Name something about WW2 that most people know little to nothing about.
Name something about WW2 that most people know little to nothing about
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jewish communists
The Balfour Declaration
It's related senpai
Not 6 million jews died
the WHY.
nobody asks why.
it's Englands fault
Hitler allied with Palestine and had Palestinian Waffen SS here is a whole documentary about it the Jew Criminal ANTI WHITES didn't want you to know about:
Also review the 18 pages of information here:
Operation Mincemeat
Hitler did nothing wrong ever and Hitler always right
Nazi U-boats visited Marie Byrd land in Antarctica and established bases there. Hitler was evacuated to one of the bases in 1945 and died in 1974.
>Name something about WW2 that most people know little to nothing about.
Other than the bare mentioning of the Nazis and the holocaust, that would be everything. Just try talking about any of the battles, equipment, or big figures other than Hitler to any ordinary person and they'll have no clue what you're talking about. They'll think you're some fucking history buff for being able to name the beaches of the Normandy landings.
Good effort as it conflates New Swabia with further Nazi flirtation with the continent, and plays on popular understanding of secreting Nazis in nearby Argentina. 3/10 would read again but c'mon though.
oh fug me what was even the Canadian one.
Utah, Sword, gold...? Hm, I'll have to check.
Utah, gold, sword, omaha and juno?
the attacks on Attack on Mers-el-Kébir by the Br*tish
It was started by the British.
There was only 200k victims of the "holocaust".
It was Russia who won WW2.
Germans quality of life was at its highest during WW2.
Hitler hated the COMMUNIST! who just so happen to be the jews, but it was commies he wan't to remove from his homeland. Removed, not kill.
America won the war in the east and west almost single handedly and in spite of the blundering failures of the British and French. The Russians never got a single victory until Americans started subsidizing their military and Britain wanted to surrender and would have had we not sent the liberty ships to save them. America single handedly defeated the Axis war machine.
So Hitler was based?
The russians started pushing back the germans before america attacked occupied france. They did fight japan, but japan wasnt a threat to russia...
Sir David Irving
About Irving:
More recent stuff on Churchill's problems:
>probably unironic
Operation Groza. the russian plan to invade germany 17 days after germany invaded soviet held Poland.
Hitler had an 8 inch cock
I was about to say Hitler did nothing wrong but everybody already knows that
Hitler was the good guy
>everybody already knows that
Why did he send the jews to concenrtation camps? why did the US send regular japanese americans to internment camps?? Who was running the USSR ((they))???
The United States foresaw the Cold War and had a plan to offer immunity to Axis forces who would help them take out the Soviet Union after Germany fell.
winston churchill is the single most despicaple person i have ever heard of
he really was. kikes do not deserve to be called human
A lot of the guards for Japanese POW camps were koreans.
If Hitler had waited longer for a diplomatic solution to uniting the German people, he probably would have been granted one and the 2 world superpowers would have been Germany and the US rather than Russia and the US.
Had not the allied powers held Germany so tightly to the treaty of Versailles then Hitler would probably never have come to power at all.
Hitler did literally nothing wrong
>Name something about WW2 that most people know little to nothing about.
Zionist Bankers built the Concentration Camps.
Germany was only about a month away from wiping out the British air force which would have allowed them to finally steam roll london but opened up a second front with Russia. Which bought time for the Brits to recover.
christianity is wrong
Hitler sued for peace several times and wanted an alliance with Britain early on but (((Churchill))) had other plans
at the start of the war, economically Germany was the best performing country in the world and started efforts to totally abolish the jewish slave money shekel scam
also note that this was after they suffered a fucking world war (ww1)
just coincidence of course
just coincidence
Hitler only had one testicle
>Russia won ww2
Most people I talk to don't even know what countries Hitler invaded before the war (Austria, Czechoslovakia) and even worse they don't even know that when Hitler invaded Poland WW2 started
hitler redpill.
We had our very own poo division
ruskies won the war, not the burgers
Japanese were sent to internment camps mostly because of how Americans of Japanese ancestry turned on the United States during Pearl Harbor. Google niihau incident. It wasn't because the government was backwards racists. This is their dishonor, obscured from history.
I Know and I'm sorry, but i can't say much for my country men.
I don't think so jimmy. It was a grand reunification.
The USSR did not win the war outright, obviously. However in the minds of many westerners, WW2 evokes images of the western front and the pacific war. The reality was that the eastern front dwarfed all other theaters of the war.
this is sad
British cucks have always needed Americans to come rescue them.
Whether or not America decided the fate of the war singlehandedly is debatable. Without them Germany probably would have won, but USSR shared at least half the task.
Russia obviously helped to beat Germany, but if you class Russia as having won you are a moron.
The Holocaust was a practical joke.
The soviets have done the same as the nazis but somehow we never talk about gulags or mass rape.
Lappland front.
This. Stalin was way worse than Hitler.
Because that’s the old thing. Germany is the new thing.
Hasn't Austria been taken from you guys twice? I dont know why I care but that makes me sad. Would any Germans or Austrians want to reunite one day or is that just ancient history?
Ww2 for Jews by Jews against Jews.
France being a chicken makes it so much better