I'm guessing the answer they are looking for is pedophilia


Attached: 4 year old.jpg (562x546, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


keep fighting the good fight!

"Sorry for we adults did to your generation. I hope one day you will be able to forgive us."

The Boomer fear GEn Zyklon

>4 y/o white supremacist

Where did the Paki touch you?

Let's report them for hate speech. They can suffer their own laws. I can't take this fucking shit any more.

Hitler did nothing wrong

Attached: the_perfect_man.jpg (248x300, 23K)

He's obviously not getting enough so᠌y in his diet.

when are we going to start butchering "journalists"? Are we all just going to accept as part of due course that demonic liars will rule and shape the world?

>the author

every time

Attached: lamees_el-sadek.jpg (3000x2100, 315K)

"Good job kid", I guess?

Embrace traditionalism, reject degeneracy

Fucking Arabs are the Jews of Arabia

>a nu-male finds it difficult to have empathy for a 4 year old just because he doesnt agree with him on politics

imagine being this mentally immature

holy shit

The blackest Jew to ever be not black

she is a lying coon
>huffpo writer since 2012
>incident happened 3 years ago
>never asked to interview "dad"
>never wrote about it till now
pure nonsense

bonus full nog video

Attached: Lamees_286-1400x792.jpg (1400x792, 113K)

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Pedophilia and incest are the cornerstone of traditionalism

Attached: G1520288339360.jpg (1790x1351, 1.25M)

“White skin don’t marry brown skin, but it’s OK, you can sit here anyway.”

Im fuckin ded guys lol

Attached: 1524846334498.jpg (600x600, 65K)

Yes, things became so much better when we took that shame away. Gays flaunting their cocks to kids in gay pride parades? Totally acceptable!

>Lamees El-sadek

Attached: file.png (400x400, 232K)

the dad cucked out

False dichotomy, smallbrain.

Pic and song related.


Attached: 29249642_815110098672090_55635848804717308_n.jpg (642x960, 99K)

"Jews and their lies" the post.

Hardly, fuckboi. A shameless society has turned out fucking disgusting, and don't even insult me by pretending otherwise. You're either stupid or willingly blind to see what unlimited decadence, unrestrained hedonism, and a "just do what you feel like because it feels good" attitude has done to western society. That shame kept people from doing such stupid shit, or at least well hidden and not displayed proudly out in the open. Gays are the perfect fucking example of this.

>What do you say to a four-year-old white supremacist?

worthless pathetic virgin loser, you don;t know anything about the world or anything in it. You only know your basement musk and peeing in bottles to avoid the stairs.

>blithering ad hominem
Absolutely pathetic. It's more likely that it's you who doesn't know a thing about the period of time he's slandering, yet wasn't around for. Sure, let's just go with 5he speculation that nearly every "traditional" family held a dark secret of the patriarch abusing alcohol, constantly raping his wife and daughter, and no one really being happy, it was all just a farce.

Good thing our sensible modern values have prevailed by introducing an endless stream of no-fault divorces and broken families.


>He believes this
You are why I stir up anti-jew hate everywhere I go.
If you where realistic you would know everyone hates Israel.

I'm pretty sure that your the virgin.