Zioshill infiltration, stay vigilant

Has anyone noticed the recent uptick in pro-Israel shilling recently? Call it a hunch but it's a little concerning to me. Now before you call me a shill and plug your ears (nu-pol), hear me out. MAYBE it is possible that the shareblue boogie man is being used as a distraction by JIDF who seek to undermine the main content of this board and turn it away from the taboo political discussion board Jow Forums is supposed to be, into a basic boomercon republican discussion forum. Now I hate to sound like a shill myself, but it should be obvious to anyone who has browsed this board for a while that the consensus is overwhelmingly anti-ZOG, anti Zionism, anti Jew, and anti Israel (even though those things are all covered under Jew). But as of recently, since trump has been ramping up his neocon-tier policies, there seems to be more JIDF kikes on this board pushing pro Israel shit to justify and rationalize what he's doing. Now, for any of you who are somewhat oldfags, I encourage you to look at the replies on this thread (if there are any) and see how many people are cheering for "BASTE ISRAEL". This is what I'm talking about, this is a problem, and if you ever want Jow Forums to go back to the way it used to be these pro-ZOG newfag a need to be laughed all the way back to their call center operations in tel-aviv.

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Other urls found in this thread:


TL;DR OP's mom gay

Yea everyone suddenly loves israel now. What happened?
Also, why did the jews kept getting expelled from jerusalem over and over again throughout the years? Is there hidden treasure?

love your fellow jew

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There have been a lot more Israeli Flagposters of late.
Could just be because of the current turmoil over there, usually noticed an increase in their presence during the rough moments with the Palestinians in the past.
Appealing to the hatred of Islam and presentation of Israel as the lesser evil here at the moment seems a common thread.
The real conundrum is the yankposters who support Israel. It's hard to sort the shills from the sycophantic boomers.
As with most shill efforts, awareness is half the battle.
The other half is sprinkling the herbs over the obvious shill/slide threads.

Go back

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Would you rather have Jews or Muslims? Neither is not an option here.

>hehe goy you have to pick one

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> inshallah Brothers i solved the captcha

It's hilarious when you actually engage with them though. After a while you become an expert in countering pilpul and can actually get them to admit the truth, which is that Israel has no right to exist

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If one kills the other, the other is still dead. Just leaves one to sort out later.
If I have to choose one for conveniences sake, I'll keep the Muslims because they are not nearly as subtle or capable of subterfuge as the Jews.

>you don't want to pick Jews or Muslims? YOU MUST BE A MUSLIM!

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>Iran is attacking Israel from Syria
Yeah let's just ignore all their provocations beforehand

I won't keep ALL Muslims, just the Shias and alawites for now. Only because they want to kill off the Wahhabi menace, which collides with Israel all the time.

> the kaffir know

>it's just Islam!

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Just always remember, Israel strikes first


Its rare JIDF openly shills for the Jew as its too obvious, they prefer D&C/Diverting goyim discussion away from the Jew.

I genuinely think the massive recent influx of USA flag posters shilling for the Jew after the recent Iran deal/Palestinian protesters incidents are just T_D retards/boomers who either have too low a IQ to comprehend the JQ/dont feel a need to lurk and begin posting immediately. Israel lurkers have seen this influx and thus see a rare chance to post displaying their flag without having their kikery rejected immediately, thus changing the dynamics of the board. The massive increase in "muh based Right wing Israeli Jew here AMA MAGA" type threads supports this.

All we can do is try and redpill the 5% of non boomer Israel 1st Trump cultists whom are not complete brainlets and drive the Israeli flag displaying kikes away. Crypto JIDF Jews will always be here. Its important the Jew never feels confident enough to post and engage in normal Jow Forums discussion whilst openly displaying he is a Jew, beyond mocking/tormenting the goyim.

> lololol it‘s the jews

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don't be so sure about that. they use american proxies too

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Who did you support in the rwandan civil war?

They use the CIA proxy jumping software to fake locations. Its not just under US flags.

Of couse, he could be a Mountain Jew as BIS.

