What the fuck, Britbongs

You elected ANOTHER muslim lord mayor?

>Filthy Somalian immigrant came there "for a better life" when he was a niglet
>Openly disrespects the Sovereign Queen

The absolute state of Bongland

Attached: 2018-05-18 09_26_53-Sheffield’s New Muslim Lord Mayor_ 'I Wouldn’t Even Do a Toast to the Q (659x624, 675K)

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Let it burn lmao senpai

Forgot link and archive


Queen got binned

Queen should revoke his passport and have him killed.

For those who don't realise, Sheffield is the city featured in the nuclear war docudrama, Threads.

I'm actually disgusted desu

Our friends pity and our enemies derision.

Meh officials in the US are saying way worse about our president
I still think we have it worse

Draw and quarter the traitor

Please nuke england, let the Irish take over.