Ugandan Knuckels not dead yet

Ugandan shaman knuckels will save the world.

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Based nigger is based.

he's not wrong.

Legendary nog is nig.

i would certainly help

He's right you know

One less filthy kike in the world is ALWAYS a good fucking thing.

>world piece

In the part that eating hearth will turn you into superhuman or you wanna get rid of Israel?

So they have to eat the fireplace of the Israeli prime minister?

Cause that's what "hearth" means.

IDK, I just found this.

And live stream it.

That doesn't address which piece of the world this is for the sake of.

It all. He is a very wise nig

wtf I love uganda now

Trump eats the hearth becomes god emperor
Kim eats from the hearth becomes korean galactic space ruler

what's the best way to cook hearth?



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Too bad instead Trump likes to eat Israels asshole and does whatever they want.

raw with mustard


How the fuck do you eat a hearth? Teeth aren't made for chewing rocks. Are you gonna liquify it somehow first?


do jews even have hearts?

>World PIECE
Am I the only one noticing that the retards over at CNN can't even spell world peace correctly?


You can't make this shit up.

asking the real questions here

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Does he know da wei?