I will marry a white girl and you won't stop me.
I will marry a white girl and you won't stop me
dont blame you, sandniggers are ugly
knock yourself out
so are white men
Ahahahaha hahahahaha she'll rip you apart
Go ahead do my work.
>I want to marry a white womyn
>white womyn are ugly
If she wants to get ripped apart by me and my family.
same with slavs you stupid american
I will kill you in the name of my masters.
have fun with that, abdul
Hey what am I to say to another guys preferences and fetish. To each his own. I personally love East Asian girls.
But just to let you know most of them don't look like the pretty lady in the picture you posted and feminism made them terrible wives on average. So don't expect one to cook you dinner and take care of the house.
I have no doubt you will. I've seen white women fuck dogs.
She won't be looking like the image you posted so we don't give a fuck
That happens only in white-white marriages, an shit-skinned have nearly the same law protection as white female and if she manages to do something like that he can just run to his countrie and forget about the roastie and the mutt son.
Make good and sure she's worth it. Never just give her anything. Make her prove everything.
>tfw no bunnyfu gf
Hello my white friend
You will always be a male over anything in the face of a first world feminist judge my dear boliviANO
>a fucking white girl
lol go for it my man
good luck
My cousins married white women who do most of the work at home. One divorced, but that's because she was lazy. Now she is a lonely fucktoy with a kid for middle aged men.
Are you jealous you american dog? Enjoy your fat latina.
Implying I will take an ugly one.
Basically you want to find a desperate used up whore and have her convert to islam. Then have her pop out ugly mutt babies from her disgusting womb.
Why? Are Middle-Eastern women ugly or something?
If you get one of the ones willing to get with a sandnigger I'd say you're doing the white race a favor.
you will marry your cousin as your father told you to
yahudi cockroach
She can stay christian like the lazy ex-wife of my cousin. I won't go for ugly girls. We look better than german men.
yes and they get worse by age
i will only marry a white girl
kek being muslim is not something bad in germany
halt deine fresse du deutscher hurensohn
When we end Jew Terrorist control of our governments, we will stop you. But you are likely just a Jew Terrorist JIDF Rat yourself, aren't you Shlomo?
We are too many and Turkey would back us up.
I will! My mulatto way are superior to your sandnigger ones, will steal her from right below your nose.
>threatens to "steal" disgusting, slutty, unruly, horribly aging, feminist white women
>could marry an loyal qt hijabi
that girl isn't white
>I will marry a white girl and you won't sto *gets suicide bombed*
>I will marry a white girl and you won't stop me.
AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH go on, i dare you mutt
Ugly girls aren't white, sand monkey nigger savage.
>We look better than german men
nigger you wish
pretty much the response i expected from a low IQ incest rape baby
stay mad nigger
You're only doing it to benefit your shit race. You and your offspring will never be 1 of us. We can test DNA down to 1% now.
ok la creatura
I dunno man.
I know a woman who admittedly fucks a dog and a horse that still wouldn't fuck sand people or a nigger.
>low IQ incest rape baby
russians raped you and not us
germans are ugly and your women like to be with us
Yeah in Jannat al-Firdeus, bro. Gotta snackbar first.
>salil al sawarim, nasheed ul ubah...
not even our prostitutes want your goat cum encrusted sand nigger willy Ahmed
kek if i had a daughter i would beat her up if she was together with an ugly nigger
Dont be so sure of that
Islama-lama-ding-dong, you gonna follow the foot steps of your prophet and marry a 8 year old?
Cállate, peruANO.
except the ones me and my friends fucked when we were younger?
top kek why are whites so retarded
Because we hate sand niggers
I zoomed past a mulatto couple entering the trail. I usually am not looking at the people I pass by, but I made sure to verify it was a nigger and then for a quarter second I glanced next to him the white woman and I could see the stunned shame she felt as I looked into her eyes and consumed her soul with my condemning gaze.
female body is best at from 15-25
your shithole is full of chinese. fuck your country.
why are you calling your own mom a whore Ahmed?
many germans here are sons of prostitutes you german dog. i could literally fuck their old mothers for some money
Did you like what we have done to middle east?
The amount of destruction we have brought upon you? They way we fucked your countries?
You will never win Ackbar boy.
Sooner or later far right will be voted into power, or take power by force.
What do you think will happen then? They will not even care of civilians then.
Make sure you get this straight, you only live now because of our mercy of "civilians" and so on.
A massive full scale war where you shoot to kill every enemy regardless of gender or age. You think your arabs have 1% chance of winning?
