How can we Save Britain?

How can we Save Britain?

Attached: UKhatecrime2.jpg (3000x2340, 1.24M)

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Man I don't really think about it at all

have a bump

Needs to be nuked and recolonized at a later date, after the radiation is back to acceptable levels

we dont. they ruined everything. they deserve to die.

you are next btw

Attached: good bye angloscum.webm (622x574, 1.67M)

have another bump

Just don't bother. Save yourselves while you still can.

Attached: 853c69a442b48cfc2cbf7de8210e04b7.jpg (236x185, 10K)

Londoner here. It's too late I think...


It will be like Dunkirk but it in Dover