The Holocaust

Prove to me that the holocaust DID happen

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can't prove a negative

Before the Holocaust (nvr fgt) world Jewish population was about 12 million.
After the Holocaust (nvr fgt) the population was still only 12 million.
Where did all the population growth go?

Ive been independently trying to find proof that it happened, but the proof ends up being eyewitness reports by... Jewish people. It's hard to find even a picture of one of these supposed fake shower/gas chamber dealios. I dunno man maybe some Jews were murdered systemically, but the current story is fucking wrong as far as I can tell

literal holocaust of unborn jews

Just believe the verbal accounts and don't question it all all otherwise you're probably a nazi yourself.

Like the Jews tell so many lies as a race it's kinda hard to believe any claim that they make. I know other people that dont, but the sheep people fall for it a lot.

so the holocaust survivors have turned 80 years old now (assuming they were 12 at the time of the holocaust) how many more years of this do we got

auschwitz was planned parenthood

Ok so just asked by great-goyimdad about it and he said that was gassed repeatedly and was made into a bad of soap clearly this board is inept and probably likes Donald Trump

former slaves have turned 200 years old assuming they are eternal niggers...reparations when


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It's bit just the sheep people either, our upper class is in line with this whole judaic system. It's because they get paid off. Greed. Jesus Christ is it not enough to have enough money to have a home family and car? Fuck man, that's the American dream right now but the economy sucks and it's getting harder to do that. And let's not mention the blackmail the Jews pull on us. Or the terrorism

it didnt duh

Fuck man Jews need a culling, they've been out of line for too long. They got piss happy with communism and have been trying to fuck everything up since then.

that's why he's asking to prove that it DID (positive) happen

Idiot. You can just go to Auschwitz and see all the 12 million shoes for yourself.

the only ones who were murdered systemically were the partisans who by the geneva convention are right to be executed. these people are hailed as "heroes" today but really they were just terrorists who would smile and wave at the germans as they marched by and then shot them in the back when they had passed.

>drops exactly 6 million
>managed to reverse trend in 3yr like nothing happened

wow shoes are proof? I guess the storage in prisons is a sign of a shoa?

Are you a real Israeli or a proxyfag?

"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened."

Eisenhower predicted Jow Forums in 1945.

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>source: Jewish Virtual Library

oh goy

Remember the 6 trillion lice, Goy...

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>the only ones who were murdered systemically were the partisans
Sure thing, keep believing in your nazi echo chamber delusions

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well that settles it then
irrefutable lines in a portable net work graphic format. there is no way this could be false. forget about proof of claims, documentation of "gas chambers" in action, blah blah blah. these lines on a white background representing
>population ESTIMATES
is absolute concrete evidence of a concerted attempt to genocide an entire people.

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Do you think there might be a conflict of interest here?
Also, first they claimed it was 3 millions, then it got to 6 millions, soon they will say 10 million and another chart with 10 million will show up
Lastly, they recovered 6 millions in less than 2 generations.


are you taking the piss, shlomi?

And 70 years later we still can't find proof.

So where is it?
I'll wait

Shoes can harbor lice. All clothing had to be removed, hair shaved, and given a shower. Yes, I know a shower is a shoah for a Jew but it was for their own good to keep them alive so they could work a 9-5 job to supply the Germans with war supplies, which in itself is another shoah. How dare the Nazis use the Jews to make stuff to help fight the Jews and their USSR Goyim army. Oy Vey.

I bet you're a flat earther too.

No I'm not I just want proof, and I've searched dearly for it.

>hurr I refuse to acknowledge this genuine source therefore it must be false
How naive are you? There are tons of charts on this with the same results.

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looks like you won the debate


Where is the fucking proof? God damn show me record, I cannot read German. Or show me a bone crushing machine or show me a fucking jew lampshade, Jesus Christ where is the evidence?
Holocaust is peak Soviet bullshit and people are still believeing it

I can go online and see evidence the earth is flat too.

Have you been to space? have you verified the earth is round? Have you proven it mathematically?

what an absolutely retarded chart

4 mil. slavs, 1.5 mil Germans and 0.5 mil frogs were killed by the evil nazi zionist regime. The holocaust was mass murder of whites.

Your "sources" taken from stormfront isn't an argument lad

Attached: Legitimate Jewish Holocaust Chart.jpg (1556x980, 183K)

The world almanac census put it at 15.3 million in 1936 or 33. Then in 1948 it was 15.7 million. Those jews be fucking

>Where's the proof the earth is round?

Unless you've been to space, you can't show me the earth is round.. its all a conspiracy.

