Tfw the whole time africas population was being artificially inflated to be used as an invasion migration force against...

>tfw the whole time africas population was being artificially inflated to be used as an invasion migration force against europe

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Other urls found in this thread:

more destructive than any nuke could ever hope to be. Look no further than hiroshima and detroit.

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Good job.

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You got that right.

who will save us now????

And probably aids too , so the elite can have a 70 iq population with aids that die if they donĀ“t get medicine and since all transactions will be digital they will have the kill switch.

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europe still has nukes

And it just works. Human rights scheme btfo the west

Oh fuk this is their plan.

I remember when the euro population got inflated and used as a weapon against us.

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Without all the food aid it would be pretty tiny.

Using our money too!


Well, the Nazi's never officially surrendered, just their military

Operation Highjump

If we're actually all going to get fucked, it'll be a wild, kickass ride to the end. We'll come out on top.

Attached: Nazi UFO.png (640x591, 221K)

Yeah but niggers are comically bad at fighting. They are low quality npc's.
A lot of warfare is about logistics and supplies in particular. Niggers don't plan ahead which is why they are always starving to fucking death.

Be thankful, Texas! You could be living in a third world shithole right now!

yes and now you know why the had to take out people like gaddafi. hes on record saying that hes the final wall between the hordes of africa and europe

So what you're saying is Youc the Nuke was right?

You mean to tell me it's suspicious that globalist media discourages whites under the propaganda of "saving the planet" while encouraging the destabilization of the middle east and aiding high birth populations to invade with open borders and globalism?

It's almost as if International Jewry is conspiring for a New World Order. Those kooky conspiracy theorists!

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A charismatic leader and angered people


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Prettier than yours mutt.

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What this means is that they have no skin in the game themselves. Without kids, you really don't inherently care what happens to the world after you die. This can be a serious problem.

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>the guardian
>jew media

The Guardian is literally shiting on israel all day.

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Yes. It compounds a certain kind of psychology. Though if they had kids they'd be in gated communities unaffected.

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The globalists want a mixed race people with no sense of nationalism or racial identity to rule over. A people with a lower intellect that can work but will not question.

Gonna be interesting to see how the world looks like when blacks are 1/3rd of the global population.

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Jews have major divisions. International Jewry bankers fund leftist-commie Jews including leftist globalist publications of non-Jews. NWO Zionists consider generating hate for Israel a good price for getting their other policies promoted and enacted by leftists: globalism.

Israel is also a useful diversion from the NWO end game. It's a dialectic (one side pro, one side anti) that immunizes leftist-Jewish media from being thought of as part of elite funding. Some of the largest groups against Israel are Jewish-communist-leftist. But if you dare to critique the elite tribalism, you will see both sides defending them (tribalism kicking in). The Jews who do speak out against both sides are given the gentile treatment. International Jewry funding goes to Jews and gentiles alike, and often to dualities in views to serve as controlled opposition.

Connecting earth's always changing climate to human activity is for the sake of NWO policy and anti-family communism. Small issues with non-reproducible pseudo-science can be used to generate frenzy and pass globalist laws. Look beyond the surface. Leftist pawns who promote it don't have to be Jewish in order for it to be a widespread political grab funded by International Jewry.

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tick tock tick tock

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the real f is when you realize they are doing this cause they can't stop themselves, they wanna cull the population cause they can't stop themselves from exploiting it into growth

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This is what paris climate agreement cucks don't understand

Cool story bro. Just lost all credibility, not that you had any from the start.

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More debunked lies and bullshit posted by some autistic faggot. Hilarious how you're still harping on about Spencer's unpublished bullshit charts from years ago as "proof."

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Why not read the actual interview he gave instead of taking quotes out of context? Oh wait, that won't push your bullshit biased narrative.

Here's the source of the interview (In german, use google translate) where the quote comes from:

Here's an entire article on similar bullshit done by climate change deniers to outright lie and mislead people. Don't take things you see on the Internet at face value, learn to be skeptical and check the sources of information.

People who fall for the Paris Climate communist-globalist scam are already so bluepilled they've fallen for the new religion surrounding climate change. It goes that climate must always be getting worse because of humans with non-causal "evidence". The trick of political religions is to attribute every action by opposition to the negative and every positive "change" due to their policy. Communists are very vicious in that type of theater.

Man can cause a lot of pollution and awful things in the environment. CO2 isn't bad. Too bad environmentalism was hijacked.

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>before 2000, no housing problem
>globalists push for "housing for everyone"
>import millions of locusts from asia/mexico
>hyperinflated housing bubble happens
>housing now a problem
>homeless epidemic
>millions of native homeless die from opioid epidemic
it seems like the globalists preemptively planned and pushed for "housing for everyone" in advance of open borders.
it was a stealth plan to house every locust invader while millions of natives go homeless
there was never a housing problem in the US before their NWO globalism

The Anglos are responsible for all the overpopulation, misery, and wars in the world.

