>call some black guy nigger
>gets dropped instantly
>become a veggie
why are whitiods so weak
>call some black guy nigger
>gets dropped instantly
>become a veggie
why are whitiods so weak
Other urls found in this thread:
Sucker punch. Criminal behavior. Nigger.
Also Sage.
why are they always suckerpunching?
why do does your retarded race just stand there
probably dazed from the cowardly sucker punch. How does this guy get 5 or 6 free punches in and not drop the white guy?
>beating people because of words
>building a stable society
pick one and only one
Because niggers do not know how to fight at all. Without training of course, but the natural nig just swings wildly like a retarded ape, like in op. Sucker punches and group attacks. White men don't jump in on fights because men fight 1 on 1 instead of 8 on 1.
>why do white people act civilized?
You can't take the jungle out of the nigger.
sucker punching is so pathetic, just like niggers
link video
Why do you think this guy hates niggers?
Is it because niggers are literal animals?
Wait until you piss off enough whites that we start lynching you en masse, shit would be hilarious