>heh, you hate joos. you must love mooslums then.
Go away, I can see you. We all see you.

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Good point. As I said, will always be JIDF crypto Jews sowing discord. Whilst alot of the recent USA anti Iran and Syria/Pro Jew posters do seem to be legitimate T_Drs, I shouldn't forget a good 15-20% are probably JIDF driving the discussion. Using a USA flag would let them blend in the easiest.

Jews are covertly hostile to the world around them.
The victory of cucking Trump to their agenda, cucking Putin to their agenda, moving the embassy and killing and wounding more Gazans than Las Vegans raised them up to being openly hostile.

Basically they got to meme happy and showed their power level. As the dopamine wears off they will go back into the shadows, using proxies and meme flags to try and shut us down.

>recent uptick in pro-Israel
hey imam whatcha doin?

Yeah, you can tell the Jews have been very happy merchants recently, and similar to a gambling man who is on a winning streak but addicted to that winning feeling cant call it quits, they cant help but out themselves and do a little victory dance before the goyim. This only harms them however, and their luck will run out eventually. Then, as you say, they will return to the shadows before their next big screwing the goyim scheme pays off and they cant help themselves again.

The only question is when will the Jews luck run out this time? Perhaps it already has, with the recent open slaughter of the Palestinians, making it alot more difficult to rally the goyim to their cause in fighting Iran, atleast in the immediate future.

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It's already started. There is an increase in infighting among them


I know (((cnn)))

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Be wary of Jews they are the evil spawn of Satan both the atheist and Zionist Jews.

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>Has anyone noticed the recent uptick in pro-Israel shilling recently?

maybe more people would be on board if this thread wasn't made multiple times with the same image and copy pasta. it seems like YOU are the one shilling here

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There are shills everywhere in trump threads, podesta threads, pizza gate threads.there is a large Jewish presence in each thread one most be wary of these Reddit spacing faggots too

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fucking kikes

fucking frog, israel is number one ally, based syria

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Eh, probably grandstanding for the goyim with the ol' "Right wing Jew V Left wing Jew" fallacy thrown in. Both support, and celebrate, the slaughtering of goyim, USA liberal Jews are just pissed because shooting 100s, possibly 1000s of people for no legitimate reason makes them look bad in the eyes of the goyim, whilst your Right Wing Israeli Jew long stopped caring what the goyim thinks (because they dont have to be around them).

Still a good thing though, but its less infighting, more "Hey guys, you took it too far and the goyim know, try shutting it down next time".

The one that can afford to buy swiss weapons obviously ...

př 3ttý §û re ťh3y hæve hů mæns too

"The revolution will not be televised."

The palastinianes are going to be freed. A few more 'non violent' protests a few hundred more deaths and Isreal will be finished.

I dont give a shit how powerful their propaganda arm is. You cant shoot innocent civilians and survive. Not in this day and age.

Yes, they shit up every Patrick Little thread also, but their main goal is to quell the backlash on the Palestine shootings.

They know that we know so they say things like:

> Jews invented anti semitism
> Patrick Little (and other pro white candidates) is controlled opposition
> BASED Israel shooting SAVAGE MUSLIMS
> Calling ideologies we are against (ex: marxism) anti-jewish

Their main objectives are:
> Keep infighting up
> Keep pro-white candidates from getting elected
> Keep us focused on issues that are merely symptoms of jewry, like feminism, LGBTQ+, muh race wars / racism, meds aren't white, and so on

We should honestly postpone most discussion of symptomatic issues until we take care of the root of the problem: ((((THEM)))), i.e jewish supremacists. They must be removed from power, and they probably will, peacefully.

The sooner they are removed, the better for everyone (including jews).

Give Patrick Little, Paul Nehlen and others support, they will be the beginning of this. How well they do will decide how many pro-white candidates we get going next time and so on.

Good ole JIDF tactics

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fucking hell

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Trump is a Jew puppet and reddit won't leave.

>There have been a lot more Israeli Flagposters of late
This. And they're so smug.