Should video games be banned?

Do video games really cause violence or is that another ridiculous theory of the Left?

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No , but stupid people asking stupid questions should.


Consider the following: A kid has a rough day at school, homework, teachers, bullies, etc. They come home and go straight to their room and pop on a video game, why playing the "violent" video game the kid's stress and anger factors begin to slowly decease, unless you play CSGO in that case it will increase 300 fold. Once decreased enough the child "calms down" and is normal again. Now imaging all that but no video games to come home to, nothing to relieve their stress and anger.

Too sum it up: Kids do unspeakable things in video games, remove said games, and you'll get an army of angry psychos like you've never seen before, guns, knives, bombs OH MY!

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yes they should or be heavily regulated. Giving a kid videos games at the age of 5 is like shooting them up with heroin at 5

Let's hope they cause violence, because we're going to need it soon.

Yes, ban fucking everything!
Freedom is a shit!

>Implying the kid hasn't already seen a violent movie or tv show with the mommy and daddy.

>murican arguing for a nanny state
Absolutely based.

Human societies were much more violent before video games

Holy false equivalence Batman

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im actually implying that video game are addicting and do the same thing as heroin. Video games are the reason for the creation of man children. They cant even stop because they are getting a high every time the play. They chase that shit every time they have any hardship.

what is a parent?

The left likes videogames just as much as everyone. Its mostly old people that condemn it

also this, boomers were a miskate

the same parent that sit there kids infront of the tv instead of getting a nanny or letting them go out side.

found the addicts

If games or music were the actual cause we would have millions or billions of people killing each other.

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>Video games are the reason for the creation of man children.
No, they aren't, retardo. You're misplacing cause and effect.

>video game are addicting and do the same thing as heroin.

Pic Related.

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I played mario as a kid but I never jumped on a tortoise.

I think some video games do have a bad influence but the problem is not the media in itself.


If we learned something with gamergate is that the jew wants us to hate what we are and what we do.

its okay buddy. you can make a joke about it. When your 30 and still playing WOW and have to look at your self in the mirror you will understand

Could there not simply be other, more self-beneficial ways to work out that frustration? What if instead of VGs the child instead took up a sport or did other physical activity outside? Wouldn't that be better for him?

I'm all for games, just playing devil's advocate.

>problem is not the media in itself.

Oh bullshit, the media and THIS asshole began a crusade long ago against video games, to be honest media didn't give a shit about video games till Mortal Kombat hit the arcades, then it was shit storms after shit storms of baseless journalism, While the LA Riots are going on they would be covering a story about two kids fighting over a Mortal Kombat arcade machine.

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everything other than work should be banned

>projecting his own lack of self-control onto others

WOW killed blizzards fanbase, now replaced it with p2w.

Video games are the only thing that keep my aggressions in check.

I've been mainlining Tetris since I was 6 and there's not a fucking thing you can do to stop me gramps!

Video games are merely a symptom, not a cause.

Somebody needs to solve information overflow. Making sure that people use the internet graciously. We need very intelligent people to create a censorship model, a model that guarantees stability and fair play, and dispirits vulgarity and malice.

Yes, things I don't like make me mad. In fact, ban all media, no pictures, no videos of any kind, no music, it's all satan. And without any media there can't be any internet piracy. It's a double win.

>We need very intelligent people to create a censorship model
Good idea, Shlomo!

Careful how far that stretches, buddy.

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>Making sure that people use the internet graciously.

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I mean, I grew up in a really shitty part of my city where most of the people there where in a gang, drug users or dealers so to stop me getting involved in any of that my parents stuck a playstaion in front of me at an early age so in a way I would've become a violent degenerate without video games

Video games cause neural and hormonal responses in what amounts to supernormal stimulation. Children cease being able to experience these responses from regular activity. In this way, they are just as harmful as heroin or other drugs. In fact, more so, as the dopamine, cortisol, adrenaline combination is a much more powerful and sustainable response than achieved by any single drug. These games are a shortcut to the rewards that fueled natural selection--all reward with a fraction of the benefits. Hence, fat, distracted, moody, selfish, emotionally crippled kids of today. If you love your kids, never introduce those games. Teach them to play outside, develop a talent, exercise--anything but video games.

Before videogames the world was more violent

>Hence, fat, distracted, moody, selfish, emotionally crippled kids of today.

>We need very intelligent people to create a censorship model
Scum like you will be strung up.

Into the oven you go, Chaim.

So does surfing the internet but that's allowed isn't it?

