> be a NEET > get depressed and KYS when you realize you wasted your life and have no money or GF > be a wageslave > sell your soul and humanity to the Jews to a pittance and destroy your body as well if it’s manual labor > join the military > die for Israel
What the fuck else is there to do? God tier would be becoming a Socialite but unfortunately I don’t think my trust fund is quite big enough for that. I think I’ll just be a student for as long as I can convince my parent to pay for my college, at least then I trick myself into believing I’m accomplishing something worthwhile
you either accept your life or change it. complaining and whining is literally just wishing for someone else to make a change for you. imagine if everyone chose one of those 2, but never whined and complained and depressed and demotivated themselves and others in the process, as is so god damn common especially on this site. imagine what that world could be like, but more importantly, what your life could be
Carter Brooks
Become a hermit and live in the woods. You just need to find a rural and large enough area that people won't accidentally find and it would be a bitch for police to arrest you. I guess you could also buy a plane ticket to some third world shithole and just keep walking until you find land that no one knows and is uninhabited. The latter would get you in a lot more trouble though, the government will assume you're actually a terrorist or some shit and probably sic CIA on your ass.
Jose Taylor
>imagine if everybody else quit working like idiots and just chilled together naked and had sex all the time, eating from the fruit and veggies that literally grow freely from the ground