How does it feel billions of shit tier dna codes are replicating inside you every second?
Pedo muzzie
>I will marry a huwhite woman xdddd
>excuse me while I reply to every post on my thread
you will nevar get bob, sandnigger
she'll have to get past the smell first
uhm white girls will stop you cause they don't like sand people
I will cut off your head cunt, believe it.
we fucked you and other slavshits
i don't fear nazis because i actually live in europe and not west russia you fucking gypsy
i only care about white women. even if my children will be ugly, i don't care. they should only be alive to make money so i can quit earlier.
Are you LARPing as a Muslim or the girl in your picture OP?
Cool it with the antisemitism OP
you want to extinguish the genepool that produces people like yourself, i dont blame you for having these emotions
YOu gonna get divorce raped but hey your life mate.
Tu lo sabes muy bien Diego
>marrying a white woman
how many plastic surgeries did this one have? trying to find an all nature korean but most have a heap of surgeries
>ever going white when this exists
jews didnt fear nazis too before they came into power.
"human rights", "civilains" "fair trial" this is just background noise for the far right.
Pray to Allah now that Nazis will never get into power. GET ON YOUR RETARDED KNEES AND PRAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i use deo or perfume
very cheap from turkey lmao but nobody notices it. only you white retards waste a lot of money for this. as long as they have the impression that i'm wealthy enough, everything is ok.
I was born in the best time to get a white woman. Men who marry darker women are mentally retarded. Good thing is I'm not dark like a nigger or other very brown shitskins.
Most of my family lives in Germany. If she fucks with me, she fucks with my family and my friends. It's really not a big deal for us to beat people up for fun so we won't have problems with a stupid wife.
ugly and brown
God will punish you for racemixing.
this is 2018 you dumb gypsy and turkey is more powerful than germany.
>Good thing is I'm not dark like a nigger or other very brown shitskins.
not fooling anyone
you look at yourself in the mirror and are disgusted, and that's why you're hoping to defile someone's genes to escape from the horror
its sad, u should make the most of your own people instead
>dont blame you, sandniggers are ugly
>so are white men
LOL, what an exchange. You got BTFO by that yank.
The first fucking post puts you on your ass. Damn.
He's right though, lusting after White women just shows that you hate your own race. Male race mixing is always the most telling for male sexuality is far more sober than female sexuality. Women near universally have the sexual instincts of primitive monkeys where they will find themselves sexually attracted to anyone who behaves in an aggressive, dominating and violent way (some women will have sex with horses and other such wild beasts). .It's a major psychological glitch that most of them suffer for in that they are attracted to some form of degeneracy or another. They are often deeply ashamed of this.
This is not the case with men though. Men try to mate with quality. They dream of perfect princesses above all else. That non-White men lust after White women above all else whilst Aryans would have nothing but a White woman, reveals the deep rooted insecurity of the non-White male mind.
They desire above all else that genetic upgrade. Imagine being an ugly brown Arab with an IQ of 63 with nothing to be proud of and looking over the water at the smarter and better looking humans living the good life in their beautiful and advanced communities with running water and all kinds of technological marvels.
No wonder these people want to abandon their shit countries and chase White women in other countries, even though it will lead to their eventual annihilation.
P.S your parents mutilated your penis. Lol.
i will marry an arab/paki girl and you cant stop me
I'm not disgusted by me, but our women. I don't care about my race or history because all I want is money and a white woman to fuck.
lmao i dont care about my race
i will get a blonde and fuck her every day while you can continue posting stupid paint redpill shit to each other
almost every women i know (including arab and turkish girls) think western european men just look the best in general.
t. had turkish and an egyptian gf before, flirted with other muslim females
see you keep saying that but you're sitting on Jow Forums instead of actually doing it
Be out of place, stick to your own kind
>13 year old
Are you sure you're a muzzie and not an Ancap?
how? middle eastern women do actually look way better than white ones
>checks flag
>women prefer pigs
top kek anglo bastard
>Marrying a non-virgin bride
Phew lad what could possibly go wrong?
i don't have to do much actually. i can always get a woman.
>look better than German men
You look exactly like German men these days.
have your roastie, we dont want em. also fuck off dune coon
why would u literally call ur mother and sister a pig lol
ok so how
where do you actually come from :DDD
U and every other sand nigger
>Falling for the white woman meme in
The incest from your ancestors is affecting either your brain or your eyes.
Anyway at least you'll legally be able to beat her.
they do until they become older teens
nothing because i'm not an ugly german