By the title, you probably think I'm some r/hapa loser but I'm not. I used to laugh at that place due to how mad they are at white men fucking Asian girls and cucking Asian men. But then I noticed how ugly a lot of these couples were and how their children made up for a very unattractive (especially compared to pure whites) combination. Like a white person with chinky eyes and dark coloration (hair too). Completely taking away what makes white amazing (light eyes and hair). I see a lot of these couples in real life and can't help but think of all the ugly half breeds we'll be seeing in the future just because you want asian pussy.
Date inside your race, don't ruin your genes. That's all.
Mixed race babies are typically ugly or retarded. Different enzymes in our dna dont congeliate with alien dna.
Adam Rivera
White piggu face with grorious Asian features make for down syndrome looking baby.
Easton Jenkins
True. Also I don't understand why some men here think Asian women living in western countries are somehow more pure than white women. Asian women are more status-obsessed and materialistic than white women.
Ayden Richardson
I'm almost thirty years in age. If I discover a compatible, conservative-enough Christian woman of East Asian descent that I have enough attraction to, in order to justify eventual marriage, I would take what I could get. I like European/White women too, but a ton of them in California are too invested in Feminism and Social Justice Warrior leftism for me to work with them. I still have many challenges I need to address, in order to approach getting married, no matter which race, concerning the bride.
Isaiah Fisher
is that Ron Lamont?
Christian Edwards
>amerimutt >what makes white amazing >dont ruin your genes
Westernized Asian women are also the biggest lefty shills ever. And marrying outside of your race because ooo big white dick herro! Is pathetic
Parker Anderson
women are a thing of the past. White men are growing past the need for women and its scaring ((them)). Why a woman when you can get a conservative blair white or richard spencer that have just as nice boi pussys as women have pussys
Ethan Myers
It's not a big deal. The asian disappears quickly. A mate married a woman who is 1/4 Japanese and you can't pick it. Their kids look 100% white - blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.
Levi Roberts
asians women have the lowest divorce and infidelity rates. if you're worried about muh genetics they already fucked because of telegony. so some of the genes of the niggers she's fucked will be passed along to the offspring.
Justin Ramirez
asian pussy is rough, ugly and hairy white pussy is soft looks aesthetic and tastes good
white pussy > Asian pussy
Nolan Thompson
Honestly the thought of having a happa child with my girlfriend is terrifying. Ugly, weak and socially awkward. She's a nice girl but I just can't marry her.
Anthony Morales
Hedonists should die as a principle
Connor Roberts
The children, or at least their children, may look Finnish, or some kind of Finno-Ugric group, right?
Liam Torres
>date grossly overweight aggressively feminist women how about no
Oliver Phillips
Don’t tell me what to do, faggot.
James Nelson
Asians don’t have the part of the brain that lets you believe in God. I still like to bang em, but good luck finding a God-fearing one.
It is... surprisingly contradictory. I know that they exist, though, because I sometimes drive past churches with what appear to be congregations of mostly East Asian Americans, from first generation up well into the third or more.
Levi Price
Yeah but they're tight and my cock looks big in their hands
Had to turn off my Vidya to dispense some wisdoms, so fuck you OP. If every basement-dwelling awkward virgin in this place married an Asian woman, it would mean nothing to the fucking race. It's a drop in the bucket. I actually come from a real ethno-state, where everyone is fucking identical. And it is glorious. But when I came to the US, I only seem to run into shit-tier white bitches. I ended up with a Filipino woman, who is pretty much the closest thing I could find in terms of upbringing to a woman from my original slavia ethno-state. Even religion is spot on. Totally fucking great, knows shit all about the world, but does not care because I can tell her what she needs to know. And when ever I explain one of these stupid things SJWs come up with, her reaction is purely identical to mine.
We just had a daughter less than 2 years ago, and it is without a doubt the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. Smarter than any two slavs rubbed together. My woman never been with any other man, she does not even want to because she worships me. Her family is dirt poor, but she went to very good Catholic University and makes ton of dough. So it more than makes up for family-money.
Bottom line, I don't know if I could have found a better girl amog the Whites in this country. I could have waited 15 years, built up my fortune, and imported one FOB. But that means 15 years of questionable pussy, and I would have to carry all the finances for the family. Plus knowing the dumb shit White women do when they come over here, I would probably end up getting cucked with a niglet.
So I got lucky, have 2 homes, beautiful wife, and never worry about money. You all do what you want, and good fucking luck!
Lucas Russell
Date a feminine, traditional WHITE woman. Harder to find I know, but much better than any slanty eyed gook slut
Carter Richardson
Ok kike, I plan on having a wife and many white children.
Julian Lopez
good riddance
Jaxon Gonzalez
>By the title, you probably think I'm some r/hapa loser I actually think you're a Jew since Jews like to take Asian wives even more than white men. Also because these threads have been made literally over 9000 times and you're probably sliding something.
Oliver Rivera
Asian men and Asian-oriented Hapa men are more desirable than toxic white males.