>the apes wouldnt be stomping around the world without anglo transportation and technology
you can thank anglos giving away science and technology to every known monkey on this planet.
if the anglos kept their tech to themselves, the world would remain peasant serfs and underpopulated

the british wanted to civilize the savages. they were wrong then and they are wrong now

If whites care so much about survival of their race & hate niggers gooks poos so much why do they so desperately thump their bibles here & adopt non-white kids?

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Fakes are usually poison in the well. It doesn't negate these facts. I didn't lose credibility. Most of the stuff posted is legit. There were publications talking about a coming ice age back decades ago.

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You're the one bullshitting.

Attached: climate models vs reality.png (1440x1080, 111K)

CO2 is harmless! Please, do yourself a favor, go lock yourself in small room and seal it up with tape and stay in there a few days please, helping rid the world of yet another retard.

> It goes that climate must always be getting worse because of humans with non-causal "evidence".
Yep, "evidence." There's totally no such thing as empirical, scientific evidence. There's no such thing as carbon isotope data. There's no such thing as paleoclimate data. There's no such thing as the temperature record starting in the late 1800s. There's no such thing as ice core studies of atmospheric gasses. There's no such thing as CO2 monitoring in the atmosphere. There's no such thing as the satellite data of the Arctic / Antarctic and atmosphere, there's no such thing as the endless other lines of scientific evidence that we have showing that humans have contributed massively to the current climate changes. You are such a literal brainlet it hurts.

Publications? You mean a few bullshit articles based on a very small amount of published scientific articles at the time? You're talking of course about the 1970s "ice age" bullshit, which centers on a newsweek article published that wasn't based on any actual science, and was more of an opinion piece, but whatever. At the time the prevailing scientific focus was on global warming, not cooling or an ice age.

Also, clearly something you need to watch:

Attached: 1970s cooling (((consensus))).png (802x1176, 243K)

Keep on harping on that. Remind me again, was Christy / Spencer's bullshit "revelation" ever successfully published in an academic journal? Hmmm. No? Why is that? If their cute little graph is so game-changing and completely proves that all models are wrong, why is it that they never published their ground-breaking work in an academic journal for peer review? Maybe because it wouldn't hold up to scrutiny such that many climate scientists already blew their shit out over 2 years ago?

Attached: christy4.png (2133x1600, 1.42M)

The Green Revolution was the greatest single mistake the West ever made. Norman Borlaug gave the Third World all the hard won technologies of western agriculture on a silver platter.

The current population boom began after the technologies of the German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch were given over to the Third World in what was then known as the Green Revolution.

The primary objective of the program was geopolitical: to provide food for the populace in undeveloped countries and so bring social stability and weaken the fomenting of communist insurgency.

There is significant evidence that the Green Revolution weakened socialist movements in many nations. In countries such as India, Mexico, and the Philippines, technological solutions were sought as an alternative to expanding agrarian reform initiatives, the latter of which were often linked to socialist politics

Also educate yourself brainlet. Literally debunked like a dozen times years ago by various people.

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Have some nazbol corbyn climate change denial:

The fact that you post things that are clearly fake and don't realize it... might be a wakeup call for you. I doubt it though, you seem entrenched in a cult-like manner of thinking about climate science and will never change your opinion because you're pretty much a conspiracy theorists with no intention of being an actual skeptic, especially when it comes to your own dogma.

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>depriving yourself of oxygen is sure to prove that man-made level of CO2 output is "changing" Earth for the worse and not the better
That's one of the stupidest responses I've ever read on Jow Forums. Now (((you've))) lost credibility. Plants feed off of CO2 and an abundance of plantlife grows. Once again, correlation isn't causation. Man's CO2 output is far less causal of heat than you're claiming. Heat, on the other hand, appears to be more causal of CO2: periods of high heat containing high CO2...

And it isn't doomsday.

Attached: CO2 plants climate.png (612x556, 124K)

You're the doomsday conspiracy theorist.

You believe that man's CO2 output is detrimental to Earth. You're so deep into it you don't realize you're an ideologue ready to buy every policy they hook into it if they tell you it "lowers carbon emissions", because you think it "saves the Earth". Pawn of globalism.

In contrast, I'm interested in limiting real pollution (scientifically-reproducible evidence-based pollution) such as getting plastic out of the ocean and sequestering devices against smog.

Attached: modern climate.png (1151x850, 371K)

Probably; it certainly fits.

You know absolutely nothing about plant biology do you? What's even more important than CO2? I've give you a hint, starts with an H.