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What causes violence ha been around before video games, so it can't be that.Even the FBI reports that the incidence of violence for young men is around the age of 14 years of age, and even then, kids are playing violent games before that.

Violence is a feature of nature that needs not too be prohibitive but the actions that make people passionate to violence (cough cough infidelity, theft, and jealousy)

even when playing the most visually realistic games with my wife's son, it never feels real. It never feels anymore than guiding a bunch of pixels to attack another bunch of pixels with pixels before dangling my pixels over their dead pixels.

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The old Boomer bill o'riely right thinks video games cause violence. The young "progressive" left thinks videos games cause rape, racism, and muh-sah-juh-knee. Both should be exiled from society to a secluded microstate where they can humanely destroy only themselves from their retardation and not take the rest of us down with them.

Catharsis and excercise are the only way to vent aggression.
The more war like and exhausting a sport is physically the more peacefully the players will conducts themselves outside of conditions that require force

fun is degenerate

Clearly the internet also needs to be outlawed. Anything but working and waiting to go back to work is degeberate.

Do poo in da loo really cause violence or is that another ridiculous theory of the poo?

its a theory by neocons and leftists. Like all media some video games are degenerate, however acting the media as a whole is a very sneaky attempt to undermine the first amendment even further. It would not stop at video games.

I believe the 1st and 2nd amendment are complimentary to eachother, the more harm you do to one, the more harm you can do to the other.

The idea that we should ban video games leads to the idea that we should outlaw wrong-think, very dangerous. The best way to deal with violence in gaming or any for of media is good parenting, not forced government intervention.

Don't be tricked, of all the media the Jews control, they do not have much influence in gaming.

its doesnt matter at this point, if you banned video games, all the buildings would be destroyed in one day by confused minecraft autists.
unironic answer is no though, nancy reagan was just a bitch, or something, I forget the whole story because its an american thing.

>acting the media as a whole
> gaming or any for of media

Social media has destroyed the primary relationships that women maintained in real life and replaced them with the Like button... Porn has brought Weimar Republic degeneracy into every home... Vidya has sacrificed half or more of every boys time at the alter of Sloth.

The internet dying overnight would be a wonderful thing.

Go away Poo

>internet dies
>shops instantly shit the bed because connection to bank for cards
i've already seen this happen on a small scale fucking up a village for a day, the whole world, would be chaos.

citation needed

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Then those are shitty parents, but don't add another layer of shitty parenting (i.e., the government).

Why do Jew always have money on their minds?

Play video games from an early age, get ready to be a weirdo your entire life. There's a ton of differences between a person who grew up playing tons of video games and one who didn't

its just a game theory

(((sega))) was made by US army Kikes. Did you know that?

This is why Sonic sounds like Masonic, and the Sega logo has a pedo pyramid in the A , a big G and a 33 in the E.

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Yes and no.

They can only get their fix from videogames for so long. Then they want to take things...

To the next level.

>why don't kids resort to physical competition to help with anger
Have you interacted with anyone in the last 2 weeks?

>implying the moralfags weren't 100% right about all video games being Satanic

>angry white kids with bloodlust
This could be useful

That's just Satanic Helter skelter NWO programming.

(((They))) want a race war, contrary to what their brainwashed gamer pawns on Jow Forums believe. That will bring the order out of chaos the elite want

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fucks this shit
yes, im all for banning videogames, not only are they mindlessly violent but also corrupt and emasculate men. I cringe whenever I see someone who is older than 13yo and plays videogames.

>Be modern humanoid
>Murder, rape, destroy, and commit unspeakable atrocities for all 200,000 years of existence
>Blame something that has existed (depending on definition) for roughly 50 years now at most liberal estimate for this behavior
>Expect anyone to believe this

When parents stop being parents and let the government do the parenting... Is when we fucking lose our freedom.

Stabbing out one eye eh?

That's a Masonic ritual too. There was a thread last week about how tons of powerful people have one black eye at some key point in their political careers.

Jow Forums somehow thinks TV is evil Jew shit but turns a blind eye to their favorite medium

Excuse me while I teach my Aryan wife to fly light aircraft in VR and then take her up irl.

It is possible for games to be patrician AF, but I agree they aren't for young kids.

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They cause immense amounts of boredom anymore.
Vidya these days is to classic vidya
as sawdust is to bread.

How can I explain what it was like when Doom was a thing?
Even before then practically every game had gratuitous pixel violence in it.

No one is upping the violence ante, either because its played out normalized or because its just too easy to soften it with layers of AAA polish.