Jackson Campbell
Which part of America do you live in, if you do not mind answering? California is where I am in, and it is very hard to find European Americans with good, socially conservative values. That's why I may be willing to marry a woman of another race that is also a conservative Christian.
Benjamin Miller
I'm already a mixed race child. Why should I fucking care about genes if my white dad didn't? I want my asian girl and want her now!!!
Jonathan Gonzalez
You need to recognize our inherent contrarianism. I shit you not, I am going to put in extra effort into finding an asian woman just to piss you off faggot.
It's actually the other way around in my experience.
Robert Allen
You banging some octogenarian putang or something.
Samuel Anderson
Okay I am going to speak honestly, which most WMAF faggots won't
I can't get a good white woman, because I am not a Chad. I'm a 5/10, below 6'. All I can get is low tier white women and also they intimidate me and I have no game. When I go to asia they approach me and are cute. I don't have to try or act like a man and can get a wife. However I still believe what a lot of Jow Forums says so I will rationalize my cognitive dissonance and tell myself I am bleaching her and that I can raise my kids to be basically white and all that matters is culture. Oh and the high IQ thing, yeah. Asians invented everything because their high IQ is so superior.
dating outside of your race is the opposite of being conservative
Xavier Ross
Call me a changposter, but would it be a good idea to crossbreed strictly asians and whites together considering the fertility rates are declining to sharply? Does anyone think that this homogenous mixture of slant/round eyes could dominate the world with their intelligence?
Joshua Smith
>Marry a white roastie, goy
No thanks kike.
Anthony Ross
These people are beyond saving. Also he left his homeland to come to america, make money, racemix. That person is of very low character, a classical liberal, not conservative whatsoever. A degenerate in my eyes. His children will be raised in materialism without an identity, easy prey to be jewish golems. He is already lost but at least he gets to nut in FOB pussy and she cooks him food. What little it takes for a man to sell his soul
Jayden Moore
If you mean that the action itself is not a conservative choice, you are correct. It is most conservative to stick to one's own tribe, if possible. I mostly care about other aspects of conservative living, however, and I am in California, a state that seems destined to be some kind of a mass melting pot of Whites, Mestizos, and East Asians, with some other groups, anyhow.
Kevin Jackson
Honestly? At the rate the West is going it probably would. > year 2100AD > global race war > hapas vs everybody
If you can't act like a man with an Asian woman she will find a way of dumping you that will make everything you've gone through with White women seem tame.
Asian women give you their best. And if you prove you're not worth it, they will fuck you straight up the ass. Get your shit together, user, before she does it for you.
>my prediction for 2100 Russian gooks will inherit the earth and native americans will establish a redskin ethnostate within israel
Elijah Anderson
NEETS on here arent worth anything?
Joseph Reyes
Date white bitches? They're too busy being pornstars and fucking niggers. I whole heartedly support fucking asian females, but don't make babies with them.
Austin Morgan
(((They))) found out we weren't neets like 6 months ago, were all incels now, remember?
I saw a white male asian female couple with 4 children at a pool I worked at once. They were all girls and 3 of them were but ugly, like absolutely unfuckable. There was one though with probably the best body I have ever seen with an amazing face. I think that is the ratio 3;1 will look ugly vs beautiful
Incels are highly successful stem nerds who cant seem to get laid
Gabriel Edwards
Lol HAPA's complain but do nothing about it.
Zachary Hall
This is somewhat similar to my experience, we might even come from the same country. I'm very sad to say this but American women have some psychological issues, I'm not sure where it comes from. Back in my ethno-state it's not hard to find normal woman. Here I mostly encountered very arrogant and entitled girls who severely overestimate their value.
But recently I met a really nice Asian girl. She was born in China but went to college in America. She's been in the west for almost 10 years. She's not even that conservative, but she knows who she is, comfortable in her skin, charming, smart, feminine. She's not Jow Forums nazi larper but sees right through left wing propaganda, and did so even before it was cool. It really doesn't seem to me that I'm asking for much here but I haven't met equivalent white American woman.
Joseph Brooks
>women >at all >2018
James White
that chick was friends with that american who shot up a school not long ago and killed 2 people
she used to stream on twitch until i needled her about it subtely and she almost started crying
Jack Ward
People are shaped by the circumstances which they have faced. You have met a very interesting case, indeed. Most White women are not like that, right now, but they do exist. If you live in California, you may be able to find a serious Christian White women that is left, and is still single/virgin.
Gabriel Campbell
Thanks for honesty. It's extremely lacking everywhere, especially from people from wmaf relationships.
I'm hapa male with white female (hmwf) because I want my kids to be white and have a better quality social life than me.
Ethan Cook
Guess what I don’t care
Jordan Edwards
>Thanks for honesty. It's extremely lacking everywhere, especially from people from wmaf relationships. Give me an example.
Liam Powell
"Social Life" is the pinnacle of degeneracy. I look forward to going to family BBQ, seeing my cousins, brother, his wife, his kids, my aunt. That's real social life. Once you get out of stupid 20s you begin to realize this.
