on you after all.

The reply thread I’m posting is about how the YouTuber that made the video posted here is trash.

*Point 2: There is no Racial Gap in BLL*

As stated earlier, depending on how you define "significant", this is correct for adults but not children. However, by Ryan’s own admission, lead levels diminish IQ at a decreasing rate the higher you go. In other words, the IQ decrease that results from going from 0-10 ug/dL is greater than the IQ decrease that results from going from 10-20 ug/dL. This suggests that even small differences in BLL can matter when you're at the lower levels.

Note, I didn't look this up myself. Ryan concedes this and even provides and handy dandy table.

*Point 3: BLL in childhood does not affect adult IQ.*

Now that I have disproven points 1 and 2 for children, Ryan’s entire argument rests on childhood lead exposure NOT effecting adults. The preponderance of evidence suggests that this is false.

Study 1: Rice (1985)

"Rice (1985) dosed one group of infant monkeys with lead. Later, when each group’s BLL had fallen to 12 mg/dl or lower, they found that the group exposed to lead in infancy did poorly on cognitive tasks when compared with the control group. Gilbert and Rice (1987) confirmed that this effect lasted into adulthood.”

NOTE: This is a verbatim quote from Ryan’s blog post.
Study 2: Bushnell and Browman (1979)

"Bushnell and Browman (1979) fed groups of infant Rhesus monkeys one of three kinds of milk: lead-free milk, milk with low levels of lead, and milk with high levels of lead. Once the monkeys were older children, their blood lead levels (BLLs) were the same. Nonetheless, those who were fed lead as infants scored worse on cognitive tests suggesting that it had done permanent damage to them during development.”

NOTE: This is a verbatim quote from Ryan’s blog post.

Study 3: Reuben (2017)


Abstract: "In 565 New Zealanders observed for 4 decades, lead exposure in childhood was significantly associated with lower cognitive function and socioeconomic status at age 38 years. Greater childhood lead exposure was also associated with greater declines in IQ from childhood to adulthood and greater declines relative to parents in occupational socioeconomic status."

Late and shill.

In conclusion, Ryan is wrong and, based on how he """missed""" an entire table that was inconvenient for his argument located directly below the table that was convenient for his argument, he is probably willing to lie when he thinks he can get away with it.

Almost all of the evidence points to the lead theory being true and this truth is inconvenient for white supremacists.

The black/ white IQ gap has decreased in recent years and black Incarceration rates have dropped. It is highly plausible that decreased racial disparities in childhood lead exposure has something to do with this.
BLLs Effect on IQ: i.imgur.com/YxKnEzT.jpg

Imprisonment Rates: i.imgur.com/GlMGWAr.png

Black / White IQ Over Time:

* Study: brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/20060619_IQ.pdf
* Table Image: i.imgur.com/wr1KUig.png
I went ahead and placed childhood (age 1-5) BLL from 1994 to 2013 into a handy dandy Excel table. Column B = black, column W = white

* Kids: i.imgur.com/QI1HVqk.png
* Everyone: i.imgur.com/LaFpQwX.png

>Survive the Jive is considered good content
>ThuleanPerspective is in the Shitty people and Good content category
I'm actually pleasantry surprised. Who ever made this pic knows their shit.

I did. Thank you.

Because youtube is based out of california. And they hire from a mostly liberal pool. And guess who picks what gets deleted?

Laughed at loud at Ryan Dawson

Name one guy that got shoah'd off u-tub. The only person I can think off is Baked Alaska, and you guys lynched him. Everyone else is still rockin and rollin.

where do nilered, nurdrage and bigclive stand in this chart?

You should check the comments I posted regarding alt hype and reconsider his position on your list.

e;r is god tier

so how is america "still racist"?

The "Le Skeptic Movement" wasn't even the beginning of the rise of the right wing on the internet, they aren't even remotely right wing. These people have no concept of reality. Its going to be harsh for them.

I don't really give a shit. I just watch fishing and wildlife videos on youtube.

Do yourself some good and check out these guys.



It depends on your definition of Racism. I don’t love the title of that video. The point is, Ryan Faulk takes advantage of the fact that his viewers apparently don’t review his sources.

Styx keeps going on and on about youtube banning/silencing right winged youtubers but I'm not seeing that happen. All of these guys are still around and doing well.

good list. i was active in the atheist community on youtube.

I didnt know it back then but i saw the beginning of sjw reactions when people like Thunderf00t and Pat Condell shifted their criticism towards islam. probably around 2010. the atheist community was slowing down at that point but people still in it were calling Pat and Thunder racist for challenging islamic faiths.

also remember the libertarian shift when Alt Hype was Fringe Elements, talking about Libertarianism along with Stefan Molyneux

sadly a lot of the old atheist community are now sjw's. Richard the Dick Coghlan and Matt Dillahunty.

First off, because you are a meme flag, fuck you and sage. Second off, for any retards still hanging. You are being censored for being western.

>pic related comments.
>Cool with brown people killing endangered species.
>Not cool when a dentist goes to kill exotic game.
>#doublestandards #noborders

Attached: what.jpg (828x915, 188K)

then what was the point of contra's video?

Isn't this guy a colossal bug-chaser?

>ContraPoints is gaining popularity
>ContraPoints will be the next Sargoy one day
Maybe having Sargoy of Mossad around is not such a bad idea. His lard of fat is a dam stopping sjw cancer flood youtube.

