Who is he really?

Who is he really?
Where are the real pictures?
Will he crush Ralph?


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He is Buck Sexton's pitch modulator tuned 1/16th to the left.

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24 hour op or shekel opportunists? Seems IBS season finally is coming up and Metokur is going to cash in.

IBS gave me IBS

everyone wants to know who Jim really is yet for years no one has ever figured it out and all the threads about him on the chans vanish makes you wonder

I hate ralph so I hope jim can drive one of these

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Fuck off SFO

you are retarded

I'm just looking for answers. Is Jim truly the objective intellectual he portrays? Or is there a more sinister motive behind his actions?

why do you care? get a fucking life, loser.

Many, including myself, consider me a reporter. I am simply doing what reporters do, friend.

I'll give it a week before somebody digs into SFO and finds some embarrassing info.

you're the idiot wasting your time on a thread just to tell people they are wasting their time.

you're a fucking moron

Unless there is none...

Everybody has something to hide. If nothing can be found, people will target his family/friends.

Which would be a complete scumbag move. If someone tries that they will certainly be ostracized by more than just the IBS community, and rightfully so.

>If someone tries that
Bet on it.

He’s a 40 something old creep ass guy with a 20 y/o asian waifu. His photos got leaked by cow a couple of days back.

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But where are the photos?


The dude in that photo has an active twitter, it's not him.

I don't want anyone hurt, but I have to admit I am curious about the face connected to the voice, yet at the same time the mystery is also fun.

I don't know if people saw a real picture of jim or knew his real name if that would effect his viewership, might actually increase it.

I don't know if that would make him feel insecure and he no longer felt he couldn't dig through the garbage heaps on the net. course how much longer can he do that and stay sane?

lot of variables to consider.

regardless, I have no reason not to keep following Jim unless he turned out to be like Amos Yee.

I think it would absolutely affect viewership. It would go up for a week then drop like a stone. The mystery would be gone, he wouldn't be a faceless voice of reason, he would just be a pasty weeb bitching about other weirdos.

It's actually a woman with a voice modulator.

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this is all old stuff debunked years ago

He actually said something about this a few days ago. He said something to the effect that it's possible he could be doxed but it wouldn't change anything. He would still support anonymity and he wouldn't change course.

nah, content is king and he's got good content and great presentation.

his best stuff stands on it's own.I know what he does that's good cause I'll watched it several times and when the need arises fish it out and post it.The other stuff will fall to the wayside, like it does already.

he's going to do what he does, cause I think he's true to his words, he doesn't give a shit about this petty crap.

and as far as doxing, the only people who should fear that are women, and people who have been threaten.

yeah he's consistent cause I remember him saying that last year too.
I think one reason people follow him is cause he is confident in himself.

When you decide to go on the net you have to have a frame of mind that it's not that important, cause it's not.

If he is outed and I see a picture or see his face in a video I will always have two Metokurs in my head, before and after. His mystery will be rare among a certain group of people, almost like a collectors item, or the feeling that the book was different than the movie. And that's a special thing you can't buy or sell, cause it's real.

This is true, how else would he get the Murdoch-chan voice so convincing?

>Will he crush Ralph?
What did I miss?

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Makes sense

he's a guy on a wheelchair according to Queen of Poles but he's too scared to doxx him, so he probably comes from money

>Will he crush Ralph?
Did he call Ralph out?

When he appears on RR with SFO and Latmin I assume he will have all guns blazing and level everyone in the stream.

He's literally just a middle aged man that gets off on drama

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No, but Ralph giving a platform to Jims detractors might not sit well with the blood god.

>voice of reason

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I know, right? My results are even freakier (look in the top row of visually similar images)

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We found him boys

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I honestly have no clue what is going on with any of this.
after Baked I bailed, the drama was like an old ladies soap opera. Which is what Ralph sounds like, a gossipy old lady.

but I am interested cause I like Jim so anyone want to summarize?

wow that's how I pictured Ralph

Been drunk for two weeks, what happened this time? Who's crashing and burning now?

basically some of Jims old pals went on ralph and one said they had his info and could doxx him but wasnt willing to share any detais