I’m sick and tired of all of the hate towards the Boomers on this board...

I’m sick and tired of all of the hate towards the Boomers on this board. We were the most successful generation EVER and you snowflake millenials are just plain jealous. My kids are well off, so why the hell can’t you losers?? Back in my day, I worked for $6.35 an hour doing construction during my senior year of college. All of that while taking Algebra!! I’m pretty sure you stupid kids don’t take Algebra in college nowadays. It was the most difficult math class offered. So quit complaining and go get a fucking job, we had it way worse back then! It would be great if fellow boomers could chime in to teach these kids a lesson.

Attached: CB27CEA3-6299-40A3-9832-B76CE90D5416.jpg (1024x567, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No drooling little millennial cry babies care to respond?

Sad, maybe you stupid millenials can put a few callouses on your hands and grow a pair!!

Im a genxer and think you're a crying little worthless bitch looking to get stabbed in the ass by a pack of niggers

I’m a boomer and I also agree! Millenials these days are simply lazy... my kids did well but the majority really put me off. I wish we could do something but we might as well enjoy what we’ve worked for now that we’re retired!

What in the hell is your problem?

It’s a fucking Leaf!

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Not gonna lie, former boomer here. This is fucking hilarious watching millennials crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this generation get their hands on our social security checks

Your ID doesn't change when you change your flag, retard.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Q & fbianon. The predictions are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetical physics most of the revelations will go over a typical Jow Forumsack's head. There’s also Q's insider outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from spirit cooking literature, for instance. The boomers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these revelations, to realise that they’re not just based- they say something deep about KEK. As a consequence people who dislike Q & fbianon truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, Q's existential tripcode which itself is a cryptic reference to Trump's American epic "The Art Of The Deal" I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as fbianon's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Q & fbianon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 redpills of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>sick and tired of all of the hate towards the Boomers
>calls millennials "snowflakes"

Attached: BOOMER WAGES ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION 1.jpg (1967x1564, 339K)

Lol. Funny bait is funny

Troll more softly kid.

Ah this is good copypasta here. New friends will flock to it.


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Mandatory medical or armed forces service 18-22 maybe 24

>eats cookie given for doing his job
Fuckoff and die old bastard. For those of you that get social security and medicare, you won't be getting it for long. I'm tired of paying for your cowardly existence. WE are cutting you off. You worthless wretches of human shit let the government kill your president and then let that same government kill your kids after a gulf of tonkin false flag. Your children, whether they have money or not know that you are mental cowards. The technological revolution was unstoppable, but you did your best to fuck it up anyway. WE survived you and now have to clean up your mess. Great legacy, Mr. reverse mortgage. May you all get disemboweled in a car crash today.

i'm a boomer and i need my diaper changed

Attached: old.jpg (1200x1200, 134K)

How are your grandkids doing?

Boomers love Q and being lied too, Boomers have been lied to their entire lives...
>vaccines are good boomer goy
>government is good boomer goy
>Israel is good Boomer goy

No wonder they believe NEWQ and the Psyopp...


Dumb Boomers when will you learn

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>post a picture with small text

>boomers can't read small text


What the hell is your problem? And you call yourself a republican...

>vaccines are good boomer goy
But vaccines are good.
>inb4 t. pharma jew
Its true, antivaxxfags are retarded and scientifically illiterate

>Switches flag to respond to his own post
Maybe it's a real technologically illiterate boomer after all.

just purge everything in fire.

What are you talking about sheep fucker?

>We were the most successful generation EVER
Arguably they were (I saw they, because you aren't a boomer)
But they also completely lacked foresight that lead to the economic slump we're currently in. Can't have your cake and eat it too if you ain't gonna burn some calories.
>food analogy