Kevin Ross
They had this exact image on the wall above the carts bay at walmart
Anthony Davis
I am in California, and you are probably right -- I met a very skewed sample of women. I really do hope that there are more good women out there. Perhaps I was a bit too harsh and I really didn't want to be. I have met some OK girls but they were really few and far between.
Brody Stewart
Mostly from Asian females.
"I'm not dating cuz of raaaace!"
B-b-but the statistics say...
"Only gawd can judge me, fuck you!"
Cameron Long
Women don't know why they want what they want everywhere you go.
Sad to hear man. But if you dont have a family luckily you can always start one. Real friends are hard to find. My best friends I have known for 20+ years. That's like quality friendship, not roommate who steals your Xbox and moves out in the middle of the night leaving you holding the bag cause rent is due the next day..
Anthony Ramirez
Don't worry about what other people think of your race. We can't change that. I am not purely European, myself; small parts Jewish and other Middle Easterners. God bless you.
Landon Watson
Best analogy I ever came up with is that Women are like Elf-on-the-shelf. They sit around waiting to get picked up. Once you realize this, you realize you can pretty much get any woman with right manipulation.
Zachary Scott
Sorry to burst your bubble faggot...I'm marrying my Korean GF soon. And we will be having at least three kids. You want to know why I didn't marry a white women? Because white men are white-knight beta fucking pussies and have put these repulsive white whores on a pedestil going on four fucking CENTURIES now. This has caused white women to be obscenely promiscuous, fucking entire teams of NIGGERS before they are ready to settle down and marry. Their wombs and bodies are polluted with nicotine, alcohol, and recreational drugs, and they are too old to bear healthy children. Furthermore, they are horrid wives who have nothing to offer other than their cunts, which I can rent for $300 an hour.
So no. I'm not marrying a white women. I don't give a fuck what any of you incels has to say about it. I've stated my case. My Hapa kids will probably go to MIT. They certainly aren't going into the trades like most of you classless, stupid fucking losers.
Christian Morales
I'll marry whoever gives me attention and affection (girls who read this please hit me up I'm so lonely) no uggos though haha
You'll have good companionship with your family some day. And that will be something to enjoy. Don't think that just because you don't have family gatherings that you should be intimidated by it one day too. Create a large family and enjoy the family unit, they'll take note and always know your someone they can depend on. Even if you think you don't know how to do it, it's as easy as you just doing things you would enjoy and have fun doing. The rest will fall into place. Jesus bless.
Julian Cruz
Yes. You can get them. But you can't keep them.
You can't save a woman that doesn't want to be saved. If a woman doesn't want to submit to a traditional relationship, she's not going to do it.
You're not really going to find any white women these days who want traditional love.
No, it follows an even simpler rule: garbage in = garbage out. Uggos from whatever race will produce uggos. With WMAF couples, it happens more often because you whites have kinda a fucked up sense of attraction to Asian features that are considered rather hideous or overly extreme in our culture.
You tend to go for the horseface bitches with exaggerated Asian cheeks/eyes and deformed jaws. Most of us Asians tend to have fucked up teeth already but you white boys sure know how to pick out the most fucked up ones. Why do you think plastic surgery is standard in some Asian countries? And I'm not just talking about Korea. The majority of Asian girls are hideous and get work done to look even remotely human. White guys also tend to hook up with Asian bitches who are way past their expiration date. Like 5-10yrs past the age for producing viable offspring. We can usually tell but almost 2/5 WMAF couples I see in Vancouver has the bitch being obviously 10yrs older than her man despite the two layers of foundation she has holding up her facepaint. Genetic defects start appearing more often when having children in your late 30s and it also doesn't help that the white boys who go for Asian girls tend to bring a lot of their own ugly and beta behavior to the genetic mix. The result is usually a perfect storm of hideous and mental illness.
Remember, what you see in MSM about happy mixed-race couples with pretty kids was cherry-picked for your conditioning.
Anthony Russell
>thinks he can beat the environment >the very thing that determines outcomes
Or maybe you are just a low t fag and will be a failure as a father even with a white gurl
Henry Smith
post wall roasties: the thread
Wyatt Clark
>eating any pussy What are you, gay?
Noah Phillips
tfw asian and dated both white guys and girls
i FUCKING hate having asian features. if i could reborn id reborn as a blonde white girl dating a blonde white guy. im jelly as fuck of a lot of white features because it looks far better than asians. In friggin asia, girls dye their hair, get contact lenses to make their eyes have color, and also plastic surgery to make the eyes look bigger and face closer to whites.
if only i was born a pretty blonde white girl id be so happy
>if only i was born a pretty blonde white girl id be so happy
Everyone wishes this though.
Carter Reed
Chang is right btw
Logan Russell
Is this political? The fuck is wrong with this board. Pathetic
Nicholas Myers
J u s t
Jaxon Kelly
They do exist in CA, you just have to know where to look.
Jeremiah Richardson
Do you have any recommendations for that? Thank you.
Wyatt Lewis
t. Chang and I agree. Please date inside your own race. Though I wouldn't blame white guys that date Asian women given literal shitflingers are their alternatives.