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What does Jow Forums think about the national review
Ayn Rand is a kike.
Cuck flagship. They will be supporting legalized necrophilia (with state permit) in 20 years. Victor Davis Hansen is the only thing worth keeping in that whole magazine and even he is kind of a clueless old man.
Not worthy of wrapping fish in or using for the bottom of a bird cage
It's garbage. TAC is good, though.
Neocon bullshit
jews larping as "right wing conservatives"
the worst kind of libertarianism, after the american libertarian party maybe
People shouldn't read Ayn Rand as if she's putting forward or trying to put forward a reasonable series of events that would ever take place in reality. There are no heroes or villains as such, there's one idea and then there's the countering idea and we get to see how things would play out at some ridiculous extreme in order to evaluate which one is morally superior with the clarity we have gained from thinking out the consequences. Humans are much more complex than the ideas they have and the structure of the society that they live in. She did an extremely thorough job of demonstrating that the mendicant is not superior in any way to the merchant. He may not be his immediate inferior, but he is not his superior just because he has no money and is incapable of anything useful, which is the socialist claim. She points out that if useful people took an absolutist line against useless people it would be a great disaster for useless people and innocent simple folk alike. What am I missing?
William F. Cuckley was controlled opposition and quasi-openly worked with/for the CIA. He steadily purged nationalist and right-wing elements from his magazine and American conservatism in general, from Revilo Oliver to Joe Sobran. He disavowed his own earlier opposition to things like the civil rights acts of the 50's and 60's. He went from denouncing MLK to worshiping him. He was a total traitor and sellout and should be remembered, if at all, as a Judas.
I read it in high school because a conservative teacher would leave them in her room. Didn't agree with them on a lot but I enjoyed the articles.
From a purely legal analysis perspective, Andy McCarthy is excellent as well.
John Derbyshire did nothing wrong.
I read National Review, the Atlantic and Reason pretty regularly, online at least. I've never read a print edition, through. They keep each other relevant.
This, right here:
Catholics are also heavily represented.
Williamson is a good writer. He's a douchey elitist, but he's still a good writer. Jeffrey Goldberg and fucking TaNehisi Coates at the Atlantic fucked him over pretty disgustingly.