New Commie Thread

> What source did you pick this up from, I'm curious

Let me explain a few things to you. Americans are utterly clueless.

The most important thing to happen in the 20th century was the advent of communist thought. In fact its impossible to understand 20th century liberal democracies without understanding communism because mostly everything that happened was a reaction to communist ideas.

Comminism was a huge threat to the power of Anglo American capitalism imperialism. They really thought it was going to come down in the 60s.

We mentioned american education and youre right, the public school system was modeled on Prussian to make good little workers. It still is. But in the 50s when communism was going strong, American elites realized that us system will not be able to compete with soviet. Ussr had an extensive network of scientists and experts. In America, you needed to be part of the wealthy class to get an education ie Yale, Harvard etc. So they invented the state school systems, or restructured existing ones. Now everyone could be educated. It was a huge boon to the us economy. The boomers were among the first to benefit.

So in effect we only progressed in the us because of competition with USSR. when the ussr was gone, there was nothing inspiring the wealthy class to build a healthy society. THEY POISONED IT. that is liberalism. They intentionally destroyed the education system they built by promoting LGBT AND other vices while removing any useful content from thr curricula, creating a useless generation, the Millennials.

They used other tactics as well, such as credit bubbles to basically render the American public poor and ignorant.

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>what source

still this goes unanswered for me.

I get that you're building a cogent case, but what is lacking is the proof for me to sufficiently accept the narrative you're spinning.

For me to explore it further I am interested in seeing when and what the USSR academic system looked like, what aspects were adopted and subsequently poisoned.

With a democratic party championing socialist values yet supposedly wanting to expand education to all in what you describe as a USSR fashion - the goals are contradictory.

Why, if the USSR still existed, wouldn't they champion fag-values?

Your theory I assume rests on a scapegoat. Shadowy puppetmasters that various fringe political theorists need as a linchpin for their ideas.

lol no, dead system general

>For me to explore it further I am interested in seeing when and what the USSR academic system looked like, what aspects were adopted and subsequently poisoned.

Today it would not seem so strange.

But for a pre 1960s american it was.

Working class people didnt go to college, they went to church or the factory. The elites realized that the ussr posed a SYSTEMIC THREAT and this investment in labor force was needed. The idea of educating the wirking working masses, who may become self aware was unheard of before the 20th century(in america and the west at least, islam and jewish world different story).

>Banks create credit to bid up prices of existing real estate, stocks and bonds, while the stock market serves as a vehicle for coporate raiding and leveraged buyouts to replace equity with high-interest bonds.. Instead of alleviating debt pressures, the financial system raises dependency on further credit to carry the debt burden.

You ever wonder WHY we have a critical debt problem, insolvent pensions etc?


They make the music stop, they know when it will crash at which time they will buy it up for pennies on the dollar. They only put these things in to gain democratic support, they are not designed to help the working classes at all, if anything it causes harm.

>For me to explore it further I am interested in seeing when and what the USSR academic system looked like, what aspects were adopted and subsequently poisoned

Look at the history of so called liberal values.

What is taken as truth today in esp. Public universities.

Trace it back to FABIANISM which was a movement in Britain financed by the nobility to make up an alternative to marxist communism. It had all the elements of modern liberalism. In fact a. Huxley was associated with this group. Brave New World us awfully similar to or current social system.

so the implication here is that fabianism was the stopping block to revolutionary reform?

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Can you fucks get ur own board already.

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>so the implication here is that fabianism was the stopping block to revolutionary reform?

It was a system designed to replace Marxist revolution. A surrogate revolution. One where feminist would bitch, gays would shout but never ever shall the poor realize their situation and gain consciousness.

Liberalism is a massive diversion.

Fabianism was an earlier name for it.

Have you ever wondered how a book on psychology by a british elite intellectual ended up inspiring a famous pop singer, whose father was a top naval commander(like many hippie rock stars.)?

The doors comes from Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.

The 60s were a total psyop built by billionaires to stop America from gaining class consciousness. Originally it was Britain but the wealthy realized Amerucan were easier to manipulate so the capital relocated to the us mostly.

Most of the tycoons of early 20th c america were related to British upper class.

The queen even remarked recently that she owns America.

>Can you fucks get ur own board already.

Eat ur pie and watch ur footy mate!

Aus is basically what the British wanted America to be.

this reads like a flight of ideas. I get you, but there's lots of historic holes and problems of motivation.

Again - why would elites borrow from the USSR's academic system, make it available to the public, then poison it when they poached their minds to combat the soviets from Nazi Germany and not curated from our own

>why would elites borrow from the USSR's academic system, make it available to the public,

It was an attempt to imitate it

You know that SUNY has Trustees?

A tax funded institution has Trustees.

Who picks them?

>then poison it

Its a kind of schizophrenia. They need communism but their own arrogance wants to destroy it.

The self destruction kicked into high gear after the fall of the ussr and there was no counterweight to capitalism.

OP pic looks like a nofap meme, because of the guy's rocket dick launching. Stupid attempt at propaganda.

>The 60s were a total psyop built by billionaires to stop America from gaining class consciousness
Of course, modern "leftism" in capitalist countries is a complete unrecognizable bastard compared to original leftism. Meanwhile the original leftists had a clear purpose and drive and accomplished miraculous feats.

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These movements are not only diversions but they discredit marxist consciousness

>ew Commie Thread
Communism is Jewish and therefore anti-White.

Non-Whites and anti-Whites don't belong in White countries.

>These movements are not only diversions but they discredit marxist consciousness
Marx was a kike and thus anti-White.

"Marxist consciousness" is anti-White.

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Notice that nuclear power died not long before communism. Same ppl killed it