Guess what happens when you increase the global average temperature because of an increase in atmospheric CO2? Many parts of the world that are already prone to droughts will see increased incidence of drought. What happens during droughts? Do plants thrive? No, they die, and desertification results. What happens to deserts when they have even less precipitation? They spread further due to higher temperatures. That's exactly the type of scenario that happens when you increase global average temperature. What happens when you increase the amount of deserts and arid regions in the world? The areas for growing crops is reduced.

An increase in CO2 is only good for plants in a controlled setting, like a greenhouse in which the plants have access to nutrients, water and CO2 in abundance, which is what your picture demonstrates.

Try taking some plants, depriving them of all other things they need and just increase CO2 and see what happens to them.

Seriously, take these grade-school level bullshit """arguments""" elsewhere you lunatic.

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People are pollutants desu. They get everywhere and irritate me.

So according to you, brainlet, there's no evidence that increasing CO2 is bad for humans, our civilization or life on Earth as it exists now that has adapted to living at a low CO2 ppm. Amazing brainlet that you yourself can present zero evidence to support your argument other than flawed toddler-logic like "Muh more CO2 is gud for plants!" without even bothering to dissect or examine your own argument for its merits.

Also, why does the image you posted end in the 1800s? Is it because that's as far back as you can go with GISP ice cores? Hmmm. Really makes me think that you're attempting to present a deceiving image in order to confuse people that wouldn't be able to catch that.

By the way, here's a comparison of various models and real climate data with a proper baseline.

Attached: fig-nearterm_all_UPDATE_2018-panela.png (2633x1350, 1.3M)

Climate is changing in this direction irrespective of man. More parts of the world will benefit from having arable land. Not according to your non-evidence pseudoscience doomsday theories that you set in stone though, oh well.

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>Climate is changing in this direction irrespective of man.
Contrary to all of the actual evidence that exists that says otherwise, but on no, some anonymous shit says so without any science to back his statement so it must be true.

>More parts of the world will benefit from having arable land
The vast majority of the inhabited world will NOT benefit from changes in land arability. We're talking about large swathes of land that are already hard to live in, such as North Africa, the Middle East, etc. that will see many negative changes and increases in drought and desertification, and where do you think people will begin fleeing when they can't grow crops anymore because there's no water left? Hint, where they're going right now due to just that.

>Not according to your non-evidence pseudoscience doomsday theories
It's amazing the delusional world you live in which hundreds of thousands of scientists across multiple fields in the world are all in on some inane conspiracy, and that nothing they publish has any value and is all "pseudoscience," yet you, and your band of non-scientists contrarians posting on blogs can totally disprove everything they've ever published with one easy trick!

>doomsday theories that you set in stone though, oh well.
Not once have I mentioned anything about "doomsday theories." All I've done is debunk the absolute horseshit that you spew out onto this board.

Yet again, I see that you can't actually provide a rebuttal to a single thing I've said, so I'll consider this over. Keep on being a brainlet instead of bothering to be an actual skeptic of the bullshit you peddle for free.

Basically, you give up because your entire basis or argument against climate science is based in lies, deception and bullshit.

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>Many parts of the world that are already prone to droughts will see increased incidence of drought.

>climate wasn't warming regardless of man
>climate is static
You might as well be trolling.
>North Africa, the Middle East, etc. that will see many negative changes and increases in drought and desertification
Earth was already in a short term warming cycle after the Little Ice Age. CO2's minimal effects don't appear to compound at a linear rate. They appear to compound with exponential decay the more CO2 that's added, which would have it that man's additional output isn't very significant. When the Earth starts a cooling cycle again (if it hasn't long-term already), there's guaranteed to be more doomsday freaks attributing the cooling cycle to man's minor output in some way. Globalists and zealots will once again proclaim it's "settled science" to try to seize the means of production.

Attached: climate co2 correlation not causation.png (869x476, 80K)

this ,and its fucking scary. Argentina alone is already overpopulated and now this subhuman president jew we have is importing africans (theres literally no reason for it , not even refugee bs, they dont bother anymore lmao)
now I have seen africans and all subhumans for the first time in my life (we only had mestizos before this)

FUCK NIGGERS i want to kill all of them not even one of them must remain alive, not even "redpilled" ones. FUck americans for beign nigger and jew enablers also IM UPSET REEE.EEEEEE.EEEEE.EEEE

>hundreds of thousands of scientists
It's almost humorous how mainstream media led you to believe that. We're up to "hundreds of thousands" of scientists now, are we? Interesting how the 97% figure often touted is only derived after very carefully selecting 77 (75 of 77). It's also interesting that just as many scientists and researchers are becoming skeptical of the claims on CO2.

I used to be like you and argue your points. I believed in their hysteria.

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and here we thought all the bill gates of the world were donating tons of money because they were being nice

you just figuring this out now? dumbass.