New Doom is 100s of times more violent than original Doom, yet the impact is only a millionth of the original.

I guess the Mortal Kombat series is a better example. MK X is so violent but at the same time, not violent at all. The original is just chunky pixels
but for its time it was shocking.

Does anything shock anymore?

You don't even realize "Aryan" ideology is from the same satanic globalist system as the Talmud and the UN .

Jow Forums is retarded and games are a big cause

>the Sega logo has a pedo pyramid in the A , a big G and a 33 in the E
>Sonic sounds like Masonic
This is stupid.

Hi Israeli hedonist memeflaggot

We meet again

>tons of powerful people have one black eye at some key point in their political careers.
>People get bruises
Holy shit, stop everything, bruises are thing? This is such big news that totally mwans something.

Has literally nothing to with that.
The character lying there has a mathematical equation stored in his brain which he can't remember.
That machine activates that memory (its sci fi don't ask me how) and that why he can destroy the marker thats creating monsters.

If you fail the quick time event the device kills you, if you do it properly its just a needle in your eye.

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"Activating memories" is a common theme in occult MK programming

The elites believe they can reincarnate and shit (it's really just demons faking it)

It's like nobody even remembers how NASA and the entire genre of Sci-Fi was basically invented by government Satanists. Literal open ones like Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard

Gaming is the pet cause of any party polotician that wants to win the panicked-morality vote, and every controlled and honestly correlated study shows that it actually significantly lessens the probability of committing second party violence.

>when you can solve the panic with something as useless as age restriction stickers you've proven it isn't a real problem to being with

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Do you mean VIDEOGAMES(Contra, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden) or "videogames"(Fortnite, PUBG)?

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They do not cause violence, but I believe that too much gaming can be just as dangerous as any other form of Bread n' Circuses - Being distracted by hedonistic pleasures TOO MUCH while not paying attention to the real issues of society is the real downfall of society.

Do I really need to explain why what you said is ducking stupid?
>This is why Sonic sounds like Masonic
No, that's just words rhyming. It's from "super/hypersonic" as in "nigga be fast". You dumb piece of shit, words rhyming doesn't make them the same.
>using abbreviations no one recognizes
>calling everything demons
This just makes you look silly
>It's like nobody even remembers how NASA and the entire genre of Sci-Fi was basically invented by government Satanists
Because that's only true in your imagination.

>Video games are the reason for the creation of man children

No. That was processed foods and an entire generation of children being given a 20oz coke with every meal combined with a dramatic increase in single mothers.

>Child consumes copious amount of shitty food because it's easier for Mom to buy McDonalds than it is for her to cook. Mom never even learns to cook because there is no man in her life that she needs to keep appeased.
>Child is shunned and ridiculed for being a fatty.
>Child never goes outside. Has no friends besides other children who never go outside.
>They all sit around inside and get no sun, retreating to fantasy worlds because the real world is so shit for them.
>cling to video games, anime, and comic books because they provide a familiar comfort.
>There is no dad to kick fatty into shape.

I'm fine with VIDEOGAMES and "video games"

I don't want more (((video games))) [Uncharted, Last of Us, Tomb Raider, etc]

>tfw I've been playing video games since 5 years old
>tfw I've been watching tv and movies even longer
What's the difference?

Take a step back.

If you showed the average man from the pre industrial age pretty much any monster from a video game (or anime or kids TV show) they'd realize it's a demon right away.

Think like a child. You don't even know how evil things are

What's with Jow Forums wanting to ban everything? Fuck off you victorian era puritanical faggots.

>my wife's son
Now tell us how "she" is part Mong.

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Raidz. Jow Forums is a libertarian board.

A normal healthy Christian man (even a weak cultural Christian from back then) would be terrified at the average imagery in video games, even simple Nintendo ones. They'd instantly see something WRONG that children are looking at these daily


that's when Freemasons started majorly shaping western culture and English media.

Postmodern man thinks that's non degenerate but it's when it all started.

4channers don't even know what Puritans were. Victorian culture was decadent, Anglican/popish/ Masonic influenced crap. Extremely far from Puritans

>everything is demons
>the demons are all around us
>demons demons demons
Y'know I feel like there's a word for this kind of belief, I just can't place it.

Welcome to 2018. When more often than not it really IS demons

You're a really autistic Satan shill who manages to reply to me in every single thread I post in.

Puritans=/=Victorians wtf

Google Oliver Cromwell

Fake Confederate flag tard here is gonna take the mark of the beast because it integrates with VR porn and Pokemon Go