Why do white women do this?
Why do white women do this?
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Imagine wanting to virtue signal so hard you'll keep your vagina occupied for 9 months?
what are you talking about? Isn't this the american dream?
Because we should breed with the Canaanites because they are wonderful people.
Virtue signaling.
because the state subsidizes it
This. She looks like your typical MUTT.
Because they're selfish, short-sighted idiots.
The kid has that raises mongrel mouth
It looks like she has pretty big milkers.
> yummipussi
Women are naturally attracted to superior more vibrant genes.
she gains social points from strangers on the internet
At this pace murica will become the mulatto capital of the planet, leaving brazil in the second place, kudos muriturds.
> vibrant genes
> same color and hairstyle
> only vibrates near the welfare line and bikes
For the most part they don't. White women do the least interracial marriages.
insecurity and daddy issues.
does that coalburner look married to you?
To have the most alpha genes for their children obviously
I'm sure that unwashed nigger jizz tastes like heaven.
Funny thing about those interracial marriage stats is that they only discuss MARRIAGE. Niggers and coalburners don’t get married, user.
Everything is just a “fuck you” to daddy.
The female gender needs to be replaced.
Because white women are superior to the other races, and everyone knows it.
White trash holding a niglet.
look how ugly she is. No self respecting white man would go out of their way to try to fuck her. Niggers don't care though they flirt with anything. The white women being highly insecure just goes with it because she likes the attention and you end up with that
have black babys with irresponsible people?
i dunno, america i guess.
I thought it was the melanin receptors in their vaginas.
Oh no! Women having kids? How dare they! Tgey should be bases leabians!
more like bleached northafrican with a deplorable grammar skill
Because pop-culture tells them that it's cool.
Strangely enough, pop-culture also shows them the reality of raising a black kid as a white mother but MTV doesn't show that. That's left to Maury and Springer.
cultural degeneracy bolstered by the jewish owned media
>wants white women to have niggers babies
Checks out
>worships his skin
Cheks out.
which matters because mudsharks are known for their high rates of marriage
cuz big dicks
FPBP. That looks like La Ogra Negra de las Muttmericas.
>not worshipping your skin
>worshipping niggers tho
stop LARPing faggot
they wouldn't if white men weren't so pathetic
It’s the Spics and Injuns you gotta look out for.
If you are looking for a real answer, the stats say low IQ, low self esteem, and usually weight issues.
Factually true.
End all welfare to reduce white genocide
Why do black women abort more kids than they have? Dude, stop trying to understand women and I'll stop trying to understand filthy animal groids.
They can't resist sharting on everything, including their lineage.
lol is that the #metoo beast?
>Why do white women do this?
Because women cannot think in abstract terms.
You show them pic related and they only see drawings and scribbles.
the media promotes it.
Because of this shit right here.
its amazing how many problems this would actually solve as well
Maybe someone left it on her doorstep?
She doesn't look too happy.
>race is the colour of your skin
The absolute state of you.
Holy shit the person who wrote that article hates white people, Jesus.
>Boo Hoo girls are mean
Keep snivelling. Because that's sexy. Your girl problems will just cure themselves that way lads.
It's less that girls are mean and more that they're subhumans.
Literally the nigger of the world.
White women are trained at an early age to go against white men, the whole entire platform of the Democrats is to attack white men daily, to attack white police officers, to get upset when pictures of white men are standing in the Oval Office, to put forth this 70% pay wage scam to make women seem as they are victims by simply being born as female.
The amount of media-brainwashing it takes to get a white girl to hate her own race so much that she strives to go out into the world and give birth to a brown child is astounding, it takes YEARS of mental manipulation to create that outcome, never before in human history have mothers wanted their children not to look like them, the effect that the Kardashian girls are having on young white girls is brutal, so many young white girls want to date black guys exclusively.
I ordered some clothes from a print shop yesterday. It's so hard getting /ourlook. I want them to arrive by Saturday since I'm blurting the last of my money and going out for the weekend to try to force this country to be some fun (back in the UK one full week and totally dry, totally ready to string up).
I'm collecting up chick pics too if you have any with a good look, even degenerate tats if they are the right kind.
Any chicks that want to volunteer an image for the cause are totally welcome.
Check who's grown into Nazi Girl.
White? Oh White Jesus the memes are true. That's just a pale nigger. Look at the nose.
Is she a harlequin Jesus Christ
Literally. You sure you want to use that word bro?
Who knows, they're less distinguishable than cattle.
Come on m8, it's literally your language, you should know that the word "literally" can also be used for emphasis purposes.
you show them pic related and they scream racism and systematic bias in statistics and systemic oppression of blacks. Even STEM females do this. They really are like fucking children.
I agree
That swastica's backwards, dumbass.
End no fault divorce and end welfare for single moms who aren't widows. They should have to beg churches and other groups for hand outs.
They’re not that bad senpai. You just gotta be firm with them and they’ll obey happily. It’s just that most white men are pussy whipped these days. White women are desperate for some leadership.
There is no God.
90% of black men would get white women pregnant leave. Any white woman that would do this should be cut off by the government too.
Divide shilling by meme flags works well on SHY BOYS who want to buy into fake virtue to repress their anxieties.
Leftypol were gloating on Wednesday that they created all the
Sex bot
Women hate threads.
This is probably one.
There's a reason all those Nazi uniforms were so hot, why AH posed in his sexy leather shorts.
The shills know the reason.
Complete Victory in the culture war.
If you really are stuck over meeting girls or general issues of charm let kindly uncle /pol can help
Aussies are the shit when it comes to sense of humor. Masha Allah, I kek'd brother! Thanks for the laughters, infidel!
More like
Because governments will be paying her welfare from the virgin white bois pocket.
>She doesn't look too happy.
single mothers never are.
Now is the age of the Orc!
they lack foresight and are susceptible to social engineering.
The mom is atleast 30% nigger
>Nose piercings
>Nigglet child
Gee fucking whiz, what a pair.
Because they fell in love with the black men?
God, I fucking hate women.
Look at that smug, self-assured grin on her face, like she's achieved something. She's just gonna lie around while some jew takes pictures of her fat ass and think she's hot shit.
I wonder how much she fucking makes on instagram doing this shit.
Imagine that. Imagine just lying around in a thong all day while people take pictures of your big butt and actually making money for it.
Imagine walking around confident in the idea that you're providing some great value to society when all you're actually doing is sticking your fat arse into a camera lens with a piece of fabric wedged up against your cunt.
What a fucking useless piece of fuckmeat.
Can you imagine a time where women were not lauded and idolized just for having a fat ass and the will to stick it in everyone's faces?
And they all aspire to this now. This is the pinnacle of achievement for a young woman. This is who they want to be. They want to lie around, in a g-string and have millions of men lust over their fat, fuckable glutes as they present like bitches in heat. That's the tippy top for legions of girls. That's queendom in 2018. That's what it is to be royalty... To be a ruler. You've got to have a fat ass and zero decency. Then you're a winner.