EXTREME Red Pill: Legalisation of pedophilia is a long time coming

This is disturbing...Really disturbing.

It is a little bit known in the french website's equivalent of Jow Forums but I should inform you of this also.

France May 1968...Sexual liberation/revolution...Students changed the face of the west by imposing amoral, Freudian and hedonistics view upon sexuality.Destruction of the "old and repressive" moral system (pretty much christian values), for the new age religion (hedonism and cosmopolitan correctness, all of that relying on the goyim religion of the Shoah). The truth is that "sexual liberation" is in fact total enslavement...Extremely true with internet porn today but it was already extremely relevant. One of their leaders was (((Daniel Cohn-Bendit))). Moreover, most of the leaders of May 68 were (((-))).

Look at this video were Daniel Cohn Bendit brags openly about his pedophilia on TV (no subtitles sorry but he brags about sexually "playing" with little children and says that the sexuality of children is fantastic...)


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Other urls found in this thread:


He even has written a book with pedophilia stories in it.

This is the spirit of the leaders behind the sexual liberation...Their true aim is toward pedophilia, don't be mistaken.

Here is (((Daniel Cohn Bendit))) with the Freemason Emanuel Macron. Cohn Bendit has actively endorsed and followed Macron's electoral campaign, even though everyone knows he is a pedophilia. He never went to prison of course because he is part of the (((tribe))).He works as a European Union politician in the (((Green Party))).


Remember when Switzerland voted to ban minarets? It was the result of this amazing politician Oskar Freysing. After that, (((he))) tried to shame him and switzerland about this vote and ask switzerland to redo the vote because racism and islamophobia is bad...Remember bad, these are the """People""" that have the "moral high ground" to shame you for your nationalistic and racial identity, fucking jewish and pedophilies. He Freysinger absolutely destroys this kike pedo by the way. Still no subtitles sorry. (((He))) pretty much says that democracy "isn't right" because it didn't went in the way of the jewish agenda.

But anyway, just to talk to you to the leaders of this evil """[[[(((sexual liberation)))]]]""".

But the REAL red pill is bellow and probably very disturbing.

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Now, I will talk about the french socialist Newspaper "Libération".

"Libération popularly known as Libé]), is a daily newspaper in France, founded in Paris by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968 (sexual revolution)"
Of course,founded by Marixsts/communists/socialists/jews.

Anyway what about it ?

First, in May 1977, the newspaper release an article where they endorse the newly created "‘Front de libération des pédophiles" a.k.a "Liberation front for pedophiles". Literally a group advocating for the liberation of pedophiles in prison because pedophilia isn't something wrong and bad and that it is the old "archaic christian repressive morals" that
demonize healthy and harmless pure love between adults and children...Yeah.

December 9, 1977, this newspaper publish an article (pic related) for millions of french people to see : "Let's teach love to our children". You see ? What is their TRUE agenda behind extreme sexual "liberation" and extreme tolerance ? The push always was toward pedophilia, and maybe something even worst after that.

Here you have it, the massive red pill about the left and tolerance and sexual acceptation. (((they))) played their card way to fast there, thinking that May 68 would grant them full control on the amoral "liberated" french people in less than 10 years but don't be mistaken, their plans is being pushed for decades now in the west...A slow but effective process of pedophilia tolerance, normalization and acceptation. We are in it in fact. Be aware of it.

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That's all. I'll share other things here now.

Sexual liberation is an very advanced form and slavery. Watch this one hour video to see the light, by E.Michael Jones.


Another one on Porn.

Go to 27:30-32:00

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WE are the warrior monks of the 21st century, we will bring the knowledge to our blinded brothers
>matrix unplugging
Its time, the Jews have subverted this place, And now shutting it down when they bomb children.
>there is a faction war , inner civil war
Agency against agency brother against brother, Co worker against fellow peer.
>CiaNigger against CiaNigger
We need to remain true and get our transmission from GOD!
>TERRY is like Paul the Apostle converting the Science atheists causing great harm to Googles science cult

>A war against our minds and hearts
Where the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized VILE PEOPLE ORDER
An ancient order of evil video

We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
>PizzaGate IS REAL
and much much worse
>the worst movie you have ever seen cannot compare to the human sacrifice and torture that THEY DO

We need to counterattack these SCOUNDREL fucks... through waking people up with CrimsonPills. Expose these beasts

Die Vile Scum

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I wish Trump would come out against sexualization of children. It would guarantee him a landslide victory in reelection.

Remember when Polanski was arrested in Switzerland because he drugged and raped a 13 years old girl in the ass?

Did you know that it led to a massive protestation of all the (((hollywood))) actors? How dare goyim arrest a chosen people on laws written to control goyims? These laws are for goyims, not for jews !

Yeah, that's the reason why Cohn Bendit never went to prison: He is a kike.At least, Switzerland had the balls to arrest this piece of shit of kike Roman Polanski.

Seeing actors defending this piece of shit really makes my blood boil. Hollywood really is the meeting point of the lowest cum on earth.


Remember when everyone in Hollywood were pitting on Michael Jackson for it's alledged pedophilia and yet everyone defend this piece of shit of pedophuile Roman Polanski? It's almot like Michael Jackson knew about the JQ or something...

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Bump frenchfren

Now look sexualisation of children today...




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Thanks for the bump my man.

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Pedophilia was more acceptable before the sexual revolution, ironically enough. Early 1900s it seems people were more willing to tolerate pederasty than adult homosexuality. You'll only see the last vestiges of anything approaching pedo-apologetics toward the end of the 1970s (see: age of consent debate in France, legal CP in America and Denmark ) After that it becomes total taboo. A sexual ethics prioritising consenting individuals and concern for the rights of the child, new science of psychology and mental health, recognition abuse. Public disgust with the institutional child rape of schoolteachers and priests.

