Which bible?

Well Jow Forums, I've finally decided to let Christ into my heart and save my filthy degenerate soul.
I was baptized and confirmed as a Roman Catholic but never read the bible since I was too busy being an edgy atheist.
If western civilization is going to survive, or at the very least, leave a couple of white wholesome communities in this world for our children, then Christianity is the only path I can see.
Which version of the bible is Jow Forums approved so I can do my part for the white race?

Attached: sexxy nun.jpg (476x750, 38K)

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read the original Sumer texts, bible scriptures come from there anyway, so you might as well start with the original.

the holy bible

Talmudic Old Testament.


douay rheims Bible is by far the best I've found, unless you're fluent in hebrew, latin, aramaic, and greek
If so, go for copies of the original texts

Just don't try to read the Bible from front to back like it's a book. It's a collection of books, you'll discover it talks to you if you let it, by strobing around in the books of the Bible to find inspiration.
Also that's one of the few white grill images/looks that I could never run hot for.

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King James version

Attached: READ SIEGE BY JAMES NOLAN MASON.jpg (1200x800, 189K)