Is proposing on your knees beta?

Is proposing on your knees beta?

Bear in mind that western women live like men these days (wear pants, work, have sex etc) so there’s really no point to the chivalry bullshit

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its tradition and traditions are important .

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I don't know about that but I proposed sitting on a bench. Our first child is due in 2 weeks lads

Marrying is beta.

>Not understanding the symbolism behind the tradition.

>Is proposing on your knees beta?
proposing standing up is beta. Want to get married? Learn to do the little shit that women demand or buck nature until the divorce.


You’re just larping as your ancestors desu. Believe me I wish we could go back but the industrial revolution, feminism, social liberalism etc killed all that

By that token women should still be vowing to obey their husbands then

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alpha is actually not being so fucking obsessed with your status and pose all the damn time. It's to have a naturally dominant AND care free attitude to let others have their day.

>Our first child is due in 2 weeks lads
I'd like to congratulate you, so what race is it?

Proposing is beta.

Hetero pro family traditions must be upheld.

Only beta if she says no.

Diamond merchant commercial

>showing affection of any kind to a woman is beta

shame on you

Literally German-Russian-Jewish-Persian-British. My Mrs and I are both mixed race over a couple of generations. I'm not even memeing. Kid will grow up speaking English and Russian.

found the virgin

>we must secure the future of our mixed race children

Yeah so keep your filthy heterogeneous origins away from me

be an original traditionalist, club her and drag her back to your cave.

I mean homogenous. I'm tired

Proposing is beta. If you sign away all your rights on a legal binding document that say "this women now owns me and can take my kids, my money, my property, my wages and all while fucking another guy while I work 60 hours a week" Yeah you arent just a beta you are a fucking cuck.

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thats why you only do it with a woman you can trust absolutely .


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That's written into most wedding vows

make her get on her kneea

>>Women you can trust absolutely

lol Just stop joking the joke isnt funny the laughable fiction of it is. Any man who isnt some junior high cuck knows that what you just said is so fucking fictionally stupid its off the charts of logic and into the realm of fucking lifetime television shows.

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No, it’s not. Very few women say that now and haven’t since about the 70s. Like so many other things, it’s a double standard against men.

Proposing on your knees is symbolic of devotion and adoration. While it's best to remain assertive and dominant at most times, taking a break from upholding this standard of manliness reflects a more sensitive and affectionate side, which is appropriate in the act of proposing since it's a particularly romantic moment.

If you're so worried about coming across to your gf as beta for at least a single moment, find yourself a woman who'd love you devotedly.
What the Jew said. Traditions are important

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The difference between church weddings vs standing in a field with cars speeding past

be chivalrous to those presenting as ladies.

Note that occasional White Femdom is the manliest thing ever. It takes plenty of courage to give yourself over.

I literally do not know a single woman who has vowed to obey, and I know some very conservative people. Lots of couples even write their own vows now.

Ive been to a few weddings myself and the only ones with progressive vows were those outside of the church

not something that is very reliably shown via stats considering the tiny fraction of people that would actually give those stats to begin with

You must know a lot of progressive women, my condolences.

seems like a submissive gesture that was probably invented back when women were much more receptive to gentlemen and worth marrying
might seem a little silly in light of how modern people have changed

fuck that pic hits close to home.

plot twist: those who act pure are often the least pure of all
sluts becoming reformed good girls is one of the oldest tricks in the book

All women are progressive in today’s society. I don’t see a single woman not voting, not working, and not wearing pants etc. even the Catholic Church doesn’t make women vow to obey.

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Just like bachelor's/bachelorette's parties, proposing is extremely uncommon in Europe. Nobody in my family and nobody I know has done either of the two. It's extremely American. Europeans that do this most likely only parrot what they have seen in Hollywood movies.
>Hey guyze, let's have an ebbbic bachelor's party, just like in the movie "Hangover" :DDDDDD

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>implying its not a personal decision that comes down to the couple
You seem like you really want to paint a bleak picture m8, blackpill if you will
fuck off to Jow Forums with that bullshit
I want Jow Forums to leave

The only kneeling that is acceptable is when asking the father if you can marry his daughter.