Go to /his/. They'll set you straight. I don't doubt the holocaust happened. It was for good reason and is wrongly attributed to be the worst thing that ever happened. Lots of holocaust facts are blown out of proportion.There are worse instances of genocide in the far East. The Japanese torture experiments and the communism killings are greater losses of life and displays of callousness.

Hitler was right about a lot of stuff. He was also crazy with power and screwed up the German military offensive. The lebensraum was stupid, the waste of resources on genocide was stupid, having his generals start to turn on him was stupid. There was plenty that the man could have done better. Don't worship him in entirety, be rational in your beliefs. he fought the good fight for his people... then took things too far with his fervor.

inb4 "Doesn't disavow the holocaust and love Hitler, must be a kike"

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My grandfather was in Auschwitz for 2 years and he used to tell me stories about it. He said it was pretty bad because they only got to shower once a week.

Mostly though it was really, really boring to stay there. He told me the most fun was when they played hide and seek.

Show me a census of polish jews before 1939 and after 1945.

Show me something that Jews were systematically killed
Inb4 fake shower heads that the communists installed

I was recently offered an opportunity to go to Israel. The reason for the sole purpose of "hearing (((their))) side", as if the narrative hasn't been constantly rolled over loud speakers since my fucking birth. I remember a time when you could openly talk about the truth, but now...

Sounds legit. The worst part about it was being bored, because the gas, the ovens, the mass graves, the abuse, the threat of dying was simply a fucking Jew narrative after the fact.

>Critics of Holocaust denial also include members of the Auschwitz SS. Camp physician and SS-Untersturmführer Hans Münch considered the facts of Auschwitz "so firmly determined that one cannot have any doubt at all", and described those who negate what happened at the camp as "malevolent" people who have "personal interest to want to bury in silence things that cannot be buried in silence".[174] Zyklon B handler and SS-Oberscharführer Josef Klehr has said that anyone who maintains that nobody was gassed at Auschwitz must be "crazy or in the wrong".[175] SS-Unterscharführer Oswald Kaduk has stated that he does not consider those who maintain such a thing as normal people.[176] Hearing about Holocaust denial compelled former SS-Rottenführer Oskar Gröning to publicly speak about what he witnessed at Auschwitz, and denounce Holocaust deniers,[177] stating:
>I would like you to believe me. I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections took place. I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened because I was there.[178][179]

Just because you saw some "proof" made on stormfront, don't make the holocaust fake

How about the words of commander of Auschwitz himself?

Affidavit signed by Rudolf Hoess attesting to the gassing of Jews while he was the commandant of the Auschwitz killing center. The German text reads: "I declare herewith under oath that in the years 1941 to 1943 during my tenure in office as commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp 2 million Jews were put to death by gassing and a 1/2 million by other means. Rudolf Hoess. May 14, 1946."

This is the census I speak of. It really doesnt matter where they came from if the claim is 6 million killed. Unless every jew female was born pregnant with triplets, there is no fucking way a 6 million deficit could be made up in such a short time.

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Was that at Nuremberg? Where they were torturing Germans for "confessions"?

Dude the nazis got rid of the original evidence but it did happen for sure
source: dude just trust me man

>My grandfather was in Auschwitz for 2 years
How the FUCK did your grandfather survive two whole years in a camp where jews where taken to be exterminated? Unless....

Weren't prosecuted SS tortured into confessing? I mean, why would anyone say "yeah I was there, and I participated in a crime against humanity, and anyone who implies I'm innocent is dumb". Also, Wikijew is a good (((source)))

>sources taken from stormfront

where did i reference "stormfront"?
debating with people based on false pretenses (e.g. pretending that people have said things that they patently have not) is not an argument either.
it's fairly easy to win a debate when you're both sides of it.

and, somehow, -like so many others - he lived to tell about it. what are the chances!? for having set out to eliminate every single one of them, they sure let a lot live. it really boggs the old nogg.


again, the only one referencing that [[[site]]] is you. you are arguing with yourself, essentially.

they crushed his testicles and threatened to torture and murder his wife and children if he did not submit a "signed affidavit"

something like 80% of the german men who testified had the same treatment - testicles crushed beyond repair, among other {{{savage}}} tortures.

Ok I trust this guy fully lol

Confessed under duress and threats to his family.

>latest official and unofficial estimates

Jesus dude did you even read your source? .

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That's not a 6 million decrease, retard

he confessed to a number higher than was physically possible and also that is currently claimed now. He as well confessed to the murders of others at another camp named Wolzek that never even existed.

Torturing and threatening to wipe out their entire families for all time.

Provide evidence of US / Anglo torture of Nazi leaders.

