Guys, should we start looking for ICE's hidden gas chambers?

Guys, should we start looking for ICE's hidden gas chambers?

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hop in

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Goddamn right. They're not even animals. They're vermin. Cockroaches.

Oh no, he's dehumanizing violent gang members. Literally Hitler.

There seriously is a reddit for the "alt right boogeyman"? Jesus Christ, redditors are pathetic.

"They're not conservatives, they're neo-nazis, and it's always okay to punch a nazi."

t. liberals with no capacity for self reflection

they are not even animals they are beans

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Holy shit, normies have pizzagate level shit in front of their faces and are literally clueless.

How do you lose 1500 children?

The Jews were worse than violent gang members in all honesty.

Iv never heard that before but if it’s true these Mexicans and Central Americans should stay out of America

What if they make up a holohoax again but this time its all the missing minority kids and trump is hitler............

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May you please update the meme and color the bus with American colors and change the text to Trump Bus vote for Trump 2020

im going to bed soon

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>power is highly centralized, federal
>reports directly to Department of Homeland Security (the swamp) in Washington DC
>police force with unlimited jurisdiction
>presently in court arguing for right to overrule local law enforcement
What could go wrong?

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Those fuckinh jumping beans they got in tj scare the shit outta me

>This is not normal, and this is not OK.


>wah wah dont dehumanize us
fine, i'm good with calling you a filthy beaner instead

If you don't know where they are, it's because you aren't building them. SAD!
>Unironically believes in ICE gassings
>Invades USA anyways
They deserve it for the subhuman mental capacity alone

I mean he's literally not wrong

I want to see them in action myself, and say to the screaming beaners:

"All you had to do was stay home and sort yourselves out. You did this to yourselves."

Six million fewer illegals.

Ok the left have completely lost their minds

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yeah because the left certainly never dehumanizes white male scum

>lost 1500 children

The big "scandal" of the Trump administration will turn out that Trump is deporting beaners without giving them a day in court

I'm sure it will be big news for traitorous Demosharts


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Time was spent and money paid for this bot, folks.

Fucking gringoes killing my aztec kin with carbon dioxide

i wish they'd hire me. maybe it could be a bit more convincing than the bullshit typical shills deploy :p

Don't worry I shitpost for free

Well, Antifa does have a lot of free-time on their hands.

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