I know Jow Forums likes to think pedophilia is "the next thing" on the progress slippery slope, but you're really just buying into a reversed version of the false Whig view of history. "Progress", or rather, social change, isn't a one-way street. The present development is - ironically, given how debauched the sexual life of the Western person seems - toward stricter regulation of any part of sex that can be construed as a violation of another person. Individuals are encouraged to express and celebrate their sexuality independently, as lone, isolated beings, but sexual contact between persons is becoming more and more restricted, more and more dangerous.

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oops, i saged the first post out of habit. bump

Ah shame, all the good threads are getting inored because of bait jidf sage threads

Here is a french denoncing the (((socialists))) raping and killing children


"Because 10 years ago, there was a moral. Nobody required that no one exactly respect this morality. But the existing morality, the rotten or the twisted that really came out of this morality knew that he was doing something that was not very right and that was not very fair ... girls are prostituted for 3, 4, 5, 6 years. A girl died of overdose in a bar in Belgium, it was the daughter of a prostitute who had entrusted it to the boss of the bar and the boss of the bar made it go up, she went up with customers and as the girl screamed Too much, well, he stuffed him with drugs. Well, if we were in power I can tell you that the same evening we would go down to this bistro and that the customers and the boss would be hanged in front of the door, because it's like that it will be necessary that things if we want our homeland and the Western world to survive the wave of shit that is triggering. A region of the world that allows something to do has sentenced to death sooner or later and it will also have to be stopped. Do not think I'm focusing mainly on it, but I think it's one of the most disgusting things, Mr. Jack Lang, who claimed to be a candidate for the presidency of the republic, to be stopped at the exit if what I say is not true. [...]"

"[...]Was compromised in the case of places of life and in a place of life held by socialists called the Coral, and there, kids were prostitutes to people like Jack Lang and a kid was found dead sodomized, head in a seal of shit, that one stops me at the exit if it is not true. So I want tomorrow to fight in an army to defend Europe, I want tomorrow all we want, I want even before you to 70 yards, be ahead and give the example extended, but the Europe I do not care, as long as my country is rotten and what I want to save in a first place is my country, it is my homeland. And I want all Jack Lang from France and elsewhere to be hanged, high and short and accountable. And it is only by our salvation, by our talent, by our morality, by our certainty in victory that we will demand that these people pay, because they have to pay, that is the message I wanted to pass you ..."

Dont give up, im still reading and many more, fear the might of the silent lurkers, im just bumping so you dont feel so alone, Jow Forums rly needs a viewcount

Well, I don't know if pedophilia really was more acceptable before the sexual revolution but it wouldn't be the satanic and evil form of pedophilia of today, heading toward full pederasty and toward full destruction of the family and the destruction of the body,mind and soul of boys and girls.

I know plenty of anons have info to further this, Brooke Shields comes to mind; this isn't a new phenomenon and when the average person sees it they can't close their eyes again. C'mon anons, how long has this shit been pushed, out in the open, in plain view? This is a red pill suppository

Thank you for the bumps. I don't think that a viewcount would be a great idea, because people will realize that soft porn clickbaits will draw the most attention and the whole board will become a porn site, thus destroying any discussion.

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But blacked bait threads get already so much traffic, im just thinking a viewcount could simply tell if a thread is interesting and ppl wouldnt have to spam it with bumps, less cluster

Unfortunately, higher viewcount =/= quality content, just see bait threads. A lot of interesting threads have low viewcount.

Bump for great Justice.
Antifa was just marching under a literal NAMBLA banner saying not to pedo bash. The same group the DNC and MSM push all the time while constantly remaking Lolita type movies the latest one with a gay underage kid but that's ok cuz it's gay.

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i remember jre had milo on one time and the faggot said exactly this. he wasnt wrong, would like to see them revisit that discussion today

No slippery slope here they just wanted equality remember not 5 years ago? Where will they take us in 5 years if we don't stop them?

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If you don't support 14 year old brides you should be eliminated from society.

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Good call on Cernobitch.

I failed one of my links in the firsts posts.

Here is (((Daniel Cohn Bendit))) supporting Emanuel Macron.


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I'm quite sure most paedophilia pre-sexual revolution, which was somewhat accepted socially, was largely between men over 20 and girls between the ages of 13 and 17. Pre-teen relations have always been taboo as far as I'm aware.

Damn, failed AGAIN. hope this is the right one now.


good tread
have a bump


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Thank you.

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Well, looks like the thread will be archived.

>that video

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Bump. Hope this reaches more people user.

It's already happening. Shills are baiting with asian girls, etc.

Asian girls are master race of grills.

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you want a real fucking red pill? not a single parent has to fear for legalisation of pedophilia if they were competent enough to teach their children proper morals
this is basically impossible at this point due to parents passing on almost every responsibility that comes with rearing a child to the state and institutions such as the education system
of course they cannot avoid it as raising and teaching a child is a full time commitment and modern lifestyle almost always requires you to have one or another form of job so only rich people have that priviledge
now you have a funny situation - various ideological groups pushing legalization of pedophilia through and with the help of the government, the same government that is responsible for managing the education of your children, of course all other alternative forms of education that diverge from this are made illegal and even if they weren't are basically impossible in the first place
>shits fucked brehs, this is what you get for giving the state the right and responsibility to educate your children instead of taking on the burden yourself

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