Besides the religious ideology, is there really any difference between Hamas and Nazis?

Besides the religious ideology, is there really any difference between Hamas and Nazis?

Attached: hamaznz.jpg (275x183, 15K)

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fly away kike

israel = terrorists

kys kike

Attached: 14589286267327.jpg (1024x677, 199K)

Nazis were competent.


which is why they're based

Attached: alt-right and islam.jpg (960x908, 174K)

Hamas isn't a muslim exclusive club you know.

race Schlomo...its race
Hamas semites
National Socialists aryan

Hamas doesn't give a fuck about WW1 or Germany, for starters.

Sure did.

Attached: austrohungarian troops ottoman empire on mount zion.jpg (2336x1600, 538K)

>really any difference between Hamas and Nazis
Hamas : degenerate inbreeding subhumans who are unable to lead something like a government
Nazis : Übermenschen , who are organized in a structured way and without degeneration

>Hamas isn't a muslim exclusive club you know.
Their lack of elitism isn't, because they are open, and caring. They aren't exclusive, because they are desperate.

They aren't exclusively muslim cause Palestina it's part christian, you know the birthplace of christianism and all that.

Nazis were successful in stuffing jews in ovens
Hamas not so much

>nazis were succesful in stuffing jews in ovens

Hans still got a spark in him

Economic systems, which is a huge deal. Only brainwashed retards and kikes think nationalsocialism was only about killing jews.

The Holocaust Museum

Yeah but white people built civilization. Europeans actually did stuff.

Sandniggers have done nothing but inbreeding for the last coupe of hundreds of years.

ADOLF HITLER & BIBI NETANYAHU WALK INTO A BAR. The bartender yells; "We don't serve fucking Nazis here!" then turns to Adolf & says; "Yes sir! What can I get you?"

Do you normally blindly accept "evidence" from the group claiming there was a crime?
how much do you believe best koreas's statement about the treatment of the otto warmbier?

I don't get it, explain it to me

hezbollah better estetik t b h

Hitler didnt order the final solution, there was never a final solution in praksis.
We know "greater israel" is a real event all kikes wanna see play out. Killing all sandniggers around the kikes must die.

Thus: Iraq, Syria & soon Iran.

Hamas just wants to liberate it's homeland from (((your))) invader satanic tribe.