Kraut/pol/ - Who'll Be First Edition

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Gonna get banned soon. See you in valhalla.



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>Reichsamt approves of this new meme

Do a Putsch-Chan version already! ;)

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you are right, but wages (gross income) is fine in germany. The problem is net income is not and that is (at least partially) because we have to pay for unproductive people.

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If people wouldn't have to be afraid to land on the street just because they didn't take the shitty Zeitarbeit-job, then those companies would have to pay higher wages, duh.
t. faggot born with silverspoon in mouth

If you support Hartz 4 and capitalism, you are scum.


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Ofcourse taxes are too high but wages are artificially kept low with Hartz 4 and invading shitskins taking the lower jobs.

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by capitalism I mean our current travesty called "capitalism". A truly free capitalism might work but won't happen anytime soon.

I don't support Hartz4. We spend way too much money for parasites, that's the reason our fucking taxes are so high. But let me guess, you don't care about taxes because you never paid any in your entire life.

Neets get the rope too!

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Just because the number goes up does not mean you have a better wage.
If you earn 100 dollars in an economy where everyone gets a hundred dollars for free every month, you earn less than someone who earns 80 dollars in an economy where noone gets free shit.
That being said, welfare is the best way to destroy a society from a social standpoint. Our policies should not care about abstract numbers above all else.

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>Wir sind der Auffassung, dass gesellschaftliche Debatten von gegenseitigem Respekt,
Gemeinsinn und Vernunft geleitet werden sollten und daher ohne beleidigende, unsachliche
oder gar strafbare Beiträge auskommen müssen. Wir haben die mit uns geführten
Gespräche dokumentiert, archiviert und werden daher alle strafbaren Äußerungen bei den
zuständigen Strafverfolgungsbehörden zur Anzeige bringen.

working as IT support for shitty 1900€ brutto, fuck off.

didn't we just agree that the wages are fine?
How does one keep the wages low with hartz 4? are you proposing to give them more money so the wages rise and the shitskins don't work? wouldn't this just lead to a rise in prices so called inflation which burns away your savings?

>didn't we just agree that the wages are fine?
Wages aren't fine, anything under 3000€ brutto isn't even enough to get a pension above Hartz 4 level.

Do you krauts have any good sources on the german technocratic movement? I somewhat envision the possibility of establishing a dictatorship of scientists in the near future.

>How does one keep the wages low with hartz 4?
Hartz 4 = being forced to take every job, no matter how badly it is paid.
Ofcourse that keeps wages down, are you retarded?

>Yes Sir, please pull the plug, wait for 10 seconds and then put it back in. That should solve the problem. Have a nice day
>Man I wonder why nobody is paying me more, I work so hard for my money. Fuck capitalism! I deserve at least 5k for this kind of work. My boss is so greedy. REEEEEEEEEEE
t. IT Support

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>establishing a dictatorship of scientists in the near future

I love the new meme btw :)

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It has nothing todo with race or ethnicity, but in the context of european history
a linguistic map of the alemannic German or German dialects might be interesting for some anons here.

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Pensions is shitting on your childrens future. I plan on working until I die.

Most scientists are beta males, so this is not a good idea.

t. retarded user

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You sound like a CDU-voter.

Stop being autistic shitlords and start your own family. Hitler would kill you by now.

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yeah because we are taxed to high. wages are already great compared to the rest of europe. further raise would result in higher prices and higher harz 4 and would attrakt more immigration

This doesn't affect wages since they are in no competition. It's 100% high taxes keeping wages low.
Instead of alimenting shitskins we could've had our own little economic boom by lowering taxes and generating a higher domestic demand.

But I guess lefties profit from the system, since they want to keep their clientele fed by the state and it's employees who are loyal lefties as well. Refugee influx raises the supply for "welfare" institutions,who need mo money fo dem programz fo integration and sheit

discuss this shit ffs, only kikes and fags itt.

Instead of having to take any job because you would starve othwise. #

Sure if we stopped paying them their flat, they would turn homeless and couldnt get a job anymore. So we would get rid of all dindus every winter.

Of course komrade drunkie. Wouldn’t it be great to have a bureau of eugenics? By the way, how difficult is inserting a single gene into a eukaryote? There are some small modifications which would prove very usefull. However for now robotics offers the greatest avenue of expansion, as it for example allows for the creation of a far more reliable internal security forces.

>unqualified shitskins aren't competing with unqualified germans for low-paying jobs
yep, retarded.

I doubt that’s the case in stem. Asocial, yes. Beta, definetely not.

Even Bismarck knew this was a shitty idea. That's how you end with a shithole like the US.

If you guys cut your taxes, it would increase jobs as well. People look for numbers when they decide where to put their big business. I'd rather pay 13% taxes in the USA than pay 80% taxes in Germany. You're asking a lot of "loyalty" for little rewards.

Race to the bottom doesn’t really work.

Even the retarded mutt gets it. You should feel ashamed

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Why would you hire a refugee who can't read nor speak german for a menial job, if you have to pay him minimum wage also? This would only work without federal minimum wage.

Refugees are only a competition with regard to social welfare and housing in cities.

Well ... we could do some pre-selection before that. Take a few dozen scientists and drop them on a remote island. They are assigned a certain budget to obtain anything they require to build their own little lab. The goal is to use the stuff they build/invent to mercilessly kill each other after a grace period of maybe a month.

>Science deathmatch! There can only be one!!

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It does. This is literally Trump's plan. Compete with numbers, expect little "loyalty" on big companies. Rack in the money. USA big business' were paying more than even England, and now we have been rewarded with bonus', etc. I myself received a bonus, and pay raise with Trump's tax plan.

Typical Besserwessi bullshit, you're not better than a CDU voter, Tayanon. Pathetic.
Kick out the shitskins and raise wages for the lower class.

There have only been a handful of pensioner-generations and look at where we are already. Why are you so entitled? Why are you such a shallow materialist? Don't you know there's nothing better than rubbing sweat off your brow?
I am in stem, and it's definitely true. Alphas are generally found in the world of commerce.
Just look at our own resident tripfag to see how true it is :^)
Just select them by how many girls they have fucked.

8,50€ is pathetic and not enough to live, duh. A relaistic minimum wage would be 12€.

>wanting a pension above Hartz 4 is being entitled
t. neocon

I know what I'm talking about you moron

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Literally, I do the same job as I did before; Back in ugh say 2014 I would have made $900 with Obama every 2 weeks, and under Trump I already make $1200 paycheck for the same hours, same jobs, (shit sometimes it's easier work), and I'm expected another .40 cents this year, and another $1 raise next.

this. Also increasing domestic demand. Taxation in Germany is a huge scam against the middle classes.

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The bonus that the american workers received was extremely marginal and the cuts to subsidies were afaik larger. The issue is that you cannot compete with the third world by pushing down wages and taxes so protectionism and other more creative means are far more efficient at bringing companies in.

Stop with this propaganda speak. People survived before there was money, ergo you don't need any money at all to live.

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nice 1990 maymays

How is aspie dictatorship a bad thing?

>Ein Gehalt auf Mindestlohnniveau reicht auch nach 45 Beitragsjahren nicht für eine Rente oberhalb der Grundsicherung. Vielmehr müsste der Stundenlohn dafür bei 11,68 Euro liegen, wie aus einer Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage der Linken hervorgeht. Heute gilt ein Mindestlohn von 8,50 Euro.
Jaja Zeit, gibt genug andere Quellen, interessiert euch Besserwessis eh nicht.

better get an education beyond Hauptschule then and you're good to go. Few people actually work for minimum wage, apart from completely unskilled workers or maybe student jobs

>Then you don’t mind if we increase your taxes to 200 % of all income do you ;)

come on besserwessi really?
i didn't used that

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I see huge potential in cybernetics in the near future ... brain-machine interface might be feasable soon and as our neurons are rather plastic when it comes to new input there may be few limits on what you may achieve. Maybe also the other way around ... robotics controlled by artificial neural networks.

Introducing a gene? Honest answer ... it depends. Single nucleotide changes may be feasable already (assuming we are modifying fertilized eggs), introducing longer sequences (eg. partial or even whole genes) can be a real bitch even in a petri dish as you still mostly have to rely on the cell's DNA repair machinery to introduce that thing. With CRISPR you can only cut (and nowadays also mutate single 'letters' with good success) and the cell will take care of the rest, using some template you introduce to 'repair' the damaged DNA, introducing the code you desire. But DNA repair regulation is complex as hell and in some cell types gene insertion is like banging your head against a wall until the either the wall yields or your skull gives in.

I'm saying wanting a pension at all is being entitled. We have been on a wrong path for over a hundred years.
Too easily subversible. They don't assert dominance like a leader has to.

I know for a fact that Tayanon is a Wessi and has rich parents. Born with a silverspoon in the mouth yet thinks he's better than us Ossis.

well thats personal i am out :)

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How about just switching an entire chromosome?

So a private pension? Kek, good luck with these low wages. Only someone with a high wage would say such bs.
>work till you're dead
Kek, only a young faggot that has never experienced back pain would say such a thing.

Last time I checked aspies are stubborn af.

You're insinuating there was a "bonus" during Obama, the bonus' with Obama were far worse. You realize everyone would rather have cold hard cash than pay into a fantasy system with little guarantee they will even live to use it. I could do better with the $600/month Trump gave me than the government EVER could.

Straw man. When he says 8,50 is not enough to live, he is lying and exagerating to influence you. This is how they shift the overton window.
Once 12 euro is established, 12 will not be enough to live and so on and so on.

What is this faggotry?

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Teflon-Curio is back

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>aspie dictatorship

T4 the normies! ;)

Well, not exactly Chad material but think I could still beat most of my colleagues ^^

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It would be nice to see an estimate of the living costs.

i hope bayern loses the /based/ and /Freistaat/ status after voting Failhofer into office again with high percentages

I agree. Oddly enough I made more money at $7.25/hour than I did at $8.25/hour. When they bumped min. wage up just $1, my hours were cut 2/3rds to compensate.

You support low wages for a majority of german workers?

You’re counting tax cuts also in your increase?

My parents are upper middle class at best and I earned almost everything I own myself. I started working when I was 19 back when I still went to University. Some people are just smarter and more ambitious than other.

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You can privately finance a pension with no problems if you don't have to give away 40% of your money for Ali, Ayshe, Merhemmid, Kevin and M'beleke

You can't get a pension above Hartz 4 unless you make more than 12€/h. Fact.

In the US living costs are way lower.

AI and Automation will kill all simple and most other jobs anyway within 2-3 decades. Also "Das Leben ist kein Wunschkonzert"

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>8,50€ in 2017 sind 4,47€ in 1990
we can round that to 8 Mark per hour.

you couldn't "live" with 8 DM in 1990 you almost can't with 8,50. if you live outside of eastern germany you just can't pay the rent and internet and forced TV license and still have a kid or something

You know what ... that may not be too hard. I have no idea if this has ever been tried though. There was a publication a while back where they used CRISPR to introduce several cuts at critical sites within a chromosome's centromer region in live mice ... which effectively deleted the whole chromosome in the targeted cells. Microinsertion of the replacement chromosome may still be tricky, also you would have to introduce them in a pair unless you hit a 'sweet spot' during DNA replication phase of meiosis (effectively creating a sperm or egg with the new chromosome).


Workers as in industry workers are extremely well paid. Few germans actually work in menial labor. That's one of the reasons why nobody needs the SPD anymore.

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As I said, born with silver spoon in the mouth and likes to kick down on those with less money than you. Pathetic, get fucked.
>Nach oben buckeln, nach unten treten

and some people are ambitious and still don't make it, wich do not neglect the fact that there is no equality and there is nor forced justice.

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WTF?! Madness. Seems to be another way to get the German taxpayer's money, isn't it?

> EU verklagt Deutschland wegen zu schlechter Luft in Städten
> Brüssel zerrt Deutschland und fünf weitere Staaten wegen zu hoher Stickoxid- und
> Feinstaubbelastung vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof.

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Kraut/pol/s stand on the minimum wage

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Try that shit boi. Gotta get that metaphase sheid.

You sound like an arschmett Linke voter. You are in the wrong general Kevin.

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>muh back pain
If you can't live off a few hundred euros a month youre doing it wrong. This is because you are caught in the materialist merry go round like so many people nowadays.
My Grandfather is the man I respect most in my life, works everyday, climbs trees even and he's almost 80.
Why are you such a slave to your desires user?
Yet all the hartzer and immigrants around me can afford 8 kids and never work at all. Weird how that works isn't it?

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new thread theme

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Anything under 3000 is not enough to live.
How do you faggots want Germans to found families if they can't even buy houses or shit?

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>everyone who wants to raise wages must be a leftie
get fucked

Hello there