What did The Atlantic mean by this?

What did The Atlantic mean by this?

Attached: 840.jpg (840x1120, 152K)

rich getting richer
poor getting poorer
nothing to see here really

Basically this and as extreme as it has become you ain't seen nothing yet.

fpbp, the truth is most of us and our families, children, etc amount to nothing more than wage/debt slaves while the top tier .1% continue to gain more and more ground

Isn't this rag owned by Steve Jobs' wife? Looks like the ultra rich don't want more people in their club.

it means the US needs a Pol Pot style regime to restore order and balance start by shooting anyone who can read past an 8th grade level

absolute poverty is decreasing

relative poverty is skyrocketing

within a hundred years the 1% will literally never die, it'll be like altered carbon except they'll probably just kill all the poor people

White, blue eyed babies will doom most people even though these people enjoy more wealth than the rest of their ancestors combined.

Haven't read the article, but the digital age will result in a lot more people becoming extremely wealthy going forwards. It's probably easier to become richer than ever with all the entrepeneurial opportunities online, hell you can become a millionaire off Twitch streaming alone, and most of the people with the smarts and cultural knowhow to take advantage of these opportunities are straight white people. So in essence the coming generations will have a lot of white new money along with, as always, a lot of white old money. Then when genetic engineering takes off said white aristocracy will rocket even further ahead of the pack.

>Penguin prostitutes

God damn it!

China is richer anyway and the Chink tech is about to outsmart the US garbage.

So Yale = waste of time!

"The Atlantic" is literally the shittiest rag currently in print.

Yale is an SJW sewer.

the top 10% of the future is huwhite

I can only assume that they're predicting a new era of Aryan supremacy and that it's somehow tied to a $200k+ Ivy education.
I'm sure it's another well thought out article that the Atlantic is known for.

Liberals starting to tip toe into knowledge that has be well documented for over 30 years now. They think they finally have a spin on it that they can use to their advantage and push for socialism. IQ is inherited and education does virtually nothing other than provide sorting of students so high IQ individuals can go to elite institutions such as Yale and network with each other.

Attached: bellcurve.jpg (329x499, 40K)

Like the knights of old, the best capitalists instead of the best warriors this time will become the new ruling class. We are currently nearing the end of the warring states period where you can make it into the elites in a single lifetime by hard work, intelligence and a plan, however the barrier to entry is going to close as compound interest will cause fortunes started decades ago to grow so exponentially that it will take multiple lifetimes (read multiple generations) to catch-up. If you arent pulling in $10k a month whilst having at least 100k earning at least 12% interest by 27, you will be dooming your bloodline to eternal poverty, as will having multiple children or getting divorced (both of which destroy multigenerational wealth by halving it at the very least). A hierarchy is the natural state of civilization, a monarchy will always form regardless of the medium of "weapons". Dull, really

Trump/Republican major tax cut for the 1 percent makes them richer and the rest of us get fucked, and our kids will be fucked. Sorry losers, if you aren't in the 1 percent you are just cheap labor.

>shitskin loving, jew filled Ivy provides a decent education in anything other than STEM, and sometimes Business

Well, if new American aristocracy will be as fair as this baby and all of said aristocracy ancestors members will have surnames like Stewart, I have no objection.

As it should be, going full varg is the only other option. If you want a taste of the good life, then be a good slave.

I never understood the "kill all the poor" shit. The power of money depends on a population that lacks it, desires it and is willing to serve you for it.

10% hahahahaha try 0.001% lmao

You have to kick a dog every once in a while to remind it that its a dog