Alex Jones is losing it, his handlers must have him by the balls

The comments are brutal

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I've seen him work a small crowd in person. He just yells out 1984=1776 etc then watches everyone until the energy dies down then he rouses the rabble again.


I've always known he was controlled opposition

thanks merchant i will vote for hillary next!

How does this news mean Hillary won? Maybe he's freaking out because Rodger Stone is being investigated.

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Anyone who listens to jones for anything but entertainment is a fucking retard

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Figured out he was controlled op 15 years ago. Researched him and his news stories and investigations. Learned he and his writers omit info that doesn't fit their bullshit. There are way better indie journos. Jones is useless and makes alt news look bad.


yeah watching alex jones makes me a bit paranoid but that's what he's there for. To give a strong opposition to the left just like pol

Oh No
That Sucks
Poor ol'Misinfojew

that faggot is bill hicks.
>look at the teeth
>sacred cow productions
>kevin booth
>AJ rise follows BH "death"
>pancreatic cancer occurs almost exclusively in the elderly, not 30 year olds
>AJ really the age he says he is?
it's all clear as day right in front of you

Don’t forget to shill Patrick Little in that salt mine

Fuck that faggot

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I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Of course you are, you're a kike shill. Look at your fucking flag. There's more meme flags and foreign flags in those threads than anything else because he's being pushed by JIDF and TRS shills.

best case: he's a profiteering nutjob
worst cose: deep state disinfo shill

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is Jones a coke head?