Marriage is just a transfer of property from one man to another. Which is why the woman loses her father's last name and replaces it with the new man's last name(new owner).
“He that getteth a wife beginneth a possession, a help like unto himself, and a pillar of rest.” Ecclesiasticus 36:24

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He gets it. No one would marry someone with such a fragile ego

>and a pillar of rest

what did the desert jews mean by this

Right, and virtually all couples choose to not make the wife obey, to have her work, have her vote, etc. I mean 200 years ago we had actual Coverture laws, now we just have larping.

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All progressive couples. I know you want to paint the picture that traditional marriages dont exist anymore but they do.

find the right woman, on the right conservative non ''fokin based'' side

It means a woman is just a helpful servant for the man. Plain and simple.

For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. - 1 Corinthians 11

living on your knees?

Are you Amish? I live in the middle of the Midwest, I work with women who literally believe it’s a sin to wear pants. None of them vow to obey their husband. You are absolutely in the minority. This isn’t 1850 anymore.

>just roll the dice goy, people never change

This has always bothered me. It's as if the man is acknowledging that he is inferior to the woman; he is qualifying himself to her. When what women really want is the opposite. They're only ever satisfied, even if temporary, if you are more than her.

Sadly, this user is correct.

i get that that's the interpretation of the passage
but it just seems blatantly obvious that any dealings with women, wives or not, is filled with drama, unnecessary difficulty, confrontation and struggle, even with a good one. such is the nature of women and always has been. The opposite of "rest"

>proposed sitting on a bench

I did the same

>proposing is extremely uncommon in Europe

So what is done instead?

Maybe things are different in the middle of the midwest of the USA
As I said before, most weddings I have been to were in a church, and included traditional vows
the ones without were in fields or next to beaches and had a bunch of larp bullshit

deal with it cunt
traditional marriage isnt dead just because all the "super traditional amish community" you live in doesnt include traditional vows kek

fucking parasite

I will not stop, anons, until a day comes when roasties are on THEIR knees.
(and salvation will still not come to them)

"And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her." -Ecclesiastes 7:26

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Traditional marriage is like 1% of all marriages today

I didn’t even know gloriavale had an Internet connection

Also what denomination

Bets detected

Pick one

Source: your ass
>implying statistics like that could even exist in good faith
your progressive faggot utopia is a farce, a bubble of delusion

what does it matter? Most were catholic
>oh but according to some bullshit they dont even do it anymore
Kek get over yourself
you live in a shit down full of degenerates, it doesnt mean the world is like that

>All women are progressive in today’s society.

People just decide to get married when the time is right/when it feels right.

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. -
1 Timothy 2

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Are you honestly trying to tell me the majority of women today bow to obey their husband? Aussie shitposting at its finest.

Literally not even in the vows for the Catholic Church:

Roman Catholic Edit
Couples wedding in the Roman Catholic Church essentially make the same pledge to one another. According to the Rite of Marriage (#25) the customary text in English is:[5]

I, ____, take you, ____, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life.

In the United States, Catholic wedding vows may also take the following form:[5]

I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

>I work with women who literally believe it’s a sin to wear pants
Why are thye working then?
Also I go to your standard Southern California Mega Church and the pastor preached that women are to submit to men

I NEED to smell her hair

>pulling some wikipedia bullshit out on me
Are you even out of highschool? Have you ever been to a wedding? Fucking kek you autist

The majority of weddings I have been to were in a church
That means the majority of people I know are religious or at the very least have respect for tradition

Just because you are surrounded by progressive "super traditional amish" that dont include traditional vows
Does not mean the world is like that


I know you won’t click the link but w/e

According to you tons of couples, a statistical majority, are actively having the priest add in the word obey into the wedding vows