Can any pagans on here testify to whether this is a reliable source of religious lore...

Can any pagans on here testify to whether this is a reliable source of religious lore, or if its just been changed beyond salvage. Is it gas station literature, or a good way to absorb our people's folkish history?

inb4 fuck off larper

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I read it. eh...
Seems like the Neil dude just made up a bunch of shit.

Neil Gaiman is a faggot.
Read the eddas and sagas and dont pay for information that is in public domain.

It’s gaiman, you dummy. Was Good Omens an accurate portrayal of the Tribulation?

Just read the eddas you mong

And this. There are tonnes of free sources online

Don't know much about him desu, just heard of this book recently and it claims to be accurate. Someone I know has it so just wondered if its worth reading.

Gaiman is a giganto-puss

The only people I know who are really into him are girls who failed out of schools like Sarah Lawrence.

yeah read the Eddas, this reads like a basic bitch retelling and leaves a lot of detail out many of the tales.

holy Shite I bought the book, god bless me and my wasted money brothers

Gaiman = GAY MAN...

Figure it out user. Tell me if you think this cocksucker can actually recite real life history or has to add his agenda to everything?

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Read this if you want an overview, comes recommended by Survive the Jive

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Read a couple different translations of the Havamal and you can form an option about what the point is yourself.

Oh, Wikipedia says he's married to a girl named Amanda, but my general policy is

gay = opinion discarded

Gaiman is a good writer not an archeological researcher.

all the lore you need is in your heritage

As everyone is saying hes full of bullshit. Its his own fantasy based on these characters like Marvel does.

Read the books that are available for free or take them out of your local library, im sure they have copies. Only buy a copy if you are dedicated and will actually read it multiple times and want a physical version to highlight etc.

If you want to truely LARP next level shit slowly teach yourself the older languages the originals are written in. Many translations are actually just wrong. Many concepts are not conveyed correctly et.c

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>pic related

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>our people
Fuck off Achmed.

anything with dead religions is safely in the realm of "LARP shit"
research on this when no one is alive believing it is basically the same as trying to figure out a dead language with no translation material available, or anyone who still lives and speaks the whole dictionary of that language.

>If you want to truely LARP next level shit slowly teach yourself the older languages the originals are written in. Many translations are actually just wrong. Many concepts are not conveyed correctly et.c
except it's not really possible because it's likely most of the actual content was never written down to make sure the context was right.
there could've been an unspoken rule about something in one spot, like
> "on this line, make sure you use a sarcastic tone"
and that fucks up the entire thing

(((Neil Gaiman)))

Unlike most posters here I listened to it on audible. It wasn't bad at all and didn't have anything injected into it to taint norse mythology unlike (((Marvel's Ragnarok))). I honestly don't know much about Gaiman but just listening to the stories myself, yeah it wasn't too bad. It's a great launching point once you know the more popular stories.

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