Diagnosed with melanoma stage 1b over a year ago. A serious fucking wake up call (go see a dermatologist, anons. Seriously, don't think you know shit about fuck, bitches. Just go get checked). Got it cut out - was a near miss. Still not out of the woods. Early squamous cell cancer this year - burned off. Told today at work that I won't get the job that I want after 16 years of blood, sweat, and tears. Was told to just stay where I'm at to help keep the money rolling in - don't advance. Don't complain. Just stay where you are because that's where ((we) need you to be to make sure everything is done correctly. I'm tired. Result? I'm a mess. I'm drunk. I'm smoked out. I'm cried out. Life changing events (cancer will do that for you)... Being screwed over at work because I need to just keep my baby boomer boss getting richer with nothing for me because the company demands it. Help me, Jow Forums. What do I do?
I'm tired
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Keep going and know that it could be worse.
the more you worry the faster it will destroy you.
watched my mom go through the same shit with a brain tumor.
Do whatever you need to calm the fuck down and relax, no joke, worrying is going to make everything worse because of the cortisol your brain released. When there's too much in your system the body can't fight off infection because all your energy is going to your muscles instead of everywhere else like your immune system and organs.
Congratulations on a clearly marked exit. Can't wait to kick off this rock.
>just kys
This life don't work like that. I don't want to be reborn in garbage somewhere.
Thanks, user. Don't know how I can do this long term, tho. Music helps, strangely enough.
Strangely, this helped. It may not be cancer but anxiety that kills me early
>Clearly marked exit
There's something comforting about that. Hope it won't be too painful, tho.
No easy answers on this side of the void, user. We're all dying, enjoy the time you have. Find someone to love with all your heart
That sucks user. I lost my career, too. Now I enjoy the bantz and pranks etc. We have nothing but each other
seems legit.
Mabye its your drinking and smoking, ya drunk smoked out dumbass!
Off into the abyss...
Bite me
Quit your job tell them to go fuck themselves.
That's the next step. Happens in the next couple weeks. Not LARPing. Life is really way too short to put up with all the BS.
Depends. Are your chances slim or good? If you're fucked, then you can quit in whichever way you want, preferably in a way that fucks over your boss, and so whatever you want until you die. But if you've got a shot, then you need to quit, get a lower-stress job, depend on family/friends, and do whatever it takes to be chill and positive, meditation, church, new age shit, whatever.
Wish you luck in your endeavors user. The only true long term pleasure is in achievement. Never lose sight of your goals, and build a better tomorrow.
have time?
You need to have the realization that even if worrying wasn't bad for you, which it is, it still would not be of any help. If your doctor told you tomorrow that you would die in a year, would your time improve by worrying, or should you try to have the time of your life?
>Chances slim or good?
They look good at the moment. But that's it, isn't it? Life is ultimately very fleeting.
Built some assistive technology for dementia patients recently. At this point I would rather die than give it to an ungrateful, rich boss/company. And I told them that today in more polite terms. But I'm drunk and pissed off now. And also have a clearly marked exit (honestly, that made me laugh for like 10 minutes straight).
>melanoma stage 1b
"The 10-year survival rates are 95 percent for stage 1A and 86 percent for stage 1B, according to the American Cancer Society."
Kimo is getting better and better. Stay off of hormone therapy. It creates more cancer. Or do it like everyone else and it will come back.
The work trap isn't something Jow Forums has figuered out how to escape because the boomers shitpost the threads to death with "lazy millennial, stop using muh taxes, thems are for Israel wars!"
I had a near miss myself back in 1999. I was millimeters away from death, and i survived. ever since then, i've figured each day/month/year is being played in the bonus round. these past 18 years have been pretty amazing. some days i feel down, but then i remember that i shouldn't even be here and i get excited about what adventure i can have today. when you have nothing to lose, you can take risks...and risks lead to adventure whether you win or lose. enjoy the game, dude. :)
>Kimo is getting better and better.
chemo has a 90% failure rate. :(
Eh, I try. In all seriousness though the only way you'll never get fucked in the ass by your employer is if they're family (and that doesn't completely guarantee you won't), or you start your own business.
Metaphorical ass fucking of course
Unironically Find Jesus.
It's a hell of a thing, isn't it? I was about .2mm from the docs going up my ass with diagnostics and treatment.
Very true
Obtain shotgun. Place barrel in mouth, aiming slightly up. Pull trigger.
Meh. It's been done.
Would you prefer poison? Gas? Exsanguination? Asphyxiation?
>not wanting to die