>fap to gay porn
>want to kill myself
who was in the wrong here?
Fap to gay porn
I can't fap to skinny guys wearing panties like that.
At least give them some big silicon titties and asses, either go full shemale or just stay a dude.
>who was in the wrong here?
God doesn't punish those who keep to themselves. You're in the clear faggot.
Brazil tier taste
is it ok to have sex with men then?
Matthew 15:11
"What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."
I regularly bust nuts to that short haired trap that's been on pornhub recently. Not gay, he's just cute boy and I wanna fuck him and cuddle after.
>is it ok to have sex with men then?
That is literally not keeping to yourself.
We live in a homosexual age and god is testing us. Those who fall give in to temptation will not go to heaven.
It's part of the attraction. Theyre called twinks or something like that I think but again not gay because theyre feminine about it.
I like twinks and normal guys in shape. I'm not into supermasculine types. Pic related is my ideal. Sexy WW2 bomber crew member.
too late :(
this is the dude I sucked
He could at least lose a little muscle and shave his ass
You gotta take the dick out sometime, bro.
Not femboi enough.
Stop watching porn and fapping. You fell for a jewish ruse and got addicted. Stop before you develop homosexual fetishes.
Well I say I'm not into super-masculine guys, but I'm still into guys. I want a guy to be a guy. I don't mind a bit of asshair so long as it's in good order and well kept. Also, I think in the pic most of the hair you see is "peach fuzz" shining in the light.
traps arent even gay
I can see dark, visibly long hair on that guys ass
the faggot. Op is always a faggot
disgusting knees
Again, he's a guy. Roll with it, bro.
It’s gay and you are faggots
I know Jow Forums likes to meme and all that, but literally who gives a shit if someone's gay.
Try furry porn. You haven't felt real shame till you've gotten off to this stuff.
wow that's actually pretty hot more pls
you are all going to burn in hell
Listen here, you would be a faggot if you WOULDN'T fuck pic related
Rare pepes
>Fag user, rare pepes are gay