I really want photographic evidence of gaschambers or some sort of document holicaust is the biggest bullshit I ever heard

The things you will say to save your family from slaughter.


they were all tortured. but many of them were clever enough to make their "confessions" absolutely ridiculous and logistically impossible. the psychotic bloodthirsty subhumans who were organizing the whole thing never bothered to check whether the numbers they were given in these "confessions" actually added up logistically and that's a large part of where all the outrageous claims like that "thousands were cremated ever hour" etc.

You mean this?

Attached: Holocaust - Ovens.jpg (864x1024, 192K)

>higher than was physically possible
The crematorium meme again

The ovens that were used at the death camps were not the same as what are used in funeral homes, they were scaled up many times larger and were designed for disposal, not for giving a graving widow her husbands ashes.

>Weren't prosecuted SS tortured into confessing?
Urban legend tier stuff right there. Also, this was said recently.

thats such a non equivalent

another jew thread i see

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>they were scaled up many times larger

No they were not.

Any town the same size as Auschwitz had the same number of ovens (people die naturally and from disease).

i dont use stormfront im just smart enough to know "estimates" are not proof, either is anything written by jews, all studies by goys get covered up or attacked

>the 12 gorillion shoes
Kek, have a (((you)))

All census are "official" and "unofficial" the numbers have always been accepted.

I bet they had ovens in the Japanese internment (read: concentration) camps in the US too!

>straight up lying when there is photographic evidence of the ovens
but there isn't any phyiscal evidence of mass gassings

The Nazis confessed to it

I've only been on storm front a few times to lurk. The only reason a place like storm front exists is because the Jew made up a BS story for victim points

>fully expect people to try and question it
>still don’t secure even a single primary source of evidence, which was apparently so easy everyone just forgot since it’s all ironclad anyway
>oh it’s now forbidden to ask questions goy
Doesn’t really help your cause kike.

Give me proof that we bombed dresden, isn't that german propaganda to make the RAF look bad? I'll wait.

You can make people confess a lot of things through a slew of methods, courts don’t convict on confessions only for a reason.

Lol there's photographic evidence for that.

Well, your government helped finance the rebuilding of this church.,13.7406319,3a,79.2y,68.97h,111.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipOBvTKDzoj6Ze9J1wHyakgeXLbdlSTaLGcLBOn1!2e10!7i8704!8i4352

>be soviet soldier
>get captured germans and sent to auschwitz
>get liberated by fellow soviets
>get sent to gulag for being captured

The biggest thing that makes me believe the holocaust is bullshit. Is that most of us in this thread would be going to jail for even questioning it. Thank God for the first.
>what goy, you dont believe it? Well maybe a few years in our reeducation camp will change your view.
Where jews fags gypsies neets and dissentors rounded up
We did the same to japs and germans in the US.
Did a shit ton die? Absolutly, disease and starvation makes it hard to stay alive
Was there a concerted plan to massacre all those people?
Did Hitler want to remove them from the reich
And he was in the process before the war The transfer agreement deported tens of thousand with all their wealth.
Anyone that thinks 6 million jews were maliciously murdered is a good goy
And realizing the holocaust was fake is the biggest instance of cognative dissonance I have ever expereinced. Especially given I had been to dachau twice.
Its fake and jews are slimy dirty liars.

that was by data that assumed regular population growth, it wasnt based on counting

>photographic evidence
Just like the holocaust yes

Attached: holocaust.jpg (634x506, 111K)

What does this pic prove really?

The US didn't liberate any of the death camps you dipshit. The Nazi's did the dirty work in Poland which had most of the Jews anyway.

Germans bombed Dresden as a false flag, it had no strategic value to the allies. Why waste the bombs

What's the context of who's being shot here? Usually those are partisans which is another story. Also don't tell me six million bullets were used to kill all da joos

Those are estimates and are based on a 6 million surplus before the holocaust. They're literally adding muh 6 gorillion.

Don’t you see the gas pistols for mobile holocausting?

>hundreds of men with irreparably damaged testicles is an urban legend
>rudolf hess, who couldn't even lift his hands above his shoulders, hanged himself in his cell after beating himself up.

you are pathetic. you defend the ultimate evil. you don't have a leg to stand on. the world knows your lies are crumbling and so do you, and that is why you are in such a state of desperation and damage control.

germans documented everything. where is the footage of the gas chambers in operation? also, why would germans - who are notorious perfectionists and are renowned for their attention to detail and doing things the right way - why would they use a fucking pest control agent to kill people? it makes no sense, and it never would have been done. that claim is absolutely preposterous. the best system they could come up with to murder huge amounts of people in an industrialized manner was using some spare de-lousing pellets that they had lying around?

fucking ridiculous. it's beyond comprehension.

do you actually have a straight face while making this ridiculous claim?