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To challenge the notion that all the problems that black people in the US face is a result of racism.

You also don’t have to like ALL her content. Even if you’re not a leftist, her videos on political violence and Jordan Peterson are excellent.

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>All of these guys are still around and doing well.
They do well because of Patreon and the support base they've had for years or what was advertised by already-popular people. YouTube actively demonetizes content left right and center, specifically "hate speech" although their algorithm is shitty so the major people aren't complaining as much as they would. Channels HAVE been banned. Cultured Thug, Murdoch Murdoch, Aaron Genus, etc.

Dumb error: “To challenge the notion that racism has no effects on modern society is what I meant to say”

shinobi yaka should be added on good tier
criminally underrated

>shitty human

Shitty habits but not a shitty human, certainly not. Colin is a very good man.

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so is he implying that our government is deliberately giving black people more lead?

>You also don’t have to like ALL her content
Whew! Thanks for giving me permission, so very kind of you.

>The black/ white IQ gap has decreased in recent years and black Incarceration rates have dropped. It is highly plausible that decreased racial disparities in childhood lead exposure has something to do with this.
You're wrong. It's because blacks are having children with whites.

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The only thing that contrapoints will do is kill himself 5 years from now because he's a mentally ill tranny

the post industrial world would go vegan if they want any moral superiority. then they should devote some effort to modernizing the rest of the world so we can move beyond old hunting practices and outdated mystical beliefs and leave nature alone.

remember when it was originally just "crossdressing for fun"?

>Shitty habits but not a shitty human, certainly not. Colin is a very good man.
Until he stops being a slob he doesn't get that much respect.

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Wrong. There aren’t that many half black half white ppl in the US. Pic related.

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>they thought they could scheme the nasim


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>based on races of SELF, OR parents or grandparents
Most black people half or more black identify as black.

Also white people with 1/64 native heritage point it out because they wants reparations.

It used to be either you were gay, straight, or lesbian but now there is 5000 different "sexualities" because being gay isn't good enough for them. Queer is the same as gay, pansexual is the same as bisexual, it's so fucking retarded that they have to have 10 different words for one word that already has an established meaning.

No, it’s more complicated than that. Have you even watched the video? Contra never simplifies to “the government”


>ban right wing channels and shut them down
>HAHA the left will win the right are lazy
He is so full of shit.

In IQ studies they would almost certainly look at actual ethnic background and not self identification.

With that said, I just showed you that there aren’t that many biracial black/white ppl in the US, so it’s not that significant in the first place.

That doesn't take away from the fact he's personally stopped people from offing themselves on more than one occasion, vid sorta related.

>No, it’s more complicated than that.
how so?

> Faggots vs Faggots
> Who will win???

The rope

pretty much this. Except we control the markets.

Hey E;R

>video is already cringy in the first 2 secondes

why do trannies always have this holier than thou speaking/writing style?

Watch the video and see for yourself:


And this one:


And google. I’m not going to explain it all here, when content is readily available.

you know for a socialist that makes several grand a month on patreon, he sure doesn't put in any effort to actually help the poor.

>they would almost certainly look at
Perhaps more studies need to be made with deeper background consideration.
>I just showed you that there aren’t that many biracial black/white ppl in the US
You showed a statistic of how people identify, not what they genetically are. In fact there are more black people descending from slave-owners than whites. There is a growing presence of white and other genetics in the African American spectrum and they've chosen to ignore it over the years and stick with "black".

He's not really funny, just a bad ripoff of fitzthistlewits.
He's growing mostly because he's leeching followers of other leftards and goons.

>ban, shadowban, and demonetize right wing content
gee I wonder why the left will win on jewtube.

you would need to be retarded

> Successfully proactive self-defended against a communist pig and then proceeded to breed with a blonde aryan waifu several times
> Shitty human

> Steve not in 'Nice' tier

>first 54 seconds
Stopped right there

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why is Marshal Ironsides mid tier?

>helping the poor
good joke

i'm not giving that fag clicks. give me a tl;dr in your own words. do you have such a short attention span that you can't even remember what you watched?

They never do. Socialism and Communism is a power redistribution scheme, not wealth.

>personally stopped people from offing themselves
People who want to off themselves should. However I considered that he's not a bad person so I used "shitty human" instead of "shitty person". Perhaps if he sees the chart he'll fix himself up.

>Murderer with no friends, abandoned his first child, ignores his Norwegian family
>Not at least a little shitty

the thing with commies is that they don't actually want the workers in power. they only want themselves in power.

>shitty human

>There is a growing presence of white and other genetics

Half black half white people are 0.82% of Americans. Assuming they were 0% in 1970 and that black people are 10% of the population, and simplifying mixed people to 1%, that leaves us with 10% of black ppl being mixed.

Note, I’m being generous to you with these numbers.

Black IQ increased by 6 pts in 30 years relative to white IQ. Assuming the average mixed person has an IQ of 95.

(.1 * 95) + (.9 * 85) = 86.

This means biracial black people would ONLY increase “black” IQ by one point.

I wish this were true.

The more I see bullshit on the Internet, the less I see bullshit offline.

Unfortunately this isn't the case but there are attempts at trying to be.

Let the degeneracy continue to digitize, like a containment chamber...

Because youtube censors their opposition?

political toxicity got outsourced tot the internet, along with dating