Any Houston anons please help find these perps. A young African American boy was kidnapped from a bus stop in Houston by a group of white men. They were driving a red truck with flame decals and took him to an abandoned house filled with torture items. The main perp was a heavy set white man with straight red hair and had a "I hate black people" tattoo on his forearm.
Any Houston anons please help find these perps...
He escaped but men are still out there. Bumping for visibility.
This story is moronic.
It's not fake. We need to catch these guys. The African American community is (rightfully) up in arms.
shit dem cracka mutha fuckas be snatching you kangs up off the street. Stop shooting, Stop killin us
sad thing is, is those whites would have a higher likelihood of raising him properly out of pity
I spotted one of the kidnappers.
Insta is i_of_horus if you want the full story.
It was probably those same monsters who spray painted "nigga" all over that poor FL lady's house and vehicles.
The prime suspect is reported to be an Italian man with a large mustache and an organ grinder.
Over here in reality
CIA incinting Black on white violence.
>He "escaped" "unharmed" from a "torture house"
He was let go. The Op was to create hatred of whites.
>a red truck with flame decals
sounds like a bitchin' truck.
You know that nigger wouldn't do shit except to say "scuse me suh".
Sounds like a spic
This horrible for the kid but why not go full on with the tat and put down I hate roodypoos?
>abandoned house filled with torture items
I can just seeing planning this false flag.
Letz make it a super redneck truck. Yeah with flames! Then lets have a tatoo that says "I hate black people"
Easy to incite black to violence agaisnt whites they have been brainwashed to hate white people since they were born.
It's not the local news story is on the IG i_of_horus
>"I hate black people" tattoo
Make sure it says "black people" I don't want my tat to offend the niggers
located the truck. fat guy with tattoo still on the loose.
yeah that story seems REALLY fucking unlikely
t. heavy set white man with straight red hair and a "I hate black people" tattoo on his forearm
If this is true then we must get justice
If this is false we must also find justice
>post yfw this Niglet is the Gavrilo Princip of the Race War
yeah I bet the truck had a confederate flag on it too, just to complete the stereotype
shit I knew I should have worn a long sleeve shirt
>5 teenage boys
>one of them a ginger
>with a tattoo saying "I hate black people" on his arm
>driving a "4 door vehicle" with fucking flames on the side
I love this timeline
>The white men were also heard to be arguing over if dating an asian girl is actually betraying their race or not
wait... you sure the niglet didn't try and car jack the white men?
Stacks of unsold Washington Posts
Who in their right mind would kidnap a nigger? might as well steal someone's front lawn ornaments or some shit like that, both are useless.
At least the lawn ornaments serve a purpose.
omg, I hate niggers sooooo much.
He can't keep getting away with this!
once they find out it's a nigger, they will give him back
This didn't happen. Fuck the see eye eh and the FBI.
see eye ayy
Shilly in here
>Straight white nazi male
>has a "I hate black people" tattoo, instead of "I hate nigger"
totally make sense
>seems fake
possibly gay
Not if theyre from South Korea or Japan, theyre honorary whites.
>i slaughter african americans on the daily
The pope is the anti-Christ.
Moonman Moonman can't you see? POCs should hang from trees.
Maybe it was an employee of Planned Parenthood.
>young African American boy was kidnapped
this is like shoplifting from a dumpster
a black child's life is worth negative zero, not worth the effort of "kidnapping"
let's see what's more plausible
sounds like the wild imagination of a little boy
if it sounded a little more realistic
I'd put money on a Jow Forums psyop
I don't think even Jow Forums is dumb enough
to go with "red truck with flame decals"
and "I hate black people" tattoo
Jesus is Lord.
wtf, it was sam hyde all along?
you can decorate your trees with the other
>I don't think even Jow Forums is dumb enough to go with "red truck with flame decals"
Niggers and democrats are though
so believable
in cursive?
>niggers can read cursive writing
wew lad
>implying anyone under 30 can write cursive
reminds me when antifa staged that "nazi" getting punched
>in cursive?
you don't think a hardcore football hooplehead wrote that feminine looking note?
Bring in Guy Fieri for questioning
>Houston lost a nigger
>Blame people who hate niggers...for lost nigger.
Makes sense.
> takes 4 people to load a gun
> 13 year old getting beat by 4 adult men
blacks have such a love for the good ole days of being slaves, I swear they masturbate to the thought of being lynched
>ready to go
>13% of the population is READY TO GO
I wish they'd go already too!
Now you Europeans know why no white people use public transit in the US.
Your Lord cuts my grass
pro tip: nobody has ever taken a nigger.
>he has a "lord" over him
>his lord is a dead jew
did she read it to him too?
start screen capping the boy's family's fergbook
Based white dude
>We are a hated nation of people
Why don't US niggers get on a plane and fly back to liberia or some other shithole country where the original slaves came from? that way they won't have to deal with the "HUITE DEBIL" and they can just bang rocks together and rape one another as god intended.
>the living God that was an Israelite as a man on earth which isn't even remotely related to the modern Jew
ftfy newfag idiot
>ready to go
>start screen capping the boy's family's fergbook
da "witness"
>living god
Where? There is no living god.
>he's an israelite not a jew
How many more hoops do you have to jump through? He was a fucking jew dude, the Romans laughed at him for being the "King of Jews." Romans were alright lol
mickey mouse! no!
>Camercia Latrina Carmouche
Is that her name? LMAO, just change that a for an e and she would be Letrina, latrine.
>"I hate black people" tattoo on his forearm.
aww, isn't it nice that a clearly racist psychopath would consider the feelings of the common negro by making his racism PC?
I mean, it's not like it'd say I HATE NIGGERS or something. Right?
Sounds like he got robbed while he was skipping school. Robbed by someone he knows
>Where? There is no living god.
God being outside of your ill-conception of where doesn't imply He isn't there.
>How many more hoops do you have to jump through?
Citing your committal of the equivocation fallacy isn't jumping through hoops. Jesus simply was not genetically, nor did the Romans make fun of, what you mean by "Jew."
You are arguing with the wrong person. Fuck off, newfag. Edgy unthinking racists for the sake of it aren't in good company here.
>God being outside of your ill-conception of where doesn't imply He isn't there.
Uh no, that's actually wrong.
> Jesus simply was not genetically, nor did the Romans make fun of, what you mean by "Jew."
Jesus was a Jew, everyone knows he was a Jew, he came to fulfill Jewish law. It doesn't stop being Jewish just because some modern Jews refuse to acknowledge him as "best Jew."
>edgy racists don't belong
good for a laugh you are, all christcucks are baitposters
Guldemmit Earl I dun tol you when we left Hooters
Fucking cacs stole the young Kings shoes.
This is Trumps America
you don't have a entire library of fake nigger hate crime posts, user?
oh, thats're a memeflag posting at an Israeli kiosk
Pick one.
>group of white men
>Pick one.