The tide is turning. Stay the course

The tide is turning. Stay the course.

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Fuck you SNL sell-out traitor cunts. Make all the 'right wing' friendly jokes you want—you're still going to fucking hang like the marxist pieces of shit you are.

>funny ha ha tv man takes five second break from bashing trump to tell a joke considered to be bleeding edgy by most people who actually watch this garbage

identify as whatever you want. i'm tired of media
edgy bullshit. hur hur disrespect this person
for shit tthat makes them comfortable

There will be no hangings. Stop being delusional.

>Fuck you SNL sell-out traitor cunts. Make all the 'right wing' friendly jokes you want—you're still going to fucking hang like the marxist pieces of shit you are.
Why? If they change their ways, wouldn't it make sense to forgive them?

Why the fuck is everyone losing their fucking minds over gender? If you're a man set your gender as male, and if you're a woman set it to femals, if you're a genderqueer donutkin they&them radical feminist SET YOUR GENDER AS THAT! You all care so much about gender and genitals, let people BE! If you're so annoyed about democrats then shut the fuck up instead of saying it on TV and kill yourself

Mental illness will not be tolerated.
You motherfuckers get the rope first