/leftypol/ on 4+Jow Forums does not allow THumP threads. they said it's "bizarro SocDem", whatever that is. Oh yeah...

/leftypol/ on 4+Jow Forums does not allow THumP threads. they said it's "bizarro SocDem", whatever that is. Oh yeah, and they said Slavoj Zizek wouldn't approve. wtf, gang?

Attached: BROOOOOOM.jpg (480x360, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>they said Slavoj Zizek wouldn't approve.
Well you see, user...
*wipes nose 40 times*
Neo liberal capitalism is peak ideology

can you elaborate?

Your party's intention to stop taxing rich people and combine capitalism and socialism is an ideological Frankenstein which must never be given life.

challenge the proposals then. there's no reason for the threads to be taken down. 4+Jow Forums has an agenda.

>^leftypol/ on 4+Jow Forums does not allow THumP threads
fucking baste not gonna lie, maybe i should say whats up and touch base with them, maybe we can come together on some things and bridge the gap

>maybe i should say whats up and touch base with them
tell them i said they're a bunch of hacks.

Who gives a fuck what a dead board is doing? How about you give us updates on reddit while you're at it fuccboi?

Can we just stop validating retardation like /leftypol/ altogether please ok

i think they're finally to the pint where they're willing to come together to accomplish a shared goal, to actually understand us better and to explain what it is they really want better and we can work it out, and to actually get something done instead of fighting each other

It's talked about here like it's some kind of boogey man, but if you ever go there it's the most pathetic shit. They have entire threads about their cartoon cat. It's like the fucking dregs of tumblr. It's like if deviant art had a retarded younger talentless sister.

Plz go back.

Just go there. Stay there.

This screen was the bane of my existence

4+Jow Forums is garbage. Jow Forums's only true adversary was laissez faire.

Thump is trying to stir controversy on Jow Forums and get attention. But it's pretty bitch-tier left/center material. Kekistanis might be willing to debate them, but Jow Forums is at too high a level to pick on SJWs et. al


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THumP doesn't do identity politics. That's one of the things I love about them.

no, stop



THX Intro Sound Over 4 Billion Times.


>challenge the proposals then.

>this fucking thread

god damn